Friday, February 23, 2018

The Demo-Dopes are throwing PDJT into the brier patch on gun control

After the FL school shootings, there are all kind of gun law proposals on the table.  One thing is certain, none of them will have the intended effect of keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals.  If gun grabbers succeed in banning the dreaded “assault weapon” what exactly will happen with the 10 million or so such firearms already in possession of American citizens?

Any effort to collect up the existing weapons could – and I’m serious about this – lead to a no sh*t shooting Civil War.  Even if law abiding people relented and peacefully surrendered their 2nd Amendment rights by turning in their weapons, those are the only ones that will be turned in leaving the criminal element with the upper hand when it comes to firepower.     

In a post several under, Lex notes that the ARs are flying off the shelves ahead of anticipated restrictive actions by congress.  I am considering an additional buy myself*. I’m weighing the cost of an additional rifle against the cost of buying additional ammo for the existing rifles.  I know, why not both?

NOTE*:  I have to weigh the purchase against Mrs. Lex’s mental health.  Having one more gun the house that I do not shoot will drive her nuts.

There is also talk of bumping up the minimum age requirement to buy such weapons to 21. So I suspect that it’s the 18-20 crowd that is leading the way in the surge of AR gun sales. 

Back during the Vietnam conflict, the movement to lower the age for voting to 18 was born.  “If you’re old enough to die for country, you ought to be old enough to vote for the Pols sending you off to war.”  The logic was unassailable. 

Since we’ve lowered the voting age, we’ve increased the age for purchasing alcohol and cigarettes.  So apparently you’re now old enough to get shot up in defense of your country and get hooked on opioids while recovering from your wounds, but you are not old enough to have a beer with your buddies while discussing your war wounds.  You are old enough for Uncle Sam to put a rifle in your hands but you’re a criminal if your Uncle Billy buys you one for your 18th birthday*.

NOTE*:  Uncle Billy would run afoul of the law as well becoming what is known as a “straw buyer” – someone who buy a gun legally then transfers the weapon to someone else.

We now have 40 year olds living in mom's basement.  So it is not much of stretch to want to start treating 18 year olds like 6 year olds.  For the record, I got my first rifle, I think, when I was 12.  Still have it.  Still haven't shot anyone.

Prediction:  “Common sense” gun laws will end up the exact same way DACA is ending up.  PDJT offered a doubling of DACA recipients and an extended pathway to citizenship in exchange for a border wall, an end to chain migration and an end to the visa lottery.  Dopes demagogued* PDJT’s offering demanding instead amnesty free and clear for anyone in the world who can wonder across an open American border.

NOTE:  Bill Gates is telling me “demagogued” is not a word.  I happen to know that it is.  I’ve heard it on TV.  Anyway you know what I mean.  

With regard to gun laws, PDJT will make what seem to be major concessions while proposing things that will actually make schools safer: arming teachers, locking doors, cameras, cops, mental health screening etc.  Dopes will refuse to budge on any school safety legislation until it includes an “assault weapons” ban and confiscation.

By their petty recalcitrance, PDJT now owns the DACA issue and is on the way to owning the gun issue.  The genius is in the way he is doing it.  He gives the Dopes what they want while demanding what most Americans want in return.  The Dopes do not want any of the problems facing Americans solved.  They want the issues not solutions.  So, they will not budge on "common sense" gun control coming from the White House with NRA backing.

Riddle me this Batman:  A scenario you’ll never hear on CNN:  The cops were at the FL shooter’s home more than 30 times.  The shooter was expelled from school 2 or more times.  The FBI was warned about the shooter at least two times.  A county sheriff was on the scene while the shooting was in progress and refused to engage the shooter.
How is what happened at that FL school the NRA’s fault?

Marines fall in line: Lower the standards ignore the results.  That sound is my heart breaking.

Update on the unintended consequences of an AR-15 ban:  An AR-15 isn’t the most effective weapon for creating mass casualties in close quarters.  Banning the weapon might actually have the unintended consequence of driving mass murderers to more effective weapons for their ultimate aim and lead to more casualties.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Lex is right. Trump has taken the issue of school safety and is running with it. Demo Dopes and most media are looking like the Harlem Globetrotters typical competition. Can't find the ball. Flat footed. Dolts. Each time they get Trump cornered he not only escapes but dribbles around the defense 3-4 times before doing a leaping turn around slam dunk. Meadowlark Lemon Trump.