Friday, February 02, 2018

Release of memo to end world; Why Mattis is great; PDJT's DACA offer to checkmate Dopes

The Memo
As we hurtle closer and closer toward the release of the Nunez memo, Dopes who are not even supposed to have seen the thing are screaming that releasing it will be like that scene in “Raiders of the lost arch” where the Nazis pry open the box supposedly holding the Covenant and are consumed by it in the process.  Release of the memo will destroy us they claim. 

Have you noticed yet that according to the Dopes EVERYTHING is going to kill us.  Repeal of Robertscare will kill an estimated 5 billion people in the US.  Passing tax reform will kill billions.  Opening ANWR will destroy the planet.  Withdrawal from Paris will kill everyone on the planet but Michael Moore and AlGore who will spend the rest of their lives trying to spawn a new human race.  Now this with the memo.  

You can only invoke the impending destruction of the planet, humankind and the country so many times.  The entire party is like that stupid "doomsday clock" that hasn't gone off in nearly 70 years. I think for the Dopes that was about 10 years ago.

My guess is that we will survive learning something we already know, the Dopes and the FBI are crooked.  

Grand Nan from San Fran actually sent Paulie walnuts Ryan a letter asking for Nunez to step down from his committee chairmanship.  Lex’s response would have been two words, “You first.” 

I think PDJT should pull a rope-a-dope on the Dopes.  Send out a tweet stating that there are a lot of explosive items in the memo that shouldn’t be seen until after the mid-term elections.  Then sit back and watch the MSM go nuts demanding the release of the memo immediately.  He beats these guys like a drum yet they are like kids at a waterslide, they keep running back and lining up for more.

I read somewhere that this is just the first of possibly four memos that lay bare The Empty Suit’s administration’s attempt to influence then overthrow an election.

No. I’m not changing my opinion.  By the time the Dopes and their Charlie McCarthy mouthpieces - the MSM. Hollywood et al - get done spinning this, no one will be jailed or even charged.  The worst that will happen to any of them is that they will get the McCabe/Learner treatment: a cushy government retirement.  

Meanwhile the crooked cop Mueller* investigation will continue through 2030 trying to tie President Pence and VP Nikki Haley to an obstruction of Demo-Dope policies charge.

Note*:  I don’t know if Mueller is a crook or not.  I do know he should have never taken the job.  Mueller investigating the FBI is like Lex investigating who ate the last cookie.  We are both at a minimum horribly conflicted and most likely investigating ourselves.

Best news since The Empty Suit and Slow Joe became unemployed
At the Republican retreat yesterday, SecDef James Mattis said, “I need to make the military more lethal.  Some people think I’m supposed to be an equal opportunity employer.”  I pretty sure, in post somewhere under, Lex has made the point that all of the social justice BS directed at the military should be required to pass one test: Does it make the force more lethal?

The only reason SecDef Mattis is free to utter his truism is because his boss speaks the plain truth - as he sees it anyway – and will back the General up.

I’m sure that as news of Mattis’ remark ricocheted through the Interweb and Caligula, D.C. all of the right people are now feigning outrage and calling for his ouster. 

After the SOTU address and now this, I’m beginning to think that perhaps PDJT has turned the ship away from the iceberg.   
Trump’s DACA trap
Many of us are not happy that PDJT’s immigration plan offering amnesty to 1.8 (soon to be 3) million “dreamers” aka nightmares.  That said, PDJT could be laying a very clever trap for the Dopes using DACA as bait. 

He’s made a very generous opening offer.  If the Dopes refuse to negotiate, they look like the obstructionist that they are, using the nightmares - like so many other Dope constituencies – as political pawns for generation after generation and never solving the problem.  They prefer the issue and the votes to actually solving problem.

If the Dopes take the bait there are conditions attached to the nightmares reaching the goal of citizenship:  1) a 10-12 year waiting period where the nightmares cannot vote 2) Education requirements – be able to read and speak English 3) Work requirements - no welfare bums 4) Good moral character read – Not a criminal

The last three requirements wipe out three large swathes of the Demo-Dope party the uneducated, welfare kings and queens, criminals.  Taken as a whole educated, working, not in jail, they begin to look more like Republicans than Demo-Dopes.

PDJT has worked the Dopes into a corner on this one in four moves.  First, he put the DACA issue back into the legislatures court were it belongs with a time limit to pass a bill.  Two, he called the Dopes’ bluff on shutting down the government making the Dopes look as if they cared more about illegal aliens than they do about the American people (which they do).  Three, he made a wildly generous offer with a few common sense string attached.  Four, he has asked for reasonable and popular concessions from the Dopes on border wall funding, chain migration and the visa lottery. 

I’m not saying it’s checkmate yet, after all we are talking about the Rat establishment Republican Party who has never had a victory they weren’t willing to throw away to appear to be bipartisan, but I do believe PDJT has maneuvered the Dopes between a rock – blow up DACA or shut down the government again, and a hard place where they are forced accept PDJT’s generous offer cough up the concessions then have to watch as the Dope potential votes – the nightmares - get deported anyway because they do not meet the requirements while what looks like Republican voting DREAMERS move toward citizenship.

The likely end to a large portion of potential Dope voters in line for citizenship under PDJT's DACA fix found here.

Lex you’re looking at this through rose colored glasses.  It’s going to be a disaster. 

Like I said, we are dealing with ReR and that is always a possibility.  As we move closer to another government shutdown, it’ll be interesting to see what the Dopes do though. 

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