Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The P-BO is no bitter clinger

Channeling his inner Revs? Al and Jesse at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast the P-BO misinterpreted this scripture passage:

“for unto whom much is given, much shall be required”

The full passage can be found here. Were the P-BO’s interpretation of this passage correct, yeah it’d be a miracle, but it would also mean that we could simply buy our way into heaven. No?

Jesus expects much more of us than a willingness to “spread our wealth around.” I’ll tell you this, anyone who thinks that he is doing his share for mankind because he pays taxes is missing the point. Were that the case, Warren Buffet would pay his taxes and instead of just talking about wanting higher taxes for the rich, he and others who make that ridiculous argument would gladly send them in with little fanfare. And if the P-BO were making an accurate interpretation of the Bible they could buy their way into heaven by paying higher taxes.

First off, and I’ve said before on this page, if your great contribution to man is paying your taxes, you’re likely to have problems at the gate of heaven. If when asked, “What contributions have you made for man?” Your answer is, “Well, I paid my taxes.” You are likely going to have a tough sell. Next, and I believe this to be absolutely true, we’d all be better off giving the money we spend in taxes to help the poor to the Catholic Church. They do a better more compassionate job serving the poor with far less waste than the bloated federal government.

But sadly for Warren and the other raise my taxes please crowd, God never said material wealth and what we did with it would be the measure by which He would judge us. In fact, I’d guess that criterion is pretty far down his list. A poor man, contributing nothing to the offering plate or tax collector but living a Godly life is surely doing more than a rich man who tithes but otherwise does little to live his life inside God’s teachings. We call the first group saints. We call the latter group hypocrites. Since the word hypocrite is synonymous with Demo-Dopes, we know why the P-BO botched this passage.

And couldn’t we make the case that America is like the servants in the parable? Certainly we have been given much. Certainly we have done much. We were able to contribute because our economy has been powered freedom. Our people are the freest most giving in the history of the world. We now stand on the edge of losing our freedom and the economy will follow whatever path we choose. What we as a nation are able to contribute will be affected by the choices we make as a people.

If we believe as the founder did that this land of ours was founded by divine providence, I’d argue that parents who are teaching their children what American exceptionalism truly means and thereby persevering her greatness are doing great things not measured in dollars.

Last and not surprisingly, the P-BO just flat out missed the primary focus of Jesus’ parable. The primary purpose of the parable is to teach us to be always prepared for the Master’s return, for we do not know the time of His calling. The “much is given” in this passage, I think, refers to eternal life. The “much is expected” refers to living a good life. Only a shallow dope would cherry pick the last line as means to argue for higher taxes. He should have asked a bitter clinger for advice on this passage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render unto God what is God’s. In the twisted world of Obama, Caesar (or government) and God are one in the same. In Obama’s world, charity requires government to be the middle man or the moneychangers. In Obama’s world, he can force a church to violate its own doctrines, or pay penalties to the government. He is very wrong. I hope the church will do neither. Easter is coming and the resurrection has additional meaning. The Griffin.