Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Bergdahl is the tip of this dysfunctional administration's dysfunction

Bad news saturates the fruited plain.  King SFB lets loose 5 Islamo-Terror-Fascists to free an ITF sympathizer.  Seems to me they were birds of a feather.  Why all the hoopla to get a guy back from a place he deserted to get to?

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it 100 times since Bergdahl’s release, “I’m happy for the family, but….” Well count me among a minority who is NOT happy for the family.  I’m more concerned with the families of soldiers who died looking for the little piece of crap.  I’ll save my emotions for them and the families of service members killed and wounded capturing the five ITF King SFB let loose on the world.

Riddle me this Batman, at what point does a parent wise up and figure out that their spawn are no good?

Did Timothy McVeigh’s parents ever come to terms that their son was nothing more a heartless, soulless, mass murdering, criminal?  I don’t know.  Hard as it may be for a parent who has wrapped their dreams around their child since day one, only to see them go so bad, you’d think at some point they’d say, “I don’t know where we went wrong.  We are so sorry.  Tim’s got accept responsibility and pay for what he’s done.”

With that as back ground Sgt Bergdahl’s father, Bob Bergdahl is an @$$hole of the highest order.  He knows his son is a piece of traitorous garbage.  Still he’s happy to have him home.  I guess that makes his old man traitorous POS as well.  I hope he gets a front row seat for the firing squad that his worthless ITF loving son deserves.

That sounds harsh.  I know.  But I’ll lay one of my favorite quotes on you.

“We have just caught a deserter and after shaving his head, have had 200 lashes well laid on, but until we can shoot one or two we will continue to be plagued by this behaviour.”
Major William Ward Burrows
Commandant, Marine Corps

At this point I’d settle for the 200 lashes.  I’d raise money for the Wounded Warrior fund by auctioning off each lash to the friends and families of those killed looking for the bastard and the 5 ITF.

The Pentagon’s position that it’s not cut and dried that men were killed looking for Bergdahl is King SFB azzkissing or at a minimum azz covering BS.  By law anything that occurs during the commission of a crime is attributed to that crime.  If the bank guard suffers a heart attack during a robbery and dies as a result, it doesn’t matter that he was 50 pounds over weight.  It matters that his heart was stressed during the robbery.  If a woman is killed during a shootout by a stray bullet from a cop or perp’s gun it falls on the perp.  Any injury or death to any soldier that occurred while conducting operations to locate the traitor are the responsibility of the traitor.

While we are sick to our stomachs at Bergdahl’s and his Commander in Chief’s treason, HHS is dumping an ocean illegal alien “dreamers” from Texas in Arizona on the honor system that they will appear for their court date.  Why dump them in AZ?  Pay back.  You may recall Arizona is being sued and now punished it seems by the Feds for adopting a state statute that mirrors the federal statute on illegal immigrants.  The difference being that the state intends to enforce its statute.

While that’s going on, King SFB’s EPA, through regulation, just enacted a cap and trade scheme that was rejected by the legislator.  So the legislature and elections really do not matter at all any more to this tyrant and his gang azzweasels.

While that’s going on California ranchers are going broke because of water being diverted from ranching to protect a three inch bait fish.

While that’s going on gasoline is pennies from $4 a gallon in the heartland.

While that’s going on food prices are skyrocketing.
While that’s going on the “loyal opposition” is chumming it up with the people they are supposed to be opposing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Sunday this happened. President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, said on ABC that Bowe Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction". Now we praise deserters? Lex is right. This nonsense is endless and is where "uncommon dysfunction is a common virtue". To serve this admin you must be devoid of the realities of plain common sense. The people of the US have no leadership. The admin is a place where mandatory drug testing must have been forsaken. A place where a terrorist was released that hung a 7 year old boy for having American dollars in his pocket, and deserters are held in high esteem. These people are dangerous.