Friday, June 20, 2014

Gay Mafia Vs. Gay Gestapo

Some in the Lapdog media refer to militant homosexuals as the Gay Mafia.  You know the ones.  This bunch of mind-numbed creeps cannot let a Brendon Eich run Mozzila, a company he founded, because he supported CA’s prop 8.  Prop 8 was a statewide initiative that defined marriage the same way King SFB defined it before he pitched that principle in favor of making a run at homosexuals’ money to fund his reelection campaign.

Lex refers to this class of classless people (the militant homosexuals not King SFB) as the Gay Gestapo.  Why?  Well, once you strip away murder, bribery, extortion, drugs, prostitution and gambling, the Mafia is essentially an Italian social service network – Italian community organizers if you will.

Sure they’d whack Louie the Lipp Pizzano if he got out of line, but then they’d send a nice floral arrangement to the funeral home, pay off Mrs. Pizzano’s mortgage and even send the Lipp jr. to college if he deserved it and could be of use to the family.  Don’t doubt me on this.  After shoulder surgery, I watched all three Godfather movies back to back to back.  When it comes to the Mafia, I know what I’m talking about.  

Hitler’s Gestapo had no such redeeming qualities.  They were ruthless murderous thugs whose mission it was to keep party members, opinion makers and even the hoi polloi in line.  They’d turn on their own grandmother, pulling the trigger of the gun to her head themselves, if the party demanded it.

Besides, Gay Gestapo has the whole alliteration thing going for it and if necessary can be shortened from “the Gay Gestapo” to “the Gaystapo.”  The accent goes on “gay.”  Yeah, I know.  That’s way obvious.  That’s way easy.  It’s also exactly what regular readers of this page have come to expect.  So…

Arte Johnson as "Wolfgang" on Laugh In - Veeery interesting, but stupid.
The Nazi Gestapo tag line made famous in a 100 B movies (or was it made famous by Arte Johnson on Laugh In?) of, “Vee haf vays to make you toc” of course will have to be changed to, “We have ways to shut you up.”  While the Nazi Gestapo was in the business of gathering information, the Gay Gestapo is in the business of suppressing information.

Other than that their missions are essentially the same.  Which is, while paying particular attention to religious people, round up anyone who does not conform to the party line and ruin them.  As such, for all the cool kids (Dopes, Hollywood know-nothings, lapdog media, colleges) who want to remain cool - resistance is futile.  They get in line and are easily assimilated into the homosexual borg.

There are a few pesky men for all seasons who are guided by history, religious teachings and natural law who refuse to be assimilated.  This infuriates the Gay Gestapo.  But what really infuriates the Gaystapo is that they are utterly powerless against such men.  So they become all the more militant against those not so firmly grounded.

That will be their eventual downfall.  When asked if you support homosexual marriage, your answer better not be, “I don’t give crap.”  It better be something along the lines of, “Why yes, I do.  In fact, for me, there is nothing more romantic than the sight of two bearded men with their tongues down each other’s throat kissing during their nuptials while the lesbian ‘preacher’ with the Buddy Hackett hairdo, the Marty Feldman nose, and the voice like the Aflack duck smiles in the background.”

Overreach will be the end to the madness.  Just as with abortion, the courts are deciding an issue best left to the people, the states and / or the legislature.  The current trajectory is a recipe for the same type of political division that has plagued the country since the Roe decision.  It will end the same way.  After a wave of support, bit by bit truth will win out.  As their position deteriorates, instead of becoming more tolerant of those with differing views, the Gaystopo will be become increasingly militant.

O’Really Vs. Limbaugh
Billbo O’Really is taking a shot at the king of talk radio.  Why?  Well Billbo is currently getting his butt kicked by Megan Kelly so he needs to get some buzz going.  Don’t take the bait Rush.  It’ll only serve to help O’Really.  Let Kelley bury the bum.

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