Friday, February 10, 2012

Buying votes

Yesterday the P-BO and certain big banks teamed up to buy votes for the P-BO by bailing out homeowners who are delinquent on their house payments. Now I’m current on my house payment. Soooo, should I consider becoming delinquent so that I can become eligible for the P-BO’s plan to write down the principal on my loan? Why yes I think I should. I won’t, but you can bet thousands of other home owners will.

Also, the 27 billion banks are taking out of one pocket to stuff into another represents less than 1% of the cost of homes in America that are behind in payments or where the home is worth less than what is owed. So this whole charade is like the P-BO showing up in New Orleans after Katrina with a bucket and after pouring a few bucket loads of water over a levy that has a quarter mile gash in it, declaring he has saved the city. Like everything with the King of the @$$clowns, this is all smoke and mirrors.

But this arrangement will not stop the banks from raising ATM, checking, savings, and loan fees to recoup the cost of the money that came from the left pocket and was put into the right pocket. Again the only people who get screwed in these deals are the poor saps playing by the rules.

The only good news in any of this is that the P-BO is trying to buy votes from people he’s already paid off, moochers.

Waste associated with this program will surpass even the waste associated with most government programs.

Somehow a dozen or so P-BO campaign bundlers will be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fund.

Audits of the program will reveal lots of money legally went to wealthy home owners who easily out witted the dim witted government bureaucrats administering the program.

Any shortcomings of the program will be blamed on George W. Bush.

At some debate ahead of the Nov election the P-BO will declare the mortgage crisis over as a result of his own fearless leadership. The press will run with the story irrespective of the actual truth.

In reality, aside from a staged press opportunity, not ONE USEFUL thing will be accomplished by the program.

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