Thursday, November 29, 2018

Hell yes, let's have total violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis and get this mess settled once and for all

This may sound crazy, but, except for the final outcome, I agree with Mark Lamont Hill.  There might as well be real violence in Palestine until this thing is settled. 

Here’s how it will end under your scenario, Mark.  Israel will push the Palestinians into the sea. Problem over.

The Palestinians aren’t that much different from the mob staged on our southern border.  The mob like the Palestinians live in sh*tholes.  They look across the border and want an upgrade to their own pathetic situation. Instead of demanding responsive government in their own sh*tholes they try to invade places that, except for San Francisco, don’t allow 3rd world dolts and drunks to crap in the streets.

But instead of coming into the new country, assimilating and taking advantage of the freedom of and opportunity offered therein, the mob comes in, maintains the language, customs and traditions of the sh*thole they left and demands that the host country adopt the failed policies of the sh*thole.

It’s like CA libs fleeing high taxes and dysfunctional government (read Dope government) by moving to TX and then demanding higher taxes and more dysfunctional government in their new home state.

The Middle East has been a sh*thole my entire life and there is no end in sight.  I have opined on this page several times – if I haven’t I should have – that this thing will never end until the Israelis deliver a heinous azzwhipping to the Palestinians.  An asswhipping so bad that Palestinian women and children weep at the thought of it, and, as a result, becomes known as “the asswhipping that shall not be mentioned” among Palestinians.

So Mark Lamont Hill ramp up that Palestinian violence, if you think that’s smart.  We all know how this ends.  The sooner Palestinian violence hits peak the sooner the Israelis will do what has to be done. Once that is accomplished, we will be closer to Middle East peace.

Boob Nifong Mueller
What the hell is up with this guy? What’s up with Dopes and Flakes who want to give this azzbag total immunity to conduct his witch hunt in perpetuity?  Who controls this dumbazz?  Who is this POS accountable to?  When does the BS end?  Why is this SFB allowed to bankrupt people and threaten them with jail time until they lie for his purposes? 

This whole thing is BS.

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