Thursday, October 03, 2019

Explaining the markets and China policy

The markets are in a big slide.  The “experts” have a long list of reasons why.  Here’s mine.  The markets have enjoyed tremendous growth.  Investors noticed the growth, so they decided to take profits.  I really do not think it’s any more complicated than that.  Money talks.  BS walks.

The one big wildcard in all this are the China policies.  It’s a strange bag.  Nearly everyone agrees that China has been screwing America for decades and something needed to be done. So when PDJT does something they go all wobbly and whine, “Something needs to be done, but not now!”

My take is - F**K the ChiComms.  These bastards sell us moldy drywall, toys tainted with lead paint and poison pet food.  They smuggle tons and tons of fentanyl into the country.  They manipulate their currency and steal our intellectual property.  They pile human rights violations atop of human rights violations.  They are our military near peer, and they have plans to dominate the Pacific region.  What’s the down side in breaking ties with these scumbags?

The stock market be damned.  ChiComms are a clear and present danger and must be confronted.  Wall St. knows that, but they don’t want to take their medicine.  They’d prefer to die rich in the next couple of years than live comfortably for decades.  They are the useful idiots of the ChiComms.

Bite the bullet.  Put China in its place. Real stability and prosperity will resume once the ChiComms are under control.    

Today’s JG rant
Anytime a human being looks in a mirror they see a hypocrite staring back.  So reading a long line of letters from hypocrites who rival the Pharisees questioning PDJT’s faith is amusing.  Take George D. Smith’s letter “President’s actions far from Christian” of Sep 3, 2019. As an all seer, I beg Smith to give me a call and tell me if I’m the straight path to the narrow gate, please.

Smith asks for examples of religious rights being trampled in America.  Smith, like the Pharisees, must be blind or willfully ignorant of events in America to make such a ridiculous statement.  President Obama sued the Little Sisters of the Poor for crying out loud.  Wake up.  Catholic adoption services are under assault for their adherence to their religious views.  Catholic hospital services are under assault due to their refusal to perform abortions.  Decades old war memorials are being pulled down because they contain a cross or a reference to Judea-Christian values.  Local governments have passed laws or resolutions banning Chick-Fil-A because of that company’s Christian values.  Hobby Lobby comes under assault for the same reasons. Some public schools have to be sued before they will allow a Christian clubs to form.  Bakers, photographers and florists are being sued to force them to participate in unions that violate their deeply held religious beliefs.  Examples go on forever, George.

Smith makes another equally ridiculous claim, “We have a president who would walk over anyone if it meant picking up a dollar.”  PDJT donates his salary, George.  PDJT has given up daily control of his vast financial empire to his children.  PDJT’s companies have refused to participate in foreign deals or grow their current overseas concerns while PDJT remains in office.

Smith worries about the example PDJT is setting for young people.  First, we didn’t elect a pope in 2016.  Next, only the dumbest among us didn’t know of PDJT’s many foibles before voting.  Trump won.

Now the modern day Pharisees line up to question PDJT’s Christian values.  I’d remind Smith that David was an adulterer and that Peter denied Christ three times, yet Peter is the rock upon which Christ chose to build his Church.  Hmm, how does that bit go?  “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”?  Something like that.

The tone of and vitriol contained in Smith’s letter demonstrate that he’s the one who needs to examine the log in his own eye before pointing to the speck in someone else’s.

Note to editors:  Come on, print it, babies.  

 President's actions far from those of Christian
In response to John Caywood's letter that tries to paint Donald Trump as a Christian (Sept. 17), I find it demeaning. If you want to compare him to Bible figures, go for it. Show me where our religious rights are being trampled on. A president who berates Muslims, blacks and other people of color can hardly be called a Christian.
We have a president who would walk over anyone if it meant picking up a dollar. In my church, we don't worship someone who resorts to name-calling, sexual encounters with women other than his wife, constantly telling lies, berating anyone who does not agree with his every whim, and walking all over our Constitution.
It is a total embarrassment to our young people to have him even in the limelight, let alone as a leader of our country. I can only imagine what the spineless Republican party would have done if Barack Obama would have been holding hands with every dictator who has been using Trump as their own personal puppet.
What worries me most is that he will do anything he wants and Mitch McConnell and his band will sit and do nothing. If what he does is not acceptable to a real Christian, why does everyone turn a blind eye? An uninformed person is easily led astray.
George D. Smith
New Haven

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