Thursday, February 15, 2018

Here we go again

There no doubt will be a long list of Demo-Dope gun control measures suggested in the aftermath of the latest school shooting.  Upon review, they will be found to totally ineffective in preventing the shooting if enacted before the killing.  In short, they would have made no difference.

Here’s the sad truth, like ending racism, the Dopes are not interested in “common sense gun control” aimed at solving the problem.  They are interested in the issue and to the extent possible confiscating all guns a la Australia. 

But Lex, how do you know that?  I know that because the argument today is the same sad BS arguments rolled out every time one of these things happens. 

The Dopes make no attempt to learn. You watch the Dopes will be rolling out the same old BS about “assault weapons,” “high capacity ‘clips’,” and banning certain weapons for their appearance rather than how they function. 

Think about it.  If your son said he didn’t cut the grass because he had a problem getting the lawnmower started, what would you do? I know I’d go check the gas, clean the spark plug, carburetor and air cleaner and then I’d give the thing a pull or two.  I wouldn’t say, well hop in the truck and we’ll go buy a new one.  Sad as it may be, the problem may be your son and not the lawnmower.  With these mass shootings the problem is ALWAYS with the people committing them.

The Dope reaction seems to be if the mower doesn’t start on the first pull go buy a new one.  If shootings were lawnmowers Dopes would be on their 61st lawnmower of the season.  They don’t learn and quite frankly do not want to learn. Like so many other issues immigration, race, education, etc. Dopes don’t want solutions, they want the issues.  When it comes to guns, they want all guns banned, collected and destroyed.

Were that not the case they’d have long ago learned how these weapons operate and that the fact that a gun has a bayonet lug has zero effect on its operation.  The color of the weapon has zero effect on how it operates.  A carrying handle has zero effect on how the weapon operates. Yet these are the things that Dopes focus on when assigning “assault weapon” status to certain rifles.

To the extent that Dopes do focus on the operation of weapons they seem always to conflate semi-automatic with automatic weapons.  And if by accident they swerve into the truth about semi-automatic weapons they will refuse to admit most handguns – even revolvers – and hunting rifles, some shotguns operate the same way that the “assault weapons” that they are trying ban operate. 

The most hideous thing the Dopes do when these things happen is demonize anyone who points out the utter stupidity of the “common sense gun laws” as accomplices to the carnage. 

Here’s the Dope end state, after proposing one worthless ineffective “commonsense gun law” after another, they finally throw up their hands and proclaim, “We’ve tried everything!  There is nothing left to do but ban guns and collect up those already in the hands of American citizens.”   

Like many of the other mass shootings, we are finding out that the FL shooter was on everyone’s radar as loon. No one did a damn thing about it.  Had they tried, Dopes would have screamed bloody murder about the system going after a mino.  The same way they’d have bitched about authorities going after people of the “religion of peace” as they plot mass murder. 

There might be laws to prevent these shootings, but they all would involve targeting crazy, anti-American, anti-social people rather than guns.  As those three groups make up much of the Dope base, there is no way the Dopes are going to support common sense profiling laws.

Neither will they spend one second learning about items they want to restrict or ban.    

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Car wrecks, drug overdoses, texting while driving, mental health and teenage suicides, drownings, etc, individually take more young lives than school shootings. None of the above involve the NRA which seems the arch nemesis of gun control advocates. Does advocating for legalizing gateway drugs lead to more overdoses? Would border control lower the amount of illegal drugs? Addressing mass murder is not so easy as banning a gun. And the topic is used too many times as a political blame game in false indignance. Getting serious about pre-planned mass murder has many components. Not just one component.