Thursday, February 22, 2018

It is time to vilify Driver's Education

Charles Krauthammer once said, “Conservatives think liberals are stupid.  Liberal think conservatives are evil.” Krauthammer’s assessment is correct on both counts.   

Take teen media sensation David Hogg - please. Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland, FL school shooting, calls the NRA and by extension its membership – “child murderers.”  Yes, he’s that stupid, and yes, he thinks conservatives are that evil. 

The NRA is made up of nearly 5 million members who, according to Hogg, are guilty of or accessories to “child murder.”  Yes, he’s that stupid, and yes, he thinks conservative are that evil. 

As far as I know, no NRA member has ever shot up a school.  The NRA is the #1 advocate for the lawful use and safe handling and storage of firearms.

How in the world does an organization that has as one of its prime directives the safe handling and storage of firearms get blamed every time some evil criminal shoots up a school or movie house?  It’s like blaming driver’s ed every time there’s an automobile accident.

And if it is not the NRA being dammed, it’s an inanimate object - an “assault rifle” - getting the blame.  In the previous analogy now it’s not only the driver’s ed instructor’s fault, it’s Chevy’s or Ford’s fault as well.

The kids at high schools – like kids at all high schools – are flocking together wearing the same clothes, using the same worn out phrases to express their “individuality.”  

It’s nothing against these kids.  We were all high schoolers and know what it was like to be the real individual - like a kid at Stoneman breaking with the pack to say, “I dunno we all knew the kid was possessed by evil, maybe the cops should have taken the threat more seriously.”  Or a kid who shows up on CNN wearing an NRA T-shirt and tells Fredo Como, “My dad’s an NRA lifetime member and never killed anyone.  David Hogg is a self-serving moron for saying my dad's a child murderer.”  Instead all we get is collective weeping – the NRA (sniff) sucks - and moaning - AR-15s (sniff) kill people - to see who can get on CNN the longest.

Who are you going to trust your personal safety to, the boy with the skinny arms or the man who was a Navy SEAL for 12 years? The truth about ARs is here.     

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