Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The border crashers don't want asylum. They want an upgrade.

I understand the people who comprise the caravan on the southern border.  Every time I fly I try to organize a caravan in coach to storm the Business and 1st Class sections of the aircraft.  Once we got all the way forward but were frustrated by that impenetrable curtain that separates the swells from the hoi polli.

I think that DHS needs to find out what the airlines make those curtains out of and construct a wall of that material.  Seriously, whatever those curtains are made of, it f-ing works.

PDJT wants billions for a border wall.  We put up high walls reinforced with razor wire and the illegals just walk through it.  What a waste.  PDJT’s rally chant “Build that wall!” should be swapped out for “Hang those drapes!  Hang those drapes!  Hang those drapes!”

Congress needs to force airline execs to testify on the hill.  One question, “How do you do it - how do you keep the riff raff out of business and 1st class with nothing more than a curtain?”

Okay that bit is as stupid and juvenile as anything that has appeared on this page over the years but the point is valid.  People lining up outside the border are not in fear for their lives, i.e. the plane isn’t on fire*.  They don’t need asylum.  That’s already been offered by Mexico.  

The mob at the border is standing around waiting for an upgrade to business or 1st class.  That’s it.  It’s a scam.  It’s total BS.  It’s a Demo-Dope vote buying scheme, and the Dopes will use your money to make the purchase, Mr. & Mrs. America.     

*NOTE:  I assume the airlines would allow the rest of us access to business and 1st class in the case of an emergency, but maybe not until all of the swells are out.

Today’s JG rant
It’s sad to know that racism is alive and well in Fort Wayne and supported by the JG.  In his award winning letter, “Heroines, but no heroes, in Kavanaugh process”, Bill Bruening put his racist views on display for all to see and the JG rewarded the racism with a Golden Pen. 

Breuning pointed out that there are “plenty of white men to blame” for the unseemly Kavanaugh process.   Wow Bill, racist much? Now do Asian chicks. 

Blaming “white men” for the Kavanaugh mess is not only a lie, it is the classic definition racism.  It is every bit as racist as Breuning blaming black men for crime in his neighborhood or assuming every Hispanic standing outside at the local convenient store is an illegal alien. It is racism straight up.

Well does it matter that the racist statement was made by a self-loathing white man?  No.  No more than when a black woman refers to Candis Owens as an Aunt Jemima or a house ni**er. It’s still racist.

But hey, word meaning is of little concern when you’re writing or giving awards for letters slavishly toeing the Democrat Party line.  Well, it’s not really racism if it is directed at white men – right?  Wrong. It’s racist.

Heroines?  Why did Breuning leave out Julie Swetnick?  Her sick claim of Kavanaugh spiking punch and leading a gang rape ring in high school has EXACTLY the same number of people corroborating it as those corroborating Blasey Ford’s fantasy - zero.

Breuning also left the very senior, Senior Senator from California, Diane Feinstein, off his list.  Feinstein sat on Balsey Ford’s fantastical story for months before springing it on the public in the 11th hour of Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. The entire sorted affair could have been avoided if Feinstein had one speck of decency or an iota of ethical fiber in her ancient thoroughly corrupt body.        

Golden Pen: October
Heroines, but no heroes, in Kavanaugh process
The past few weeks have been one catastrophe after another in the Senate's attempt to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Both parties should be ashamed at their “circus” performance.
We have plenty of white men to blame – especially those who get angry and shake fingers at those who disagree. It was not a high point for those of us who put country above party. It was not a high point for those of us who believe that the truth does not depend on red and blue.
I am disgusted by the performance of the senators who looked ridiculous and petty. There are several people who were not reduced to narrow partisanship, screaming and shouting. The funny thing is that they are all women. I suggest there were no heroes during the confirmation, but there were several heroines who conducted themselves with honor and dignity.
Of course, Christine Blasey Ford is a heroine – even if you do not think Kavanaugh is guilty of anything. She conducted herself with dignity and principle. She was not well treated by the committee and others involved in the hearing.
The second heroine is Brett Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley. She sat behind him during what had to be an excruciating hearing concerning her husband's behavior. She sat stoically and obviously defended her husband both by her presence and her silence.
The third heroine is Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. Her impassioned speech about why she could not vote for confirmation is exactly the courage that elected officials need to emulate. You do not have to agree with her position, but you need to admire her courage.
There are no heroes in this catastrophe. The screaming and shouting was from men. After the hearings were over, I felt the need to tell the women in my life that not all men are like the officials who embarrassed themselves on national television. I felt like watching Looney Tunes because the performance is at least funny and does not make me want to vomit.
Bill Bruening of Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Judge K called it a national disgrace. He, his wife and daughters recieved death threats, vulgarities, and character assinations. Graham called it the biggest sham he had ever seen. They were pissed off and for damn good reasons. Mr. Bruening compared it to Looney Tunes. How trite. Mr.Bruening pens a letter proposing angry white men as the issue. Were he falsely accused of drunkenness, attempted rape, and his family threatened with death remain non angry? Personally I am still pissed. And white and male.