Friday, April 27, 2018

Stupidity reigns unchecked at the JG

It's hard to take the same rehash of the same stupid arguments on the Second Amendment day after day in the JG. But still Lex tilts at the windmill.
Today's anti #2A letter is particularly stupid as the writer actually states that he keeps an "open mind" when groups try to restrict his rights.  Think that one through. Is he really that obtuse?  Yes.  I believe that he is.
Lex lets him have it.
Re Chris Snider's letter "Second Amendment not for modern-day weapons" Apr 27, 2018
The most dangerous and expensive things in any society are stupidity and ignorance. 
I believe that Chris Snider has about as much understanding of the Second Amendment as the whining Parkland survivors. If Snider would do 10 seconds of the “research” he encourages other “people” to do instead of rehashing Parkland nonsense, he’d know that the Second Amendment has not one damn thing to with hunting. 
Saying that the Second Amendment is about hunting serves only as an indicator of what a colossal ignoramus Snider is on the subject.  To preface that idiocy with an appeal for other people to do “research” on a matter is mind-numbing.  Clearly Snider cannot be bothered to read the 27 plain words of the Second Amendment itself.  Where does the word “hunting” appear? 
Because he doesn’t have the slightest clue about what he writes, he makes nonsensical arguments. Snider foolishly dismisses the Second Amendment with the silly notion that the Second Amendment is no longer valid because the founders couldn’t foresee the development of the dreaded but still undefined “assault weapon.”  So is the First Amendment null and void because there is no way the founders could have foreseen the internet? 
In another indication of just how simple Snider is, he writes, as if he’s the enlightened one, that he keeps “an open mind when constitutional rights are being threatened by any group.”  I do not. 
Groups, like the children (their own description) at Parkland being manipulated like useful idiots by leftists, don’t get to decide.  Congress and the states do, and I keep a very closed mind when a bunch of virtue signaling know-nothings try to limit the rights of we the people.  Snider should take his own advice and do some research.

Second Amendment not for modern-day weapons
In response to the pro-gun rally on the Courthouse Green, I keep an open mind when constitutional rights are being threatened by any group.
I believe people are misinterpreting the Second Amendment. If people would research the reason the  amendment was added, they would understand it was written for that period in history. Our forefathers didn't foresee the invention of assault weapons.
I don't see a problem with a hunting rifle or handgun. I don't understand the need for a high-powered assault weapon. Are they used for hunting? No. Are they used for illegal activities of many kinds? Yes.
In several instances, these high-powered weapons have been used against law enforcement officers who are clearly outgunned, thus placing them in great danger. I respect and appreciate every level of law enforcement and understand why they fear situations that result in great danger when responding to emergency situations. I think those concerned about protecting their rights need to consider our law enforcement officers and the historical data on mass killings.
The aforementioned has been argued over and over. Sadly, the NRA chooses to ignore the impact assault weapons have on the American public. My hope is one day the ammunition for these weapons ceases to be sold.
Prayers continue for our law enforcement officers and hope remains people will wake up and realize America is in crisis.
Chris Snider
Fort Wayne

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