Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If you had to kill yourself after displaying poor judgment, Washington D.C. would be a ghost town

The only thing funnier than AIG duping the dopes in congress are the dopes’ reaction to being duped. Think Yosemite Sam’s reaction to being blown up by his own dynamite when Sam goes after Bugs Bunny. As he walks away all burnt, tattered and singed Sam mutters, “Dad blame rabbit.”

The brilliant minds in congress that set this whole thing up are now going to invest in an ACME AIG bonus recovery kit. The kit includes everything from unconstitutional taxes on the bonus money to urging AIG employees to kill themselves, which ironically would make it nigh on impossible to recover the money congress is after. I fired this off to Senator Idiot…uh…Grassley:

Senator Charlie, Chuck, Chas Grassley (I for Idiot) IA, called upon AIG employees who approved or took bonuses to commit hari kari. Good thinking Chuck. Hey looser, if we’re going to encourage people to kill themselves for bad judgment, let’s start with the criminal class that populates much of congress and Washington D.C.:

First, how about everyone in Washington who voted for or signed the TARP and/or the stimulus bill(s) without reading it/them kill themselves? I cannot think of a single measure that would benefit America more.

And let’s not outsource the method to the Japanese. Let’s do it the old fashion American way. Go get a large caliber handgun so that you could not possibly miss what passes for brains in D.C., put the gun to your head and pull the trigger. You Chuck, no doubt, will have to pull the trigger several times to hit the target. Please, don’t give up. Just keep pulling the trigger and reload if you must.

How about the Freddie and Fannie managers and their congressional lackeys? Shouldn’t they kill themselves? If AIG execs need to be dead, certainly Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, Barney the pimp Frank and Chris really you have no idea how shameless I am Dodd should be required hrow themselves from the top of the Capitol Building?

And then there’s the REAL criminals in Washington shouldn’t they, at minimum, be required “to do the right thing”?

Ted Kennedy should have killed himself years ago on principle, but the there was that Mary Jo Kopechne thing.

Shouldn’t Bill Clinton have killed himself for being a perjurer?

Shouldn’t the Shrillda Beast be dead by now as well for aiding and abetting a perjurer?

Shouldn’t Slow Joe Biden have assumed room temperature after lifting lines from another man’s speech?

Shouldn’t Barney the whore house operator Frank be dead by now?

Alcee Hastings is an impeached FL judge serving in the house. Why should he be allowed to continue to deplete the oxygen supply?

Billy cold cash Jefferson has been indicted in a FBI sting, yet remains up right and voting on laws that govern the rest of us.

Then there is Demo-Dope Jimmy my wife’s a punching bag Moran whose wife once charged him with abuse. He has assaulted other members of Congress on the floor of the House (well good for him on that one) and is himself a former stockbroker whose judgment in trades is so bad he is broke from poor investments. He also assaulted a minor in some fracas. Jimmy claimed the minority Ute was trying to rob him.

Then there are the tax cheats that populate the Washington Class-less crowd Geithner, Daschel etc. Certainly they all need to be dead – right Chuck?

These are REAL criminals Charlie. Why shouldn’t they have to kill themselves?

In 2000 Capital Hill Blue was reporting this about congress:

* 29 members of Congress have been accused of spousal abuse.
* 7 have been arrested for fraud.
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
* 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses.
* 3 have been arrested for assault.
* 71 have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for acredit card.
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting.
* 21 are current defendants in lawsuits.
* And in 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving, but released after they claimed Congressional immunity.

WOW! Am I ever proud of MY congress now.

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