Monday, April 16, 2018


If Lex were ever to write a book the working title I have in mind is, “Lex E. Libertas and his 100 Greatest F*ck ups.”  I know what you're thinking, "why limit it to 100."  Now you're wondering, “Why in the world would you ever consider a book like that.”  Well, like about 55% of humans my f*ck ups are far more spectacular, numerous and interesting than any of my meager accomplishments.

Does the captain of the Exxon Valdez write about the time he helped a little old lady cross the street or the time he was drunk and passed out in his cabin when the super tanker he was responsible for ran aground dumping 11 million gallons of crude oil into one of America’s most pristine and picturesque waterways?

Jimmy the shape shifter Comey should have used Lex’s model.  Comey is supreme f*ck up. Literally everyone wanted the shape shifter fired at some point during time as FBI director while he was screwing up one investigation after another.

He wrote drafts of his exoneration letter for Shrillda the Hutt months before the old hag testified.  He laid out an air tight case for prosecuting the old witch then made up law that she couldn’t be prosecuted because she had not intended to violate the law - which she clearly did when she had her server wiped clean with bleach bit and her phones destroyed.  If those things do not intent to cover up crime every mob boss ever convicted should be set free and their record wiped clean.

He has admitted the second investigation of the Hutt after Carlos Danger was found to be in possession of Hutt e-mails was nothing more than a proforma look to inoculate “President the Hutt” after she won the presidency. Comey actually admits this.  He consulted the polls.  The shifter saw that the Hutt was likely to win and decided that he needed to clear her before the election so as not taint her win or the early months of her presidency.

The Shifter said, "I don’t remember spelling it out, but it had to have been, that she’s going to be elected president and if I hide this from the American people, she’ll be illegitimate the moment she’s elected, the moment this comes out.”   

Instead of coming clean, Comey is trying to use his book to rehabilitate himself – at least in the eyes of the Dopes.  If his interviews and blurbs from his book are any indication, Comey has decided to throw in 100% with Dopes. That’s not exactly the equivalent of a run saving throw from right field a la Roberto Clemente since Comey has always been in the Dope camp from the beginning.  It’s more like the underhanded lob of a nerf ball to a toddler.

Then there’s this.  Comey is a criminal for lying to congress, for leaking information to buddy to trigger the special council, for writing a book about on-going FBI investigations.  For some reason none of it matters to the DOJ, FBI or MSM.  I cannot imagine why?

So far the biggest news from previews of Comey's book is that he thinks PDJT's hair is real.  Well that's something.  What a self-serving Dope.   

The biggest loser in the Syrian strike was not Syria.  It was the Russians who said they’d protect Syria.  They claimed that they’d shoot down the missiles, sink US ships and shoot down US aircraft.  None of it happened.  Instead, after PDJT’s tweet, Russia withdrew its fleet and personnel from the line of fire and waited out the attack.

My guess is that right now there are more than few Syrian and Iranian officials saying to their Russian counterparts WTF?  The Russians only answer will be, “Look we’re a third rate military power trying to bluff everyone into thinking we’re a first rate power.  It didn’t work this time.  Be patient.  When the stupid Americans impeach PDJT, these bluffs will work again.”

Sunday’s JG rant
Re: Gaylen E. Twigg’s letter, “Founders didn’t sanction mass murder” of Apr 15, 2018

I often wonder if the JG editorial staff and letter writers like Gaylen E. Twigg are as obtuse as the letters editors chose for this page make them appear to be or if they are just engaged in an endless stream of hyperbole and propaganda.

Is anyone so simple-minded as to believe, as Twigg declares, that there is but one purpose for handguns and semiautomatic rifles: to kill human beings?  There are many reasons to own handguns and semiautomatic rifles among them self-defense, home-defense, hunting, sport shooting, competition shooting and collecting.

To accept Twigg’s propaganda of a single purpose for these devices is to believe that every one of America’s 100 million gun owners who owns a handgun or semiautomatic rifle has homicide or murder in their hearts.

Next, America doesn’t have a problem with gun violence.  As Twigg notes, American cities - run by Democrats for decades with restrictive gun laws in most cases - have a problem with gun violence.  Actually “flooding the streets with easily available firearms” is working.  It is an undeniable fact that as gun sales have soared in America violent crime has plummeted.

No one knew better than the founders that they were not deities.  They foresaw the problems with slavery and changing times.  That’s why they allowed for their flawed document to be updated through amendment.  Throwing the Second Amendment in with slavery and the Electoral College is a nice bit propaganda, but it really demonstrates Twigg’s own ignorance more than that of the founders.

Twigg might consider reading Mark Grimsely’s book The Hard Hand of War and Ron Chernow’s book on U.S. Grant or Gant’s own memoir for an understanding of the extent that America went to expunge itself of its original sin of slavery.  Then pick up a copy of the Federalist Papers to understand the purpose of the Electoral College and the Second Amendment.

Guns do take a lot of lives in America - more than 38,000 in 2016.  Sadly, the overwhelming number of those deaths – 74% - were due to suicide. Ironically, the smallest percentage comes from the very kind of guns Twigg and other demagogues most want to ban – the dreaded but still undefined “assault weapon.”

I think every Democrat candidate ought to have to provide voters with language of what they think a 21st century Second Amendment ought to look like.  Let’s have a Second Amendment referendum in November.    

Founders didn't sanction mass murder
Our central cities have turned into virtual war zones with the flood of pistols and semiautomatic weapons onto our streets. These devices are made for one purpose: to kill human beings. We need to talk about the Second Amendment.
Our Founding Fathers were not deities. They made several glaring mistakes when they authored the Constitution. Among those were slavery, the enfranchising of only white, male land owners, and the Electoral College to prevent the democratic election of the president. Some of these errors have been fixed; most have not.
Flooding the streets with easily available firearms is not working. It's made the country a more dangerous place. Perhaps all that is necessary is to modify the Second Amendment to allow the outlawing of automatic and semiautomatic weapons, and to severely limit the availability of handguns. We need to have that national discussion. The time to be held hostage by firearm violence should have been over a long time ago.
This is not about freedom. It's strictly about the ability of Colt, Remington and other megabusinesses to peddle extremely dangerous products unrestricted on the streets of America to whoever has a buck. The result is more than 30,000 needless deaths year after year.
Our politicians and judges routinely ignore the Constitution and Bill Of Rights when it suits their purposes. Why the reverence to just one amendment? Money, lots of money! Our governments are bought and paid for. Our power-brokers will not even entertain a discussion about the main impediment to effective gun control. Thirty thousand must die every year because of a 230-year-old anachronism? Times have changed.
The ability and right to commit mass murder should not be chiseled in stone in our constitution.
Gaylen E. Twigg
Fort Wayne

Saturday’s JG rant
Re: Richard D. Whissen’s letter, “Sweet DC condo deal” of Apr 14, 2018

I have several questions for renowned Fort Wayne tax consultant Richard D. Whissen.  During a recent visit to Wellington, FL my wife and I stayed in the luxury condominium of a friend’s friend.  There was no charge.  Do I have to claim the gracious hospitality of my friend’s friend as ordinary income? Or, is this just something that friends occasionally do for each other?

Also, when the Clinton’s and Obama’s regularly used Democrat donors’ accommodations on Martha’s Vineyard, during their annual vacations, were they in violation of the tax code?  And, how should Bill Clinton claim his frequent trips on sex predator Jeffrey Epstein’s 727 “The Lolita Express” to the pedophilia paradise of Lolita Island - as gifts or income?  So Bill can be sure to not underreport the gift/income, what was the going rate for travel, a child sex partner and accommodations on Lolita before it burned with the evidence?  And, how did the Obama’s cover the under market value purchase of their Chicago home?

Now, should (trigger warning) President Donald J. Trump let your angry rantings slide?  Or, should he take a page from the Obama playbook and weaponize the IRS against his political enemies to have your tax returns audited for as far back as possible and every year going forward?

Last, goodness gracious man, how vindictive are you?  You’re wishing an IRS audit on a guy who you don’t know, over an issue that in all likelihood you don’t understand to get even with another guy who beat your crooked candidate nearly 18 months ago.  Yeah sure, that’s a true sign of mental and emotional stability.

Suggestion: Turn off MSNBC and get a life.  

Sweet DC condo deal
I hope the IRS will be looking at EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's rental deal whereby he pays $50 a day for rental of a luxury condominium. My experience with Washington, D.C., is that the fair market rental for a spacious luxury unit can be $9,000 or more per month. That equates to at least $300 daily. Pruitt should be reporting the $250 daily difference as additional annual ordinary taxable income equal to about $91,500 or more. I hope the IRS has flagged Mr. Pruitt's return for audit.
Richard D. Whissen
Fort Wayne

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