Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Boehner hanging tough...for now

I guess Boehner gets about a B+ for his efforts so far.  That surprises me.  He’s holding together a coalition that includes American heroes like Louie Gomert from TX and surrender at all cost Republi-Rats like Pete King from NY.  Not a bad job to date.

Pete king is typical loathsome NY whiner – not wiener mind you – whiner type.  No matter how much he loots from the treasury, it is never enough.  Anyone who objects to lavishing more and more money on NY city for 9-11, 12 years after the fact, or super storm Sandy, from a country 17 TRILLION dollars in debt, is a target for Pete.  Reason and circumstances never figure into Pete’s thinking.  Something bad happened in NY give us all the money or I’ll attack you on Fox News.

Pete would be great if he bothered to send even half of the vitriol he deals to his Republican colleagues to the Demo-Dope side of the aisle.  That won’t happen, because the lapdog media love a traitorous bastard Republi-Rat who deals dirt on their colleagues, and Pete loves the lapdogs attention more than being a Republican.  Pete’s like the John McCain of the House or maybe the Chuckles the clown Schumer for running in front of any camera that happens to be rolling.

Also, Republicans need a female minority whose primary roll it is to level the Demo-Dopes.  So when Babs Milkulski, super Dope MD, comes out calling conservatives “teabaggers” the Republican response can smack the Dope right between the eyes.  Being female and a minority should be enough to insulate that person from attack from the lapdog media.

Like:  “Babs Milkulski’s crude remark is typical of the classless fools who populate the Dope party.  Babs also has the distinction of being such a disgusting human specimen – the hideous pinnacle combination of short, fat and ugly – so much so that Babs has the unique distinction of being the only 'woman' in the greater D.C. area that Clinton wouldn't ‘do.’  Ah, I guess we need qualify that now.  Make that - neither one of the Clintons would ‘do.’”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
So much for who said what when, etc. Not funding Obamacare and not increasing the debt limit are good reasons to shut down the government. The USA is broke with no plan on how to pay off our debt. If the government is shut down it is not borrowing more money. Like crack addicts they lash out and a lot of people saying we must keep it going. I say break the habit. Balance the budget. The catastrophe is more borrowing, waste, and disregard for the next generations that will have to pay for this habit. Is it better or worse to keep doing what we have done or to stop it? Either way it will hurt. But it is best to fix it, balance a real budget, or shut it down. Pretty simple. Painful but not complicated.