Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hasan and Schultz: birds of a feather?


Proving it has learned NOTHING from the Fort Hood massacre, the Army released its report on the incident without the use of the words “Islam,” “Muslim” or “terrorist” when referring to the murdering terrorist bastard Maj Nidal Hasan. The report refers to Hasan as a "gunman" and "the alleged perpetrator."

How can that be? How can an 86 page report detailing the deeds a lunatic Islamo-Terror-Fascist who murdered 14 and wounded more than a score more NOT include the words “Islam:” as in Maj Hasan was warned repeatedly not to use his counseling sessions to try to convert his patients to Islam; or “Muslim:” as in Maj Hasan is a radicalized Muslim who had “SOA” or soldier of Allah printed on his business cards; or “Terrorist:” as in Maj Hasan is murdering traitorous terrorist bastard who should water boarded every 15 min of every day until he shot by firing squad at the earliest opportunity; how can the Army not see what is going on after Ft. Hood?


Not quite as big a scum bag as Hasan but close. Lex noted yesterday that Schultz confirmed what anyone with a pulse already knew, Lib lie, steal and cheat to win. But there is another point about Schultz’s odious comment that that I happened to think of while venting on the cowardly Army report on Hasan.

While the men and women of our armed forces take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and indeed many die in fulfillment of that oath, Schultz, ACORN, Al Smally Franken, and Demo-Dope Libs in general mock those who serve every time they engage in or encourage voter fraud.

The quickest way to a real shooting revolution is for the people to feel that their voice is not being heard, and if it is heard, ignored by arrogant pols. Then, when they try to remove the unresponsive arrogant pols, they have their vote cancelled by fraud – fraud supported by the arrogant pol. When the democratic system breaks down and there is no trust in free and fair elections there remains only one path.

So it is not right-wing militias that are sowing the seeds of revolt in this country. The ones really sowing the seeds of revolution are douche bags like Ed Schultz and Al Smally Franking and the win at any cost Demo-Dopes.

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