Friday, August 24, 2012

The Demo-Dope's war on women

If you are trying to frame a debate that you are pro-woman and the guy next to you is conducting a “war on women” would you hire a man accused of rape, groping, indecent exposure, who is a serial philanderer, who happens to have lost his law license for having been found guilty of lying to a judge about his sexcapades to make your case?

Probably not but while Demo-Dopes and their MSM lemmings are openly breaking down and weeping on tv supposedly because of something stupid Todd Akin said, they go merrily on their way when it’s announced that alley cat Billy boy put some ice on it Clinton is given Slow Joe chains Biden’s speaking slot at the Demo-Dope convention. CNN’s twin ditzes Carol Costello and Ashley Bannfield break down emotionally while talking about Ryan being “soft on rape” while giving an actual rapist and pervert a pass because he happens to be a Demo-Dope.

If you are looking for just a hint of consistency, you are perplexed. Republicans need to start shooting back on this. The RNC Chairman is the perfect guy to do it. Reince Priebus is the take no prisoners guy who called Scrawny Harry the thieving land baron Reid a dirty liar. When confronted with Akin questions or the Republican war on women meme, Priebus can just say:

Look we don’t have a man actually accused of raping, indecently exposing himself and groping a series of women delivering a keynote speech at our convention. Todd Akin has never been accused of Rape. Billy boy Clinton has. Todd Akin has never been accused of exposing himself to a woman in his hotel room. Billy boy has. Todd Akin has never been accused of groping a woman. Billbo Clinton has. Republicans have repudiated Akin. Demo-Dopes have embraced their favorite reprobate. Now, Demo-Dopes have announced that they will give a sexual predator a keynote speaking spot at their convention. Given that information, who is conducting the war on women? Yet it’s Todd Akin we’re told by MSM lemmings and Dope Democrats who is a danger to women. They truly are living in an upside down world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. The Griffin.