Friday, November 16, 2018

Dopes' aim is to destroy the election process

The Demo-Dopes are crooked through and through.  Crooked Hillary is just the tip of the iceberg.  Her rapist old man should just be nearing the end of his sentence for assault and rape of several victims.  
The Dopes are so crooked that they unabashedly go about stealing elections. The FL debacle isn’t even the best case. The GA governor’s race gives a clue to just how depraved the Dopes really are.  
In GA, the Dope candidate Stacey Abrams trails Rep Brian Kemp.  In GA, if no candidate gets 50% of the vote the election goes to a runoff. Kemp is 17,000 votes above the 50% mark and a week after the election, is 55,000 total votes ahead of Abrams.
55,000 f-ing votes Mr. & Mrs. America. 
To anyone with a half a brain Kemp won the election.  Sadly, the “half a brain” part of that statement eliminates 98% of Dopes and gives rise to the Dope propensity toward election thievery.  The Dope mantra: What was lost on election night can be stolen during a recount. 
Azzweasels like Senator Sherrod Brown (Dope OH) and the perpetually whining Shrillda the Hutt are – as is always the case - crying raaaaaaaacism! Trailing by 55,000, Dopes insist that if Abrams isn’t the next governor of GA, the election was stolen.  That’s the ultimate participation trophy.  Sure you got your azz kicked. But you’re a girl and black so we’ll just steal it for you. 
I think the Dopes are intentionally undermining the election process.  What they cannot steal they call illegitimate.  
Look at FL – again.  Sleazy Snipes misses a recount deadline by two minutes because an incompetent/crooked worker couldn’t upload recount results to the state.  BS.  You’ve had 5 days to figure this out.  Why in the world would you wait to the last minutes to see if you could figure out the procedure? Why not look into it 10 minutes before the results were in?  Why not the day before.  Why not a week a month or a year before? 
Apparently the recount resulted in a 700+ vote increase for Scott. Those numbers would make Dope fraud during the manual recount that much more difficult so they could not be allowed to be added Scott’s totals.  Oddly the Dope mantra of “count every vote” could not heard anywhere.  
Today’s JG rant
Re Mackenzie Rupp’s letter, “Time running out to avert climate effects”, Nov 16, 2018
Does the JG know that the authors of the “Quantification of ocean heat” study cited in Rupp’s letter have admitted that their work is riddled with rather elementary errors?  One author, R.F. Keeling, said this about his own work:  “Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean.  We really muffed the error margins.”  
So why in the world would the JG chose to publish a letter that makes the writer and the JG look so ill-informed, and let’s face it, downright foolish?  
The fanfare surrounding the poorly constructed study and the publishing of a letter that cites it as evidence of ocean warming after the study was debunked by the study’s own authors is all the evidence anyone needs why “fake news” trends so often. 
Time running out to avert climate effects
A recent study published in the journal Nature shows that the oceans are warming 60 percent more than expected.
So what happened to all the focus on global warming? Where did the fear go? All the recent focus on the immigrant caravan is distracting from the pressing matter of global warming.
The rise of sea levels leads to extinction of coral reefs and other fascinating species. People need to begin listening to scientists instead of oblivious politicians from either party.
Time is running out to make a change. Efforts need to be made to conserve our oceans before we are the next endangered species.
Mackenzie Rupp
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

When we start building nuke power plants again we will get serious about climate. Not going to happen. But it is more important to bitch and that is the goal. When the sun explodes, expected in 4 billions years, we will have a serious global warming issue. And Pelosi will still be fighting nuke power. And Miami will still not be under water.