Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Rouge special council now the most powerful man in the world

Special Council for life Robert Mueller is the most powerful man in the world.  He’s accountable to no one.  He has unlimited access to people, money and federal assets.  He can ruin anyone he chooses to ruin. Very few people are willing to risk becoming a target by calling BS on his phony azz.  He is backed by the MSM, Hollywood and Caligula, D.C. swells none of whom give a rat’s azz if Mueller destroys the president and America behind his sham investigation.  In fact, since Zuckerberg does not know Lex exists, I’ll go so far as to say that they actually hope Mueller does destroy America; rips it apart at the seams;  causes a real no sh*t shooting civil war so that the azzweasels can start over making America there personal piggy banks.  
The headline on Drudge this morning was “Republican leaders back Mueller.”  Of course they do.  They’re swamp creatures by and large and have no interest in PDJT’s success thereby exposing the Rat establishment Republican Party as the opposite wing of the same Caligula, D.C. bird as the Demo-Dopes. 
If PDJT cannot fire Mueller, can’t fire Sessions, can’t fire Rosenstein he should very publicly order them to turn over every page of every file that the congress has asked for pertaining to crooked Hillary’s e-mail, uranium one, Clinton Foundation etc. by the end of the week. When the DOJ and FBI whine about classified material, PDJT should respond, “What classified material?  It was all on crooked Hillary’s unsecure server.  It has all been compromised.  The only people who do not know what’s in there are congress and the American people.  Release it all.  Ominus dominus I hereby declare every word unclassified.  Now release the information or federal marshals will raid YOUR offices and confiscate YOUR papers.” 
He should appoint his own special council to look into corruption at DOJ, FBI and Special Council Mueller.  Make it clear that there are no bounds whatsoever on what the new Special Council is allowed to look into, no time limit and no budget constraints. Make it clear that driving targets into bankruptcy in order to force plea deals is a perfectly acceptable practice.  Make it clear that if targets do not cooperate that the new Special Council should target their families and friends.  Make it more than clear that highly publicized early morning raids on targets’ homes and offices is the preferred method for obtaining documents and files. Last, leaks favoring the Special Council are to be encouraged, and no, hell no, it does not matter if the leak contains an iota of truth. 
It’s time for Mueller to tell someone what he’s got, where he’s going and how long it’ going to take.  Otherwise I can guarantee you we’ll be here in 2038 with news of Mueller’s successor Peter Strzock looking into Russian financing of Barron Trump’s endowment and the flower arrangement some Russian guy sent to the funeral home after PDJT passed away. 
Absent firing anyone, PDJT should just start pardoning away.  Pardon Flynn first and force AG Sessions to go out explain why.  Explain the corruption in Mueller’s office that led to Flynn’s indictment, bankruptcy and eventual plea deal.  Once that’s done PDJT should order the treasury to reimburse Flynn all cost and lost income for the ordeal. 
That should be sufficient to send a message to anyone coming under Mueller’s scrutiny to just hang tough.  They’ll be alright in the end and have enough material for a bestselling book “How I survived the tyranny of a rouge special council (sub title) A thank you note to PDJ.” 
Today’s JG Rant
Re: Vicky Foltz’s letter “Here’s the difference”, of Apr 10, 2018

Since the close-minded JG editorial staff decided to emulate Mark Zuckerberg and play Masters of the Ft. Wayne Universe by expunging nearly all conservative thought from the JG editorial page – hilarity has ensued. 

The page is now rife with incoherent letters from people who don’t know the difference between semi and fully automatic rifles, clips and magazines, cartridges and bullets, the origins of the Second Amendment (hint it’s not hunting), but does contain some of the most comical reasoning found outside the satire found on the People’s Cube and the Onion web sites.

Take Vicky Foltz’s letter…please (rim shot).  According to her FDR and JFK’s philandering was okay because back in the day women knew their position in society – prone and silent.  Back then they knew better than to make a fuss about a powerful man bedding them. Better to live quietly than to die screaming for help in the backseat of Teddy Kennedy’s submerged sedan.

By Foltz’s logic,(Trigger warning) President Donald J. Trump’s alleged indiscretions are much worse because he might have actually paid the women to keep quiet instead of threatening to destroy their lives. Now those alleged payments are considered “election tampering” and “criminal” by the great minds on the left.  Why?  Two adults allegedly engaged in a mutually beneficial contract.  And if there is a crime, typically, the person demanding payment is considered the perp.

Here’s the main thing.  Everyone knew who (trigger warning) President Donald J. Trump was before the election.  We voted for him anyway, because we also knew who Hillary Clinton was – a lying, thieving, rape enabling, power hungry, drunken, vindictive, sick, unstable…well even the JG doesn’t have enough ink and newsprint to list all the applicable modifiers, but you get the point.

Here’s the REAL difference between (trigger warning) President Donald J. Trump’s alleged philandering and that of Democrat presidents.  (Trigger warning) President Donald J. Trump’s alleged trysts have all occurred PRIOR to his taking his oath.  He’s not using the Oval Office as a rendezvous to bang the staff, grope donors, expose himself to visitors and solicit oral sex. 

I know.  It’s the least we can expect, right, but after FDR, JFK and Clinton, it’s baby steps for now.  

Here's the difference
Oscar H. Knerr (Letters, April 3) wondered what the difference was between the infidelities of Presidents Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt and the person currently holding the office. The difference is that no one we are aware of paid their mistresses to keep quiet about said affairs prior to their election as president – and that could be considered election tampering and that behavior is criminal.
Vicky Foltz
Fort Wayne

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