Friday, November 30, 2018

Wiley E. Coyote has an Acme anvil ready to fall PDJT’s head

Wiley E. and his Dope buds are sure they have PDJT this time with another of their can’t fail schemes.  This one involves lying shyster lawyer Michael Cohen on Acme rocket roller-skates chasing PDJT toward a fake tunnel painted onto solid rock where PDJT will crash full speed into the rock, the force of which will trigger an Acme anvil to fall several hundred feet onto PDJT’s already flattened body.  Brilliant. It cannot fail this time.

Here’s how this ends.  PDJT will somehow pass through the fake tunnel.  Michael Cohen and Boob Nifong Mueller will be flattened by the force of their rocket roller skates propelling them into solid rock which will trigger the precariously perched anvil to fall and further flatten them.  Then a racing train will come through the fake tunnel and run over the already twice flattened BS artists.

The MSM and the usual band of #NEVERTRUMPers are absolutely giddy with anticipation of finally getting PDJT.  Wow.  Here’s what they are hanging their case on:  Cohen pleading out for lying about the dates of a legal business deal that didn’t go through.  Phew, devastating.  I just don’t know how PDJT will defend himself and survive the plea deal from a serial liar lying about a deal that didn’t happen.

People do stupid things then expect everyone to understand and compensate for their stupidity
There’s an old joke about a black couple who named their Daughter Shithead (Pronounced as Shi-theed).  When someone gives their child a name that has to be followed by “pronounced as” those parents screwed up and condemned their child to a life time of mockery.

Some woman named her daughter Abcde (here we go, pronounced as Ab-city).  It’s like an art teacher I once had who named her dog, Dee-O-Gee.  Get it? D-O-G.  Dog.  Get it? That’s clever.  It probably never caused the dog a problem.  Maybe there’s another student of hers who named her daughter Kay-I-Dee.  Get it? K-I-D.  Kid.  Get it?

If the woman wanted her kid to go through life with a name pronounced Ab-city, why the hell not just spell it that way? Why Abcde?  To be a F**k, plain and simple.  But it doesn’t F-with the woman.  It condemns the woman’s child to lifetime of BS.  It’s not anyone’s fault in the world that looks at Abcde and cannot come up with the pronunciation Ab-city any more than someone would look at the word Dog and fail to come up with the pronunciation Dee-O-Gee. 

The big difference is the dog doesn’t give a f**k, but the child and her mother for some reason are offended when people can’t figure out their stupid inside joke. You have brought all this BS on yourself and sadly your daughter.  If you are going to engage in stupid inside jokes don’t be offended when outsiders cannot figure it out. But for some reason the woman and the daughter get offended when people look at them with a WTF look about how they are supposed pronounce Abcde.

Then there’s the case of Prince.  Prince was tired of the name Prince.  So he legally changed his name to a symbol and became known as “the unpronounceable symbol of the artist formerly known as Prince”.  Shortly thereafter the unpronounceable symbol of the artist formerly known as Prince changed his name back to Prince. Mission accomplished - months of hype over nothing.

Hopefully when Abcde becomes of age she’ll go to the courthouse and clean up her mother’s desperate call for attention.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Hell yes, let's have total violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis and get this mess settled once and for all

This may sound crazy, but, except for the final outcome, I agree with Mark Lamont Hill.  There might as well be real violence in Palestine until this thing is settled. 

Here’s how it will end under your scenario, Mark.  Israel will push the Palestinians into the sea. Problem over.

The Palestinians aren’t that much different from the mob staged on our southern border.  The mob like the Palestinians live in sh*tholes.  They look across the border and want an upgrade to their own pathetic situation. Instead of demanding responsive government in their own sh*tholes they try to invade places that, except for San Francisco, don’t allow 3rd world dolts and drunks to crap in the streets.

But instead of coming into the new country, assimilating and taking advantage of the freedom of and opportunity offered therein, the mob comes in, maintains the language, customs and traditions of the sh*thole they left and demands that the host country adopt the failed policies of the sh*thole.

It’s like CA libs fleeing high taxes and dysfunctional government (read Dope government) by moving to TX and then demanding higher taxes and more dysfunctional government in their new home state.

The Middle East has been a sh*thole my entire life and there is no end in sight.  I have opined on this page several times – if I haven’t I should have – that this thing will never end until the Israelis deliver a heinous azzwhipping to the Palestinians.  An asswhipping so bad that Palestinian women and children weep at the thought of it, and, as a result, becomes known as “the asswhipping that shall not be mentioned” among Palestinians.

So Mark Lamont Hill ramp up that Palestinian violence, if you think that’s smart.  We all know how this ends.  The sooner Palestinian violence hits peak the sooner the Israelis will do what has to be done. Once that is accomplished, we will be closer to Middle East peace.

Boob Nifong Mueller
What the hell is up with this guy? What’s up with Dopes and Flakes who want to give this azzbag total immunity to conduct his witch hunt in perpetuity?  Who controls this dumbazz?  Who is this POS accountable to?  When does the BS end?  Why is this SFB allowed to bankrupt people and threaten them with jail time until they lie for his purposes? 

This whole thing is BS.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dope charges of racism apparently ignored in MS runoff

Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith won the MS runoff election last night. Hyde-Smith had been in some trouble for an offhanded comment about attending a public hanging.  The Demo-Dope immediately conflated hangings with lynchings and deemed the comment racist. 

Words mean things.  Is a hanging the same as a lynching?  I do not think so.  Neither do the people who make their living defining words. 

Hanging (noun) a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead. 

Lynching (transitive verb) to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission.

Sadam Hussein was hanged.  Atticus Finch stopped a mob from lynching Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird. There’s a big difference.

Was Hyde-Smith’s comment stupid?  Absolutely, but she’s a politician so stupid is pretty much a given…right?  Now everyone in the Dope camp is claiming that Hyde-Smith a racist, something they’d do if she’d not said one thing wrong.

Had Hyde-Smith been quicker on her feet she'd have used the episode to explain to blacks in MS that it was the Dope Party engaging in lynchings in the south and Republicans who were attempting to guarantee black voter rights during reconstruction.

Instead Hyde-Smith was reduced to insisting that she wasn't a racist. Not a good look for politician to have a slogan - Cindy Hyde-Smith not a racist.  She shuld have used history to turn the tables on the Dopes.     

Because the ever-present charge of racism is pretty much baked into the cake for any Republican candidate, Dope charges against Hyde-Smith were ho hummed by MS voters, and Hyde-Smith won handily. Dopes are really PO’d that the Dope candidate, Mike Espy, actually conceded on election night.  Trunk loads of votes from Dope precincts all over the country were headed to MS for the inevitable recount.

In addition to the charge of racism, Dope conjured up a charge that Hyde-Smith has been known to tell sexist jokes on several occasions.  Just one question – were they funny? If they were funny who gives a crapola? If they weren't funny, that’s a crime or at least a faux pas.  Don’t tell them any more.

The Hyde-Smith word crime reminds me of the time a Caligula, D.C. city official used the word “niggardly” at a meeting.  He was literally run out of government for correctly using a word that means stingy.  But like the Dope opinion about the never defined “assault weapon” the word just looked ugly and so has now been pretty much banned.

I tutored young boys after school for a while.  Once I used a globe of the world to do some geography.  One boy saw the label for the country of Niger and about fainted.  I said, “remember, when there is a single consonant after the vowel, the vowel takes the long vowel sound”? The glazed over look told me that the young man didn’t have a clue.  So we spent the rest of the time going over that.  To this day I’ll bet that young man knows that Niger is okay and ni**er isn’t and why.

I don’t much care about any of this.  I’d never used the niggardly and didn’t even have a clear understanding of its meaning before the D.C. brouhaha.  I only use it now for this story.  But niggardly is banned because idiots do not know what it means and Niger needs to change the name of the country because a sizable percentage of people might look at it printed on a globe and not know it’s long vowel sound.

I dunno are we just getting dumber?          

Today’s JG rant
George Emmert used nearly 300 words to target the 27 plain words of the Second Amendment.  What a waste.  Why not just come up with 27 new words to replace and update what the founders penned? 

27 not enough?  Use 300.  Use 1,300.  Use all you want, but stop with the mealy mouthed “national religiosity”, “half right”, “settled law”, “sanely overseeing gun ownership” gibberish, and just tell us what an updated Second Amendment should look like.

It took the founders just 27 words to establish the original right.  It cannot be that hard.

Emmert can use Article VIII of the US Constitution that dictates how registration of motor vehicles in the country is to be accomplished.  Note for JG editors: That’s sarcasm.  There is no Article VIII of the US Constitution.

Which is the point.  Emmert is ill-advised to compare a money making scheme devised state by state to annually tax your right to freely operate a motor vehicle with the federally guaranteed, Constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms.  

I can tell you this, I do not trust anyone in Caligula, D.C. to “sanely oversee” anything least of all how I choose to protect myself and family.

Sides must compromise on gun-safety concerns
I'm struck and motivated by Dr. Jaques Mathers' Nov. 18 oped, “Reconciling Second Amendment, 10 Commandments.”
Dr. Mathers, a trauma surgeon, pointedly, empathetically and with quiet anger calls upon the presumed goodness of our national religiosity to move toward a truce to reduce senseless gun deaths.
The NRA insists that people, not guns, are the problem. The NRA is half right. In malevolent or careless hands, any gun might quickly become an accessory to a tragedy.
Identifying and responding to such momentary occurrences can strain presumptions of our democracy. Laws, such as Indiana's red flag law – temporarily disarming troubled individuals – propose mechanisms that might acceptably pre-empt such moments and warrant consideration.
The longer game will test the durability of the Second Amendment. To heed the NRA's dictum of “people, not guns,” the closest likely approach is to develop a much more detailed, instantly accessible record of which guns, which people, which settings.
Firearms for home protection and for hunting are settled law. Perhaps especially for combat veterans and others, possessing certain military-style weapons has a strong appeal which, regulated, could remain acceptable. Certain accessories – extended magazines, even bump stocks, as artifacts of weapon fanciers – owned, registered and used responsibly needn't be automatically forbidden.
The issue is whether we are willing to create, enforce, fully fund and wrap our love/hate affair with guns in a sufficiently detailed, constantly updated, comprehensive accounting system.
As eyes roll, consider that we have largely done that with (nearly?) every motor vehicle in our country.
Some will shout about abridgment of gun rights, yet a national commitment to truly effective, rigorously enforced firearm accounting offers our best hope of sanely overseeing gun ownership and preserving the best about Second Amendment rights for generations to come.
George Emmert

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The border crashers don't want asylum. They want an upgrade.

I understand the people who comprise the caravan on the southern border.  Every time I fly I try to organize a caravan in coach to storm the Business and 1st Class sections of the aircraft.  Once we got all the way forward but were frustrated by that impenetrable curtain that separates the swells from the hoi polli.

I think that DHS needs to find out what the airlines make those curtains out of and construct a wall of that material.  Seriously, whatever those curtains are made of, it f-ing works.

PDJT wants billions for a border wall.  We put up high walls reinforced with razor wire and the illegals just walk through it.  What a waste.  PDJT’s rally chant “Build that wall!” should be swapped out for “Hang those drapes!  Hang those drapes!  Hang those drapes!”

Congress needs to force airline execs to testify on the hill.  One question, “How do you do it - how do you keep the riff raff out of business and 1st class with nothing more than a curtain?”

Okay that bit is as stupid and juvenile as anything that has appeared on this page over the years but the point is valid.  People lining up outside the border are not in fear for their lives, i.e. the plane isn’t on fire*.  They don’t need asylum.  That’s already been offered by Mexico.  

The mob at the border is standing around waiting for an upgrade to business or 1st class.  That’s it.  It’s a scam.  It’s total BS.  It’s a Demo-Dope vote buying scheme, and the Dopes will use your money to make the purchase, Mr. & Mrs. America.     

*NOTE:  I assume the airlines would allow the rest of us access to business and 1st class in the case of an emergency, but maybe not until all of the swells are out.

Today’s JG rant
It’s sad to know that racism is alive and well in Fort Wayne and supported by the JG.  In his award winning letter, “Heroines, but no heroes, in Kavanaugh process”, Bill Bruening put his racist views on display for all to see and the JG rewarded the racism with a Golden Pen. 

Breuning pointed out that there are “plenty of white men to blame” for the unseemly Kavanaugh process.   Wow Bill, racist much? Now do Asian chicks. 

Blaming “white men” for the Kavanaugh mess is not only a lie, it is the classic definition racism.  It is every bit as racist as Breuning blaming black men for crime in his neighborhood or assuming every Hispanic standing outside at the local convenient store is an illegal alien. It is racism straight up.

Well does it matter that the racist statement was made by a self-loathing white man?  No.  No more than when a black woman refers to Candis Owens as an Aunt Jemima or a house ni**er. It’s still racist.

But hey, word meaning is of little concern when you’re writing or giving awards for letters slavishly toeing the Democrat Party line.  Well, it’s not really racism if it is directed at white men – right?  Wrong. It’s racist.

Heroines?  Why did Breuning leave out Julie Swetnick?  Her sick claim of Kavanaugh spiking punch and leading a gang rape ring in high school has EXACTLY the same number of people corroborating it as those corroborating Blasey Ford’s fantasy - zero.

Breuning also left the very senior, Senior Senator from California, Diane Feinstein, off his list.  Feinstein sat on Balsey Ford’s fantastical story for months before springing it on the public in the 11th hour of Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. The entire sorted affair could have been avoided if Feinstein had one speck of decency or an iota of ethical fiber in her ancient thoroughly corrupt body.        

Golden Pen: October
Heroines, but no heroes, in Kavanaugh process
The past few weeks have been one catastrophe after another in the Senate's attempt to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Both parties should be ashamed at their “circus” performance.
We have plenty of white men to blame – especially those who get angry and shake fingers at those who disagree. It was not a high point for those of us who put country above party. It was not a high point for those of us who believe that the truth does not depend on red and blue.
I am disgusted by the performance of the senators who looked ridiculous and petty. There are several people who were not reduced to narrow partisanship, screaming and shouting. The funny thing is that they are all women. I suggest there were no heroes during the confirmation, but there were several heroines who conducted themselves with honor and dignity.
Of course, Christine Blasey Ford is a heroine – even if you do not think Kavanaugh is guilty of anything. She conducted herself with dignity and principle. She was not well treated by the committee and others involved in the hearing.
The second heroine is Brett Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley. She sat behind him during what had to be an excruciating hearing concerning her husband's behavior. She sat stoically and obviously defended her husband both by her presence and her silence.
The third heroine is Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. Her impassioned speech about why she could not vote for confirmation is exactly the courage that elected officials need to emulate. You do not have to agree with her position, but you need to admire her courage.
There are no heroes in this catastrophe. The screaming and shouting was from men. After the hearings were over, I felt the need to tell the women in my life that not all men are like the officials who embarrassed themselves on national television. I felt like watching Looney Tunes because the performance is at least funny and does not make me want to vomit.
Bill Bruening of Fort Wayne

Monday, November 26, 2018

Johnboy Roberts latest #NEVERTRUMPer

I’m not sayin’ PDJT knows more about the law than Supreme Court Justice John Roberts*, but he definitely knows more about judges than the Chief Justice.

*NOTE:  Given the Robertscare decision, maybe PDJT does.

Robertscare hero John Roberts took PDJT to task for pointing out the obvious – that there are Liberal Judges on the 9th Circuit.  I know that's a total shocker.  Robertscare John thinks all the judges in America are applying the constitution evenly across all cases before them.

If he really believes that, he’s way too dumb to be a judge. I wonder how the Chief Justice explains the 5-4 split on his own court where decisions can be scored by casual court observers before the arguments are heard.  The only wild card in any decision is if one of the “conservative” justices will flip.  None of the Libs ever do.  Why is that Mr. Chief Justice?

Hey Chief, if there are no ideologues in the judiciary why do Lefty loons always show up at the 9th Circus to plead their cases?    

Of course Liberal judges are Liberal first, constitution second while the best conservatives can hope for are narrow rulings consistent with the constitution.  Which is all we really want.

Can Roberts be this dumb?  I doubt it.  He’s probably just trying to prop up his branch of the federal government which is rapidly being exposed as corrupt and politically driven as the others.

For their part the MSM is lambasting PDJT for “taking on” the Supreme Court Justice. To my way of thinking the old adolescent reply – HE STARTED IT – applies.  Roberts is a Dope in a black robe.  No one elected him to anything. If he wants to trade barbs with elected officials, he should throw off the robe and run for office.  If he doesn't want to get tarred with the PDJT tweet brush - STFU and do your job.

Also Johnny Boy sat mute as the Sphinx when Barry The Empty Suit took the Supremes to task for the Citizens United the State of the Union no less. What’s up with that John?  Why the double standard?  Afraid of a half black affirmative action pass through president, John?   

Today’s JG rant
Stop the presses!  Thom Bauer is correct!  PDJT came to Ft. Wayne and held a pep rally.  Schools hold pep rallies to fire up the team and the fan base before the big game.  All across the country on Fridays fans of all ages and their teams set their worries aside for a few hours in order to unabashedly engage in fun and revelry in anticipation of the big game while sourpusses like Bauer harrumph at their joy.

My guess is that Bauer’s discomfort at someone having fun at a Trump rally pales in comparison to the gut wrenching losses the rally produced for Bauer’s side in NE Indiana.  Courtney Tritch was swamped, while actual swamp creature Joe Donnelly was hauled from the mossy Caligula, D.C. brine, bagged, tagged and sent packing. It was magnificent.

In an uncommon feat for a lefty lib, Bauer’s right again.  The JG buys the newsprint and ink and they can continue to cater to joyless souls like Bauer who, if election result are any indication, comprise an underwhelming minority of readers in the JG circulation area.   

Or the JG could try to broaden their horizon by setting aside their petty editorial decisions that ban letter writers for pointing out the JG’s underhanded double-dealing way of handling differing points of view.  If elections result matter, it’s clear the JG’s constant preaching to its own clown choir cannot turn area elections. So keep it up JG. You’re doing a heck of a job. 

Too bad yours is a dying paradigm.  But as everyone knows, when your business model is failing the sure fire way to turn it around is to cater exclusively to under half of your potential customer base.  Brilliant.

More than pep rally was going on in world
I just finished reading the letter from Sandra Simpson-Polaski (“Trump fan disappointed by newspaper's coverage,” Nov. 14.) At first I chuckled then became a little concerned that this individual still goes to pep rallies. I gave those up in high school. She might want to expand her horizons.
I am so glad she enjoyed the rally; after all, I am sure she stood in line for quite awhile to get in. The rest of us stayed home and had to deal with traffic backup and all sorts of other things but, of course, as long she was excited. Yes, what little I had to sit through and watch there were indeed cheerleaders rousing the crowd. She might have missed it because she was leading the “lock her up” chants. She might want to know that the last sitting president to hold a pep rally in Fort Wayne was Richard Nixon – and we all know how that went.
I would also like to point out that those at the Coliseum were just a small part of us who read The Journal Gazette. The paper covered the pep rally quite well, in my opinion, because there are other important things in the paper such as the obituaries, business and even the sports page.
If Simpson-Polaski doesn't like the coverage, I suggest she buy a full section of the paper. Then she can decide what to print. Of course, she would then have to pay for printing, editing, delivery and any other incurred charges. The rest us could use the section to wrap up the trash before taking it out.
Thom Bauer
Fort Wayne

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Little Barry The Empty Suit tries to maintain relevance by name calling

Little Barry The Empty Suit is sad.  PDJT has systematically dismantled just about everything the worthless affirmative action pass through managed to “accomplish” with his pen and phone.  TES desperately wants to be relevant.  Right now he’s about as relevant as the Jamaicans in the Olympic Bobsled completion, a one legged place kicker in the NFL or my garden tractor in a qualifying run for a NASCAR race. 

What’s a worthless BS artist to do when 8 years in office exposes him as worthless BS artist?  His main claim to fame is being a half black BS artist whose major accomplishment before trying to dismantle the United States was voting present on controversial issues in the IL state senate. 

TES just cannot stand it that PDJT is moving the economy, destroying ISIS, protecting the border, slashing government regulation, achieving energy independence and making America great again.  His pen and phone are rather as worthless as TES himself at this point. But he can still run his suck.  So that’s what the smarmy weasel does.

While answering a question on why the US doesn’t invest in climate change policies, Barry The Empty Suit took a veiled shot at PDJT, “The reason we don't is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism — mommy issues.”  

Wow, when you squeeze all that negativity into one sound bite you begin to sound like an angry PJed up blogger.  Not a good look for an ex-pres and someone who thinks of himself as "no drama O'dumbazz".  There's a lot of drama in there.

So where to begin?  Mommy issues?  PDJT should tweet, “At least I knew my mom.  I wasn’t such a worthless sh*t that my mom and dad had to pawn me off on granny.  So I suppose you have grand-mommy issues.  You have daddy issues as well.  That’s why you married the angry Moochell, so you’d finally have a man in your life.”

Racism?  Really?  Racism is causing global warming?  Who knew?  PDJT tweet: “The Demo-Dope party is the party of the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, welfare dependency for people of color and now global warming. The biggest racist in the country - Revs? Farrakhan, Not-so-Sharp-ton, Jackson, GD America Wright and AG Eric the Wad Holder etc – are all Demo-Dopes.  All racists.”

Anger and hate?  YGBSM. PDJT tweet: “Anger and hate?  Your statement is dripping with anger and hate.  Anger that you and your worthless destructive policies are no longer relevant.  Hate for half the country that does not share your obvious hate for America.”

Next tweet: “Confused and blind?  You mean confused like the Fast Furious gun running operation that got Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed.  Blind like ‘not knowing anything about Lois Learners weaponizing the IRS’ against American citizens for their political leanings 'until you read about it in the papers' – that kind of blind?”

Last tweet.  “You’re weak.  Everyone knows it.  Embrace your weakness.  Live it out painting water colors, eating tofu and peddling your girl bike around the block with your helmet, knee and elbow pads firmly in place.  Let Americans run America.”

When cowards call someone a coward
The White House Correspondents Association has sh*t canned the “comedy” routine for next year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner in favor of famed author and historian Ron Chernow.  The baboon’s azz ugly “comedian” whose voice sounds like a band howler monkeys fighting over the last banana – Michelle Wolf – called the WHCA cowards for dumping the standup comedian shtick.

First, and most important, you’re not funny.  Second, not being funny isn’t a crime.  Every comedian has bombed at one time or another, but they rarely bomb because they chose to be offensive rather than funny.  So GFY. Last, a Hollywood POS calling anyone a coward is hilarious.  Never in the history of Borg-like Borgs has there been a more Borg-like Borg than Hollywood group thinkers. 

Never has there been a bigger bunch of cowards afraid to step out of line by so much as one mil least the collective descend on them, eat them and their children and burn their house to the ground.

Last point same as the first point, you’re not funny.

Dr. Robertson's rule:  Countries do not have permanent friends.  They have permanent interests.  Simple solution, PDJT should do what is ever in America's best interest with regard to the Saudis.   


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dopes play race card on every single issue under the sun - you are a racist if you disagree with them about anything

Republicans and Dopes are pointing out how the Demo-Dopes now control the suburbs.  Really?   Given the number of seats that the Dopes picked up after voting stopped, was there a blue wave?  Unless you mean a blue wave of dead Dopes and double Dope votes no there wasn’t.

Given the margin of victory in many of the votes a lot of the districts are within the margin of Demo-Dope voter fraud.  It’s a sad truth that the Republican candidate has to win by a substantial margin to account for the Dope fraud machine.  Seems to me no one is looking at the slim margins in some of these races.  If the Reps will just engage in a bit of voter fraud themselves and work just a bit harder to get the vote out they can flip these seats back.  Just kidding about the fraud, but it may come to that.

All of the talking heads say, “Lex, there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”  BS.  Dopes manufactured 10s of thousands of votes post-Election Day in Broward County.  Only the most brain dead refuses to admit that what went on in Broward County was wide-scale fraud. 

Well, Lex, still there’s no proof.  If anyone bothered to look, I’ll bet the Griffin’s boat that there is.  Now, we have these election officials of color that it just will not do to hold to account.  How did W put it?  Oh yeah, the soft bigotry of low expectations.  If you look up “bigotry of low expectations” there’s a picture of Brenda Snipes. I try like crazy not to judge the book by its cover, (here comes the but)but one look at Brenda Snipes and I see the words “incompetent crook” flash full screen over her ugly mug.

Besides “lack of proof” is the nature of fraud.  It’s  supposed to be hard to detect.  It’s harder still when the people elected and paid to prevent the fraud are actively engaging in and covering it up.

When the fraud fails to produce the desired result, the Demo-Dopes get really mad.  The black woman who lost her bid for governor by 55,000 in GA is in a purple rage claiming that the election wasn’t free and fair.  WTF.  She’d have lost by 85,000 votes if it were.  The only thing keeping the vote close was the usual baked into the cake Dope fraud.

So when cry baby Dopes like Shrillda the Hutt, Stacy Abrams, Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum take an azz wippin’ it isn’t because they are defective in any way. It’s because of a racist electorate, voter suppression and PDJT.  It never comes back on the socialist/communist leaning Dope party or its socialist/communist leaning candidates. 

But it’s not just the Dopes that get their azzes kicked in free fair elections whining like cut dogs.  The entire Dope Party has devolved into disgisting race baiters.  Kirsten Powers called all white women who support PDJT racists.  WTF?  Did anyone challenge her?  No.  They all just sat mute nodding in agreement.

This is the Dopes’ final argument.  It’s pathetic, and it’s dangerous.  When reasonable people – heretofore I thought Powers was reasonable – buy into the “everyone who disagrees with me is a racist” Dope argument I think it sort of sets up a new Civil War.  It’s the new big lie.  Its total BS, but it stirs up the Dope fascist thug army AntiFa.  It says violence is okay because, after all, they are all racists.  

My position on this is that the first person to call another a racist during a political argument is in fact the real racist.

If you’re not paranoid about anything
Read this.  Much scarier and more likely than the world coming to an end due to global warming.  

Monday, November 19, 2018

Hispanics oddly racist toward other Hispanics - MSM predictably ignores

Who knew all of the Mexicans in Tijuana were racists?    Seems the local population of that Mexican border berg, that I once knew well, are upset with all of the Central American refugees flooding the town. Hmm maybe they are all of the “white Hispanic” variety made famous by George Zimmerman. That’d explain it.

Well one thing is for sure, by the standards laid out by the American MSM, the people of Tijuana are every bit the hard core racist as white American women who support PDJT or a college Republican defending Ben Shapiro’s right to speak on campus.

Actually those are only two subsets of the set of the whole that Dopes consider racists.  The set of the whole can be described as such:  Anyone who disagrees with a Demo-Dope on anything is a racist, Nazi, misogynistic, homophobe who wants to starve children and murder kittens.  

They have no arguments so they engage in the most outrageous and vile name calling possible. They can’t say, “Well so and so’s commitment to free market ideas isn’t as sensitive to the plight of people of color as he might be.”  No.  They label people racists.  Not because they actually believe it.  They do it to stop the conversation.

Now these azzbags are in the rather uncomfortable position of having to label people of color – Hispanic people of color btw – racists for objecting to what the mayor of Tijuana has referred to as a “tsunami” or “avalanche” of refugees flooding his city and tearing it apart. 

The conflict is not really that big of a problem for a committed Dope though.  Everyone – even fellow Dopes - know they are liars and hypocrites.  So these Demo-Dopes hacks will just report to the Dope pretzel machine for logic and get their BS notions on the subject twisted just enough to deploy their standard double-talk, like – “Of course it’s unseasonably cold.  That’s what happens with global warming.  The debate is over.  Everyone but climate change deniers know that.”       

PDJT has to figure out a way to get the MSM to cover this story.  How?  I’d consider setting up a Western White House near the border and spend at least one day week there.  The MSM would have to follow PDJT to the border.  Maybe conduct the White House daily briefing from there a couple of times a week.

I think PDJT could get the money for the wall if he forced the MSM to focus on the mess in Tijuana.  This issue breaks big for PDJT - even with suburban women who take security very seriously.  

Because the issue breaks big for PDJT, the MSM will want to avoid the entire situation.  PDJT can make them cover it just by being there.  To quote Slow Joe Biden, this is a big f-ing deal.  To quote another Dope, Rahm Emanual, PDJT should not let this crisis go to waste.  Shut down the government to get the money for the wall. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Dopes' aim is to destroy the election process

The Demo-Dopes are crooked through and through.  Crooked Hillary is just the tip of the iceberg.  Her rapist old man should just be nearing the end of his sentence for assault and rape of several victims.  
The Dopes are so crooked that they unabashedly go about stealing elections. The FL debacle isn’t even the best case. The GA governor’s race gives a clue to just how depraved the Dopes really are.  
In GA, the Dope candidate Stacey Abrams trails Rep Brian Kemp.  In GA, if no candidate gets 50% of the vote the election goes to a runoff. Kemp is 17,000 votes above the 50% mark and a week after the election, is 55,000 total votes ahead of Abrams.
55,000 f-ing votes Mr. & Mrs. America. 
To anyone with a half a brain Kemp won the election.  Sadly, the “half a brain” part of that statement eliminates 98% of Dopes and gives rise to the Dope propensity toward election thievery.  The Dope mantra: What was lost on election night can be stolen during a recount. 
Azzweasels like Senator Sherrod Brown (Dope OH) and the perpetually whining Shrillda the Hutt are – as is always the case - crying raaaaaaaacism! Trailing by 55,000, Dopes insist that if Abrams isn’t the next governor of GA, the election was stolen.  That’s the ultimate participation trophy.  Sure you got your azz kicked. But you’re a girl and black so we’ll just steal it for you. 
I think the Dopes are intentionally undermining the election process.  What they cannot steal they call illegitimate.  
Look at FL – again.  Sleazy Snipes misses a recount deadline by two minutes because an incompetent/crooked worker couldn’t upload recount results to the state.  BS.  You’ve had 5 days to figure this out.  Why in the world would you wait to the last minutes to see if you could figure out the procedure? Why not look into it 10 minutes before the results were in?  Why not the day before.  Why not a week a month or a year before? 
Apparently the recount resulted in a 700+ vote increase for Scott. Those numbers would make Dope fraud during the manual recount that much more difficult so they could not be allowed to be added Scott’s totals.  Oddly the Dope mantra of “count every vote” could not heard anywhere.  
Today’s JG rant
Re Mackenzie Rupp’s letter, “Time running out to avert climate effects”, Nov 16, 2018
Does the JG know that the authors of the “Quantification of ocean heat” study cited in Rupp’s letter have admitted that their work is riddled with rather elementary errors?  One author, R.F. Keeling, said this about his own work:  “Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean.  We really muffed the error margins.”  
So why in the world would the JG chose to publish a letter that makes the writer and the JG look so ill-informed, and let’s face it, downright foolish?  
The fanfare surrounding the poorly constructed study and the publishing of a letter that cites it as evidence of ocean warming after the study was debunked by the study’s own authors is all the evidence anyone needs why “fake news” trends so often. 
Time running out to avert climate effects
A recent study published in the journal Nature shows that the oceans are warming 60 percent more than expected.
So what happened to all the focus on global warming? Where did the fear go? All the recent focus on the immigrant caravan is distracting from the pressing matter of global warming.
The rise of sea levels leads to extinction of coral reefs and other fascinating species. People need to begin listening to scientists instead of oblivious politicians from either party.
Time is running out to make a change. Efforts need to be made to conserve our oceans before we are the next endangered species.
Mackenzie Rupp
Fort Wayne