Friday, March 06, 2009

Are you broke? Just use last year's money.

Karl Rove wrote this in his NY Times OpEd piece this morning:

“[The Dear Leader’s] justification [for passing the pork laden 410 billion dollar budget proposal] comes to us from the White House's budget director, Peter Orszag, who recently called the omnibus spending bill ‘last year's business.’"

These are supposedly the world’s smartest people. Well then, how can they be so dumb?

Picture a very successful man at Christmas. In lieu of presents, the man promises the family he’s going to take them on a very expensive once-in-a-lifetime vacation in the summer. Then in Feb. the man is laid off. By summer his 401K has tanked. He’s behind two months on the mortgage and the outlook is very bleak.

Still he continues with his plans to load the family up for the expensive vacation. When the wife says, “Hey, we’d better reconsider this. We’re broke.” The man replies, “Don’t worry honey, remember this is last year’s business. It won’t affect things this year.”

But hey, again, these are the smartest people in the world. What the hell do us shlubs who rely on common sense know? Using that exact same logic I’m going to plan to buy a yacht this year. Then when Jan 1, 2010 rolls around and I’m just as broke then as I am now, I’ll tell the bank, boat builder and the wife, “Hey that was last’s year’s business. Give me my boat!”

If GM, CITI and other troubled companies used this accounting method the CEO’s would be jailed, but for some reason it makes sense to Demo-Dopes in congress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last year Pelosi and Reid delayed the funding/vote because they knew they would most likely have all three branches of government and they could determine this spending. Now that it is out-of-control it is GWB's last year's business. They asked for it and they own it. But hey, with the "victim card" always in play with these jerks you now wait to see if the economy gets better. If so take the credit and if not then blame Wall St, Fannie and Freddie, Big Auto, Big Drug, Global Warming (excuse me, Climate Change), Putin, Palin, and Dick Cheney.

The IowaHawk might say," Not since I was a young lad in my Nordic kilted regalia at the St.Paddy reptilian thrash fest have I witnessed such shillelaghed attacks as the modern day liberal embides onto the late King George." The Griffin.