Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Unintended consequences

As seems to always be the case when politicians step in with “common sense” this (gun control) or “common sense” that (immigration reform) things start to slip off the rails. Azzbag pols once decided to sock it to the rich by taxing the crapola out of high end luxury yachts.  That’ll show the rich bastards! The unintended consequence of the  pols’ BS move was that rich people simply stopped buying yachts.  That led to a whole industry of middle class craftsmen, suppliers and their employees hitting the skids while the rich, as always, got richer by keeping their money in their pocket.  

You can be sure that when dumbazz BS pols aim a tax at the rich they are going to hit the middle class square in the wallet.  Lex’s philosophy on the rich is that, for the most part, they are rich because they work harder, have more talent, are better educated, just plain smarter or have a better business savvy than most of us. They, for the most part, should not be demonized.  They should be admired and studied.

The unintended consequences of government social welfare programs are obvious and well documented.  Over the years it has about a 75% failure rate for moving people out of poverty.  Yet the programs grow, receive more and more money as poverty continues at the exact same rate in the exact same places.

Government recently got its oily hands on the healthcare system and what happened?  One disaster after another.  One patchwork rob Peter to Paul fix after another.

Now, after the latest school shooting and as predictably as the sun rises in the east, the pols want to “do something.” The “something” will be a fix that does absolutely nothing to address the underlying problem.  The fix will focus on the instruments of violence rather than the real causes. It will be like banning hammers because a carpenter installed your kitchen cabinets at a horrific angle.

Just the talk of banning “assault weapons,” whatever that is, has had the unintended consequence of increasing AR-15 sales in Cape Coral, FL by 30% after the FL shootings. 
The AR-15 has been the most popular rifle sold America for the last 10 years.  There are many reasons, among them: accuracy, easy of firing, the platform is easily modified to accommodate about any shooter’s desires, stopping power etc. As a result there are currently about 8 million of the weapons in the hands of American citizens.

8 million is as likely as not to be 9-10 million as gun grabbers inspire many Americans to make their purchase before the harebrained Pols decide to ban the platform.
So even if a ban is affected today, there will still be well over 8 million of the rifles out there.  

What is the likelihood that one or two of the 8 million will fall into the hands of another crazy and that the FBI and local police departments will sit on their incompetent azzes rather than do their jobs?  Pretty good I suspect.

So the reality is that there are 8 million “assault rifles” out there.  How do you stop one from coming into the local school?  Collect up the rifles?  That, Mr. and Mrs. America, could have the unintended consequence of leading to a no sh*t shooting Civil War.  People are not going to sit by and let the government come into their homes to confiscate their ability to defend themselves and their families.

So, ask yourself, is it easier to collect up 8 million rifles or harden the target?  Is it easier to collect up 8 million rifles or put an armed guard in schools?  Lefties will say, “you cannot put weapons inside the school, unless they are in the hands of a deranged lunatic.”  They are not serious about protecting the children inside the school. 

It really is no more complicated than that. If Lefties will not allow people capable of protecting the school inside the school, it is obvious that they really don't give a crapola about who gets shot up inside*.  Their agenda is to grab guns and restrict gun ownership NOT school safety.

NOTE:  A cynic might claim that they even want a certain amount of gun tragedy to further their cause of grabbing guns.  I'm about there.

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