Monday, April 09, 2018

California is an example of something - hint, success is not it

Some dope holds up California as a great example of what America could become under a one party democracy with Dopes at the controls.  No seriously. It doesn’t matter to this fool that “a one party super majority” sound an awful lot like one of the “isms” communism, fascism or socialism.  
This guy actually thinks CA has it going on and points to some of CA’s colossal failures to prove it.  If you count wallowing in debt, homelessness, failing infrastructure, criminalizing political speech, insane immigration, a more insane governor among a dozen or so other maladies afflicting CA, he’s right CA absolutely has it going on. Here’s some of things this nit wit uses as examples of why CA is so great. 
They dumped a ton of money to develop a high-speed rail system that is billions over budget, years behind schedule and haplessly mired in environmental law suit after environmental law suit for each inch of ground the rail is supposed to travel over.  Sure let’s transfer that brilliant effort to the nation as whole. 
He celebrates CA’s willingness to fund Dr. Mengala type research using stem cells that so far have produced nearly one scientific breakthrough. 
He thinks the rich are the allies of the Republican Party when all of CA’s millionaire Silicon Valley swells, millionaire Hollywood know-nothings and wealthy media elites are slobbering Demo-Dope donners and voters.  PDJT won on Nov 8, 2016 by carrying blue collar coal miners in PA and WV, auto workers in MI and farmers in IA and WI. 
He gets confused about who started and lost the first Civil War while predicting another (but swears he’s not talking about a shooting civil war).  
The guy seems perfectly comfortable thinking that the Silicon Valley swells will carry the day against what they see as a bunch of backward “agrarian” rubes who can feed themselves and the rest of the world, but won’t feed cake to a couple of homosexuals at their make believe wedding. 
He may think the city folk will carry the day because they have the theaters and all of the beautiful people.  But we have 98% of the food and guns, so good luck with that one Smalls.  
Here’s the thing.  Most people like Lex are pretty happy to live and let live.  But if Mr. CA thinks Allen County, Indiana is just going to get on board with his BS way of thinking without a fight he’s nuts.  And if there is war, it won’t be a Civil War model.  It’ll be Revolutionary War model where an onerous government gets its worthless azz kicked by a bunch of backwoods patriots fighting to keep their freedoms. 
Another thing Mr. CA doesn’t consider is that most of CA by area is a red state.  Like most blue states, Dopes control the densely populated areas where the rats live on top of one another waiting for their section 8 housing, food stamps and Obamaphones and carry the state with just enough voter fraud. 
Then there is this piece that is 180 out with Mr. CA.  It demonstrates the rise of PDJT because of the failure of “the new world order.”  One of these views is wrong. 2018 midterms may tell us which one it is. 
I will tell you this, from where I sit, the left has all of the passion and intensity right now.  As Yeats wrote of another time, “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”  That about sums it up for me. 
We’d better get intense and passionate because Mr. CA is another crazy leftist fascist calling for a civil war but swearing “not that kind of civil war” all the while the left mounts its most concerted effort yet to disarm the population. So #1 buy more guns and ammo. #2 get passionate for freedom.  #3 get intense about pushing back where you can - voting.  
To heck with white privilege, it’s the Asians that have it made
The great American philosopher JZ thinks America needs to examine why white men are so privileged?
Lemmesee, to the extent that any of them are, it probably has something to do with:
They stay in school.
They get up & go to work (sober if possible).
They avoid contact with law enforcement.
They avoid 7 out of wedlock children before graduating high school.
They learn to speak the King’s English.
They act white in a white world (shocking I know).
They don’t use or deal drugs. 
But if you want to know the facts, you’d be much better off you were Asian in America than white.  By nearly every measurable metric - income, education, crime etc. - Asians are far more privileged than whitey.  Yet not word about Asian privilege.  One thing is for sure, Asian success cannot exist because those lazy, stupid Asians are smarter and/or work harder.  That’s crazy.  There absolutely has to be a reason why Asians as a race are more successful than me other than they just work harder and are smarter.  That’s an explanation that I just will not accept.  It has to be some kind of Asian privilege at work plain and simple. 
Kamala Harris could end up like Ray Rice’s girlfriend
Kamala Harris is hysterical when joking about killing PDJT in an elevator.  My guess is that if she tried, she’d end up leaving that elevator just like Ray Rice’s girlfriend did.
Sunday’s JG Rant
Re:  Kevin Krajewski’s letter, “Youth show the way to fight gun violence” of Apr 8, 2018
Estimates show that as little as 10% of the participants in the March for Our Lives rally was actually made up of the “youth” Krajewski is apparently so inspired by.  The other 90% were the usual collection of professional protestors, agitators, anarchists, anti-American, #NEVERTRUMPers funded by George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Stayer, et al.  
The “youth” in that charade were useful idiots placed in front of the mob as window dressing to give it respectability and deflect any and all criticism.  After all in this day and age, you cannot tell a whining teenager that he’s a whining teenager. If you do, he’ll wrap himself in the invincible cloak of “childhood” and demand that you lose your job.  

If the Our Lives kids want to be treated like children, fine, go away and play.  The adults are talking.  Do not thrust yourself into the conversation as an adult only to retreat behind the sacrosanct wall of “childhood” when someone points out that you’re a whiner when you whine. 
Krajewski’s understanding of the Second Amendment and the functioning of firearms must be limited to the carefully screened propaganda found on the JG’s editorial page.  He should read the 27 plain words of the Second Amendment.  Read Federalist Paper No. 46 to grasp the founder’s intent.  Understand that an AR15 is a semi-automatic small bore rifle illegal for hunting large game in many states. 
It is impossible to discuss “common sense gun laws” when one side is so willfully ignorant, when one side insists that the NRA and by extension its 5 million members are murderers and terrorist.  It is impossible to discuss “common sense gun laws” when one side cannot even provide a coherent definition of the dreaded “assault weapon” that they so desperately want to ban. 
If I wanted ban something, the first thing I’d do is provide a reasonable easily understood definition of the target.  Instead of piling gibberish on top of banalities, and clichés, Krajewski might try reading a book that challenges his thinking on the subject, accurately define the problem and offer a reasonable solution.  
“We need to do something” is not a solution. 
Youth show way to fight gun violence
Watching the events surrounding the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., on March 24, I felt a sense of hope and pride as well as some measure of pain and shame.
For the members of the young generation who stood on that stage, it was inspiring to hear their tone of courage and resolve as they expressed their determination to address and correct the problems of gun violence they did not bring about but are stepping forward to address. Too many generations before them failed.
It is a matter, however, of some shame to acknowledge that my generation, the baby boom generation, has contributed to the failures. Though the Second Amendment is a sacred principle of our Constitution, its purpose(s) have time and again been distorted by organizations such as the National Rifle Association and Guns Owners of America.
Sadly, the ranks of ardent NRA supporters include many of my generation. The overwhelming number are law-abiding citizens, but few if any can really stand to explain the rationale of having weapons in our society whose origins, quite frankly, lie in the path of developing automatic assault weapons intended for military use.
Though the youth have taken center stage on this all-too-vital social issue and political problem, the complexities of dealing with gun violence require the attention of all Americans. At stake is not merely protecting the sacred lives of one generation, but restoring in the greatest measure possible peace and civility throughout the nation. The past cannot be changed, but shame can be replaced with the dignity of generations of Americans reaching across and supporting one another, as witnessed by the March for Our Lives.
Kevin Krajewski
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Thomas Powell's new book," Discrimination and Disparities" is an excellent myth busters. Highest average incomes are Asians. They also have the highest average age. Caucasians next, blacks, and Hispanics are youngest. He points out years on the job tracks income. In 2000 the Dems screamed because whites were rejected for home loans 22 percent of the time while blacks were rejected 44 percent! No one pointed out Asians at 12 percent. And native Hawiaans even less. Were whites victims of discriminations? Age, years working, age, all have bearing on credit scores. Welcome to the govt instigated 2008 housing bubble/crash. And who suffered most as a result of this politically correct train wreck?