Thursday, March 15, 2018

Dopes collude with Russians to sow discord in America

The Dope fallback to the House Intel Committee’s report finding no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians is that the Russians clearly meddled in the election to help Trump and sow discord among Americans. 

The Dopes are right.  The Russians did meddle – as always - but only Shrillda the Hutt, Dopes and their MSM azzwipes have allowed the Russians to succeed in their goal of sowing discord.  No credible report has indicated that so many as one vote was changed by Russian meddling. So had Shrillda the Hutt, the Dopes and their MSM azzwipes just taken their azz wippin’ and gone home, the Russian ploy would have failed spectacularly just like it failed in every other election – save AlGore – in the last 60 years.

Instead the Hutt, Dopes and their MSM azzwipes are themselves acting like Russian agents intent on sowing as much discord as possible among Americans about the integrity of our elections process – even though everyone agrees no votes – not one – was changed due to Russian meddling that has been ongoing for 60 years.

Does anyone seriously suppose that had Shrillda the Hutt managed to stop smashing up her hotel room and compose herself enough by around 11:30 pm on Nov 8, 2016 to make a gracious concession speech, we’d be in the mess we are today?  Had she come out immediately and told the truth: that she started the campaign with a huge Electoral College and polling advantage, that she enjoyed nearly 100% MSM approval, that she enjoyed nearly 100% Hollywood approval, that she burned through a billion and a half bucks and that she got her ample azz whipped by a political novice because she’s was a horrible candidate with more baggage than O’Hare on Monday mornings, America – NOT Shrilda or even PDJT but America - would be much better off today.

Had the Hutt taken the extra step of cutting herself loose of her louse of a husband and told her and Webb Hubble’s daughter, Chelsea, to keep her ignorant trap shut, she might have been able to retire quietly to write a 40,000 page memoir of “What Really Happened” and to some extent rehabilitate herself.

Instead she wants be like the obnoxious drunk at the bar who constantly brings up the questionable 5 yard false start penalty against his side that occurred in the 1st quarter of his team’s 48-7 loss in the Super Bowl as if it had anything to do with the eventual outcome.

The difference of course is that drunks eventually sober up.  It does not appear that Shrillda the Hutt ever will.  

The student walk out
A commie (Russian) inspired movement.  If you don’t believe that look around at the pictures and signs.  In TN students protesting whatever it is they were protesting tore down the American flag and assaulted a cop.  I think now we know who is running this protest.

JG gun note
The JG actually published a number of reasonably well written letters in support of #2A.  So I’m giving them a break today.     


The Griffin said...

Shillary continues to loop 24/7 the episode of Mary Tyler Moore asking Mr. Grant for a raise. And Archie Bunker and George Jefferson discussing athletes race and sports. Then to pull everyone together in her "It Takes a Village" kum-by-ya effort she calls white men and white married women as backward depolables. Too bad she did not make this known when her husband was running in Arkansas. Slick Bill would not have been elected governor or president. Would not have the 35 years of Clinton lies, corruption, impeachment, illegal FISA warrants, stealing the 2016 nomination, and so much more BS. So who is the sexist? And white men comment? Who is the racist? Who is the hater? People who ask how anyone could vote for Trump need reread Shrill's comments. 2016 election was between two people. Not a thousand. Just two.

The Griffin said...

And the Russians broke her wrist this week. Shrill The Perpetual Victim.