Thursday, April 24, 2014

BLM draws attention to unlawful federal ownership of lands

The feds screwed up.  I know.  That’s not exactly a shocker, but rather a daily occurrence on a grand scale.  But the BLM’s heavy handed assault on Cliven Bundy exposed something I think most Americans were only minimally aware of.  That some thing is:  the feds own huge percentages of the western states.

The governor of Nevada is in fact governor of only 16% of the state.  The other 84% is under federal control.  By square miles, Nevada is currently ranked 7th of the 50 states.  When you strip out the federal land, Nevada sinks to 42nd.  Were I a politician in Nevada I’d make that an issue the upcoming election and every election until the feds relinquished their control of lands within the state borders.  Why do the feds control 84% of Nevada?  Under what constitutional authority is such a land grab authorized?
I suspect the land grab in Nevada can be summed up in four words (three words for Slow Joe Biden) – Harry the roach Reid.  No doubt the roach understands that it is much easier for him to conduct his underhanded land thieving under the lackadaisical watch of the feds than under the watchful eye of state and county land commissioners.  If the land were to revert back to state, the roach and his worthless no talent spawn might run into people who actually have an interest in how the state’s resources are developed.  That would definitely gum up the roach’s land thieving enterprise.
The feds are now thinking about taking on Texas in a land grab.  Big mistake.  Gov Rick Perry and State’s Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbot have told the feds in so many words to piss off.  That’s a good reaction by state officials.  It’s a bit harder for the Cliven Bundy’s of the world to stand alone against the onerous land grabbing federal government.  What Bundy has accomplished, if nothing else, is to draw attention to the obscene amounts of land the federal government unlawfully owns in the western states.
You’d think states like California, past the point of being just plain broke and well into whatever it is that comes next, would want the land and mineral, timber and water rights that accompanies that land as a means to ease their financial burden.  Of course in California they would just blow through the money and be right back were they are in a couple of years – but you get the drift.  There is money in the land.  If you don’t believe me, ask the lying thieving Harry the roach Reid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
It has gone from the people owning the federal land and wise use policies, to the feds versus the people. On its' own it would seem of little matter. But look at what is being nationalized. Education, healthcare, energy, etc, and eroding rights of the states and local governance. If you want a fishing or duck pond, the EPA has to approve it. The IRS is roaming shopping malls taking pictures of car license plates saying it will help catch tax cheats. And of course our emails and phone calls are being swallowed into some govt record somewhere. Trust of the feds is gone, nerve endings are exposed, and the people will determine where it ends or does not end.