Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Okay, we may have to stick with Don the non for now

I’m one day into my “Dump Trump” campaign and I’m already having second thoughts.  Here’s the problem with “Dump Trump,” who are you going to replace him with?  Arnold Schwarzenegger says John Kasich.  Why?  Well because Kasich supports a bunch of know-nothing dopey teenagers who are not old enough to vote but who want to ignore the Second Amendment and confiscate your means to defend yourself.  Given that choice, Trump every time.  MAGA!!

Politics is the art of the doable.  Until there is a viable alternative, we have to suck it up and go with Don the non, because he’s not Kasich, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Heap Big Chief Lying Face Liz Warren etc.  It’s actually no worse than voting for Don the non because he wasn’t Shrillda the Hutt.  Sadly, we just have to do what we have to do until something more viable splashes onto the scene.

Besides, I’ve always been of the mind that Pauly Walnuts and Mitch are the real culprits here.  They are the Caligula, D.C. insiders who should have known better.  Why did that POS bill ever make it to Don the non’s desk?  Because they wanted it to. 

Why?  Well, Rat establishment Republicans loath Don the non more than the Dopes.  That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it.

The real test for Don the non comes in Sep when this process is due to repeat itself.  Don the non (DTN) has said he will veto it.  I think there is a better way.

DTN says he wants a line item veto.  The Supremes have already declared that unconstitutional. So DTN tells congress that in a move to create transparency, every line of the next omnibus will be subject to debate.  Once the bill passes congress and the WH staff has read it, DTN will have House and Senate leadership into the WH for a new game called “Who wants to shut down the government?”

Here’s how it works.  DTN offers up line items from the omnibus that he wants struck.  Leadership can then okay the removal of the item or object.  So DTN says, “Line 37 on page 2,343 - ‘1.7 million dollars for the study of the mating habits of the North American Tiger Ant’ - anyone want to shut down the government to keep that?”

If Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer objects, “Mr. President that’s a line item for Joe Manchin to bring back to the great state of WV to help his reelection bid, and I have to insist that it stays.” 

DTN says, “Oaky let’s vote.  The house and senate are kept in session during these negotiations to settle just such disputes.  Call the Senate to order and vote on line 37 on page 2,343.”  Dopes will throw Manchin so far under the bus he’ll roll out the other side where they’ll have to throw him back under.

If congress were forced to defend such BS there would be a lot less of it.  Also, in order not to interfere with the Caligula, D.C. grandee’s regular “work”, the game would be played only on weekends starting at 4:30 on Fri afternoon and run until 10pm.  Resume at 9am on Sat until 10pm with 1 hour for lunch.  Resume at 12 noon on Sun and run until 6pm every weekend until the president’s list was clear.

I think it’s a brilliant idea.

Today’s JG rant

NOTE: The seed for this piece came from the Griffin in what was a long and pretty incoherent rambling e-mail that I had to run through my Dick Tracey decoder ring twice before it began to make any sense.  But here on the Lex page we try to give credit where credit is due.  Hat tip the Griffin.

David Hogg is trading student’s lives so he can have his 15 minutes of fame.  Hogg, the entire March for our Lives crowd, the MSM and the Hollywood swells that empower them are (let me see how would THEY put it, right) murderers with the blood of 1,000s of teens on their hands.  

Here’s why: In the name of protecting teens from the dreaded but still undefined “assault weapon”, Hogg and other selfish, self-centered, egotist mount their vainglorious opposition to Americans being allowed to exercise their God given, constitutionally protected right to defend themselves.  Meanwhile thousands of teens die each year at hands of the real teen killer – the assault phone.

About 300 people of all ages are killed each year by rifles – that’s ALL rifles not just the dreaded but still undefined “assault weapon.”  By contrast, 11 TEENS lose their lives EVERY SINGLE DAY at the hands of assault phones due to distracted driving.  Hogg and other murderers like him have sucked the oxygen out of the air from those of us trying to stop the mayhem caused by assault phones on America’s roads.

Hogg doesn’t care if teens die by the thousands at the hands of assault phones as long as he gets his weekly 10-12 bookings on TV.  Instead of calling for the banning of something he cannot defined, Hogg should be calling for a ban on assault phones. 

Unlike the Hogg, I can define what it is I want to ban.  Assault phone: Any phone capable of sending or receiving text messages.  Also, since most accidents involving distracted drivers occur with drivers between the ages of 21 and 25, the legal age to purchase any mobile phone (or food at the drive through for that matter) needs to be increased to 26 years of age. 

By his total lack of concern for the real killer of teens, it is clear that Hogg is in the pocket of the murderers at big cell phone.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Deaths from dog bites...30 per year.
Bee stings...50 per year.
Peanut allergy deaths...150 per/yr.
Rifles...300 per year.
Punch/Kicks...650 per/yr.
Knives...1600 per/yr.
Driving while texting...3500 per/yr.

Rather than looking at this objectively, too many people want to accuse someone or something. Hammers and blunt instruments kill 450 people per year. There is no National Hammer Association (NHA) but there is the NRA. But I would guess we would have a massive increase in hammer attacks if people were not allowed guns.