Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How screwed are we?

This how screwed we are.

What to rant about today?




Immigration reform?


Homosexual marriage?

IRS scandal?

Racists targeting Zimmerman?

Racists targeting everything but the real problems in the black community?

Fast and Furious?

Meltdown of Robertscare?

Out of control government?

Out of control government because of Republican weaklings?

Out of control entertainment figures?

Out of control sports figures?

Fed propping up markets?

Swells in Washington D.C. living large while the country slides into the abyss?

School systems more interested in teaching tolerance for homosexuals than math?

Impending doom of American culture due to low birth rates, abortion and birth control?

Etc. etc.

Looking at the list, it dawned on me we’re totally screwed.

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