Monday, June 16, 2014

Rat "leaders"

Rat Republicans seeking "leadership" position

Rat Republicans are lining up to snatch the cheese from the trap that killed their fellow Rat Republican Eric Cantor's political career.  The cheese or reward is being Rat Republican House “Leader.”  The trap is that nobody, not even family members, trust anyone in a Rat Republican “leadership” position.  Why would anyone but a douche like Orange Julius (OJ) Boehner want a “leadership” position in today’s GOP?

ASIDE:  In keeping with the “new tone” on this page the boner head moniker for Boehner is out.  It’s certainly an accurate if juvenile descriptor of Boehner for this page.  It’s so obvious.  Boehner’s probably been dealing with that since the 5th grade.  I’m going for something a bit more subtle.  So I decided on Orange Julius to celebrate Boehner’s totally unnatural skin pigmentation obtained from too many tanning bed session or some cheap tanning solution.  Shortening that moniker to OJ puts him a class with a douche who committed double homicide and got away with it.  Boehner’s capitulation in the House on everything that matters to American conservatives is only slightly less heinous.     
Lex’s advice to conservative Republicans is to let the Rat RINOs continue to run the sinking ship that is the “establishment” GOP.  Don’t get caught on the GOP flagship named the Hindenbismahoma.  OJ wanted to call his flagship something big and powerful.  He thought: “Nothing’s bigger than the Hindenburg.  Nothing is more powerful than the combined fire power of the battleships Bismarck and Yokohama.  Hey!  What if we combined them?  Yeah, that’s the ticket.”  Satisfied with his day’s work, OJ bought an extra pack of smokes and headed to the tanning bed.

ASIDE:  Dennis Miller on Grand San Fran Nan’s Botox induced permanent look of shock and astonishment:  How would you like to go through life looking like you're perpetually witnessing the docking of the Hindenburg?”

I don’t give a crap who you are, that’s funny.  Did you notice how all those disparate thoughts were carefully woven into a text that flows as smoothly as a fat man coming down the giant slide at the Wet N' Wild water park? 

Oh, while we’re on the subject of Peloser, I ran across this piece this morning.  Seems San Fran Grand Nan has taken to warning Catholic prelates what they should and shouldn’t do in espousing the Catholic catechism.  Peloser is warning SF’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone NOT to march on the US Supreme Court in favor of traditional marriage.  No, that’s not creepy at all in America to have a high ranking political leader in one of the two major parties warning religious leaders what rallies they can and cannot support.  Remember, at one time this idiot (g)assbag was second in line to the presidency.  No doubt she now has the NSA working overtime collecting data on the archbishop, his family and associates looking for something that can be used a la John Roberts on Robertscare (Yeah, I’m still clinging to that conspiracy theory) to get the bishop back in line with the Dope agenda.

Also her reasoning demonstrates what a complete moron she is.  From the piece:

…the event would feature some participants displaying “disdain and hate towards LGBT persons,” and asserting, "If someone is gay and is searching for the Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge him?"

As far as I know, the Catholic Church doesn’t hate, condemn or judge LGBT, BLTs, or almost anyone or anything else.  It is tolerant to the point of frustration to some of us.  I guarantee you the LGBT community and their Gay Gestapo are far more hateful, judgmental and intolerant than anyone I have met in the Catholic Church.  This is NOT a march against LGBT persons.  It is a march in favor of traditional marriage.

But Dope Peloser’s straw man argument makes a point Lex has been making for some time.  For radical homosexuals, tolerance is not enough.  If you are not actively supporting and celebrating their lifestyle, they will sic the Gay Gestapo on you.  The archbishop should respond with a one line letter in return, “If you truly have a ‘love of the Catholic faith,’ try reading, understanding, and most importantly following its catechism.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
George Will said a month ago that the answer of how much freedom we have is based on how much liberty we have. I believe the issues in 2012 were symptoms of ever restricting liberties. This was not addressed. The republirats and demorats will now face a rabid grassroots electorate. Problems left unresolved tend to get worse. The near daily significant failures of our politics has as root causes the big govt statists in power, and the incompetent leadership. The pols should not be playing small ball now. The real issues are overbearing govt and incompetency. All else follows. 2014 and 2016 will see big swings to candidates endorsing liberty, proving competency, and the will and fortitude to carry it forward. Global warming, LGBT issues, immigration are small ball right now.