Thursday, March 01, 2018

PDJT caves to or lays a cleaver trap for Dopes

I have no idea what is coming after PDJT’s congressional meeting to discuss the way forward on gun legislation.  My advice is, as always, buy another gun and more ammunition now. 

One smart guy once said, “Ignore what PDJT says.  Pay attention to what PDJT does.”  The meeting may have been Kabuki Theater akin to the DACA meeting.  Where are we with DACA after PDJT supposedly gave the Dopes everything they wanted for free?  Pretty much where we started.  But PDJT has gotten credit for offering up something more generous than the Dopes were asking for.  The Dopes refuse to take the win and move on.

With regard to gun legislation, the ball is in the Lefty Lib court.  What will they do?  Probably, as always, overplay their hand and demand an end to the sale, manufacture and possession of the dreaded but undefinable “assault weapon”, universal background checks, 6 month waiting period for any sale of a firearm so the buyer can attend a government approved training course, safe storage laws etc. etc.

Upping the age to buy a gun - long gun or handgun - to 21 makes no sense to me. We changed the voting to accommodate 18 year olds being sent off to war.  That makes sense.  Now we’re saying, sure you’re old enough to vote and go to war but not old enough to own a gun.  If they are not responsible enough to buy a firearm why are we forcing one into their hands in the military?

Rather than joining the #NEVERTRUMPERS, I think I will wait to see how this one plays out.  These things always have a great deal of momentum until they hit the obstacle known as the Second Amendment.  

It seems odd that PDJT appeared to give the farm away to Dopes but shut Steve Scalice down on states reciprocating on concealed carry permits.  Seems to this small mind that if concealed carry is good for the schools and PDJT endorses that idea that it just might be at least as worthy an idea for population as a whole.

And that “grab the guns first, then due process” remark was off the chart scary.  But that’s what totalitarian states do.  Take the guns then ignore due process.  Whatta you gonna do about it at that point?

PDJT may not know it, but he’s playing with fire on this one.  If this thing comes out looking like what it does now, good riddance Don.  Impeach 45?  Fine.  Pence is the better bet at this point.

I was on the Trump train from the start, but this is a deal breaker.  If PDJT and the Rat establishment Republicans lose people like me, I think the mid-term might get ugly.  If Dems win the House, they WILL impeach PDJT.

How many stars does a guy need?

Broward County Sheriff and clear egotist - Scott Israel - wears four stars on his uniform.  Okay I get it. You need a rank structure in a large organization and in certain cases it needs to be visible to the underlings.  But four stars?  How many 3 star, 2 star and 1 star commanders are there in the sheriff’s department? By comparison, Momar Gaddafi ran an entire country and was only colonel for crying out loud.

The Texas sheriff on the right wears no stars except for the badge.  Who looks like they are more comfortable in their own skin?  

To assert my authority here at the compound I'm going to get 5-6 stars and put them on my shirt.  That ought to do the trick.

Today’s offering to the JG.

The first step toward confiscation is registration.

Re: Gerald Young’s letter Gun Buyers’ ID, Feb 28, 2018

In 1931 the Germany’s Weimar Republic, in order to counter Nazi threats of a takeover, embarked on a program to register all firearms.  The Weimar interior minister at the time warned that the list could not be allowed to fall into the hands of any extremist group. 

Guess what happened?  In 1933 the list fell into the hands of the ultimate extremist group – the Nazis - who used the list to attack and disarm Jews and other political enemies.

Remember the old Leftist mantra, never let a crisis go to waste.  Their answer to the FL school shooting crisis is to register all firearms.  When that, like most boneheaded Lefty Lib ideas, fails they’ll claim, “Well we tried everything.  Nothing will stop this scourge until we collect up all the guns.”

After they have your guns, then they’ll deny you due process and take your free speech and then they’ll take your property and put you in jail.

Gun buyers' ID
If you have renewed your driver's license recently you know that the requirements are: 1) a birth certificate or unexpired passport, 2) two items to prove your current address and 3) your Social Security card. While there are other options, these three would generally apply to naturalized citizens. Why not apply these same requirements when purchasing a gun? Wouldn't that go a long ways toward keeping guns out of the hands of those who should not have them?
No one is suggesting taking your guns away, just better control over who can own them.
Gerald Young
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Sensical gun law. Trump said he would sign it. The phrase means nothing. It is to TBD. Define it then we can discuss it. Of the 20,000 plus gun laws what new law needs added? The pols need not fear the NRA. It is the voters the Dems are afraid of. Congress has to make any new laws. Not Trump. I believe Trump has put them on the hook. Trump can now say he is awaiting "sensical approaches to stopping mass murderers".