Friday, May 22, 2009

Really not that much of a duel

I didn’t watch the “dueling speeches” yesterday. But I did hear the endless loops on radio and TV. Seems to me, America got a good look at the petulant, whining, whimpering, it’s not my fault, George Bush did it, cry baby little turd of a Dear Leader juxtaposed against a thoughtful and serious man. After listening to that skinny clueless Dear Dope yesterday, I know now why he apologizes for his country everywhere he goes. He’s a moron and that’s what he thinks will make HIM popular.

The Dear Leader sounded very similar to Lex Jr. when I take him to the batting cage. Jr. spends more time bitching about where the machine is pitching the ball than concentrating on and trying to hit it. Both seem to have forgotten the mission. Jr’s is to hit the ball and the Dear Dope’s is to run the country while keeping us safe. When the going gets rough, both resort to excuse making. The machine is pitching the ball too low. That’s too far outside etc. etc. At least jr can mix the complaints up a bit – too fast, too high, too low, inside, outside. The Dear Leader’s excuse is always the same - George Bush did it.

Hey! Dear Leader - wake up! You’re the Dear Leader now. Act like it! Or as the Marines used to say, when in command – command. You’re the idiot who said he’d close Guantanamo without so much as a moment’s thought as to the consequences of that action. It’s not George Bush’s fault you’re an idiot. It’s not George Bush’s fault that you opened your pie hole and set a date certain for closing G’itmo before even asking (never mind working out the answer) the very pertinent question, “WTF are we going to do with the likes of Kahlid Sheik Mohammed if we close G’itmo?”

And something the Dear Leader and others of his ilk seem totally unaware of: The US Constitution does NOT apply to foreign nationals. When we capture man-made-disasterists in Iraq, we don’t’ have to read them Miranda rights. They don’t have any. They are not US citizens and they are not on US soil where constitutional rights might be conferred to them due to their location. That’s why Guantanamo was opened in the first place.

But hey it’s always better to appear as if you’re taking the moral high road than to actually have a handle on what your brain-dead policies might cause. So give a high talkin’ speech in front of the constitution whining about how hard you have to work. There is locker room term that fits this pansy to a tee. You all know the type - always whining; always complaining; when something goes wrong, he places the blame on someone else; he never steps up to take responsibility himself; he feigns injury to get out of drills; he comes with matching shoes, glove, bat, batting gloves and helmet all contained in his own personalized equipment bag. That’s our Dear Leader - all show no go.

But we’d all rather be around the guy who shows up with a worn out glove that has been handed down in the family for years and otherwise uses the team equipment. He runs everything out; can be counted on to always back his teammates up; he doesn’t make excuses for his team’s or his own play and he never quits. That’s Dick Cheney - all go no show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We water board three people 7 1/2 years ago. The cry goes out by libs, the ACLU, demorats wanting to demonize Cheney and Bush, and then Obama spills CIA memos of EIT's, then they all bark that we must close Gitmo because it is a recruiting tool for terrorists. Well it would not be a recruiting tool (like these suicide-nutballs need another reason)if Obama and Reid/Peolsi/ChuckYou and others did not demand that Gitmo be closed. And is all GWB's fault. GWB and Cheney did not make it a problem. Hell, they should have handed out medals to our troops at GITMO. Call me an old romantic but torture to me is selecting innocent people, removing a limb, an eye, or applying a branding iron to them to really be torture. Harsh language is not torture. So, the professor Obama is reinforcing his lack of understanding in practical matters. GITMO is Obama's problem that did not exist until he created it. The Griffin.