Friday, November 02, 2018

Thankfully the midterms will be over Tuesday - Sadly the 2020 presidential campaign begins Wednesday

Well we’re in the home stretch.  TV is unwatchable with 3 minutes of “________ is lying hypocrite not fit to draw a single breath of pure Indiana air…” every commercial break.  Cable news is unwatchable, polls, polls, polls one contradicting another.  Anyone remember 2016? 
FNC (the F is increasingly for Fake) is running apiece on how the MS senate seat may determine the balance of power in that chamber.  Brett Baier – a nice enough guy – went through what seemed an endless series of what-ifs: “if Reps lose these 7 seats and pick up these 7-8 and then lose or split 4 of these close seats, then the 4 way race in MS will determine the balance of power in the senate.” If you have to go through that many hoops I suppose you could make a do or die case for every single seat in congress. 
I’ve seen polls marking races even one day and then a particular candidate up or down 7 points the next.  I think that’s as good an indication as any that the polls are total BS.  Just this morning a poll in AZ shows the Rep up as much as 7 and then a FNC poll shows the Dem with a slight lead. 
I guess, as always, it boils down to voting.  The talking heads make a big case about early voting. I don’t know why.  No matter how early you vote, you still only get one vote, right?  (I know, the rule doesn’t apply to Dopes.) So what difference does it make? I suppose it’s the old bird in the hand rule.  Weather, illness, car problems etc. might keep you from the polls on Election Day if you wait.  So the early votes, which I can be categorized by party somehow, are as good an indication as any of voter intensity.  
I will crawl naked over broken glass to vote on Nov 6th. I enjoy voting in person. I go early.  When I arrive – before polls open – there’s always a line.  Some trying to be the first vote in the precinct, some headed to work, some headed home form the night shift.  But it’s always been a nice polite gathering. 
My guess is that there’s not one person who really knows how this is going to pan out on Tuesday.  Someone will get it right, but those correct predictions, like buying a lottery ticket, will have more to do with luck than any predictable scientific method or model.
Well if we lose, will it be okay for us to assault Dopes on the streets, run them out of restaurants and sow revolt?
Oprah – WTF
The O went down to Georgia to stump for the Dope candidate for Gov.  Fine, anyone who follows The O’s lead on politics is an idiot.  What strikes me is the fawning praise for The O, even on FNC, for what sounds an awful lot like a racist rant to me.
“I’m here today because of the men and because of the women who were lynched, who were humiliated, who were discriminated against, who were suppressed, who were repressed and oppressed.” 
WTF?  If you don’t’ vote Dope you’re disgracing the memory of blacks who were lynched, BY DEMOCRATS, who were humiliated, BY DEMOCRATS, who were discriminated against, BY DEMOCRATS, who were suppressed, BY DEMOCRATS who were repressed BY DEMOCRATS and oppressed BY DEMOCRATS. Somehow The O left “BY DEMOCRATS” out.

Lex is out of touch. Other than the weakest character on the Big Bang Theory, I don't know who any of these "starz" are.  Who the F_K would give a crapola what these D listers political opinions are?

Erwin Haas nails America’s “assembly line” public education and not just because he agrees with Lex.  Re:  The Amish school model.  As my dad told me when I wondered off to college (jokingly, I think) “Well, you either have know something or have a college degree.” 
This appealed to my 8th grade sense of humor
Watched this during lunch yesterday.

This is almost as hilarious as the “Trump will never be president” video.  

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Intellectual Froglegs is a riot.