Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Of course there's no evidence of collusion, that's why Schiff wants to keep looking

After 14 months of rooting around, pouring through files, interviewing 100s and more than 10,000,000 Adam Schiff tv interviews, the house Intell Committee could find no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.  Neither could they find any connection between  Shrillda the Hutt's campaign and reality.

Demo-Dopes are outraged.  A mere 14 months does not constitute a serious investigation, particularly when it clears PDJT.  Schiff and other Dopes are fuming.  Ending the investigation and a potential 100,000,000 more Schiff tv interviews before PDJT is either impeached or finishes his 8 years in office is a scandal in and of itself!!  Impeach all Republicas!!

Schiff cited the hastily completed Warren Commission report on the assassination of President Kennedy to argue to keep going until the Demo-Dopes find something – anything – on PDJT.  Schiff said, “Look the Warren Commission sped through its investigation in a paltry 10 months.  As a result we still don’t have a clue of what happened in Dallas, TX on Nov 22, 1962.  In alternate reports the National Enquirer tells us that JFK is being kept alive on life-support in the basement of Parkland Memoria Hospital.  Then another report has photos of him lounging on a Puerto Rican beach. Which is it?  I think the American people have a right to know.  And, by the way, on this Trump thing, we haven’t even gotten to ogle...uh...I mean interview Stormy Daniels* yet.”   

NOTE*: Best line on Story Daniels comes from Greg Gutfeld who opined, “Finding out that Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star will be about as shocking to the American people as finding out that Mike Pence didn’t.”

Here’s what Dopes everywhere are clinging to, the committee report does not say, “the Trump campaign did not collude with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign.”  It only says that the committee could “find no evidence” of collusion.

Dopes seriously believe that the committee has to keep looking until they find something.  Dopes are acting like the Duke Lacrosse rape case prosecutor Mike Nifong.  They KNOW what happened to poor, poor Shrillda the Hutt on Nov 8, 2016, evidence be damned.  They just have to keep looking.

And just like Nifong would have been perfectly happy to send three innocent young men to jail for a very long time without a shred of evidence, Dopes are prepared to destroy the country in order to get PDJT on something even if it’s jaywalking.  

So the investigation MUST continue.  Here’s why, as near as I can tell.  As we all know, congress does nothing useful. Investigating PDJT for Russian collusion has proven to be useless.  Therefore the investigation must continue.

Today’s JG gun offering
Given the heavily skewed number of letter the JG has printed since the Parkland school shooting advising Americans that it’s time to ignore the Second Amendment, and the dearth of letters in support of the supposedly antiquated law of the land, now must be the perfect time to repeal and replace it.

So Joe Donnelly, the ball is in your court.  The wind is supposedly at your back.  If the ratio of letters printed in the JG is a true reflection of the sentiment of area Hoosiers, the time is right for you tell us what a 2018 Second Amendment should like, and then run your re-election campaign on it.  Only a craven weasel, AKA a Democrat politician, would side-step this issue at this moment.

The same goes for the JG editorial staff that flood these pages with emotional pleas from people to “do something” with no regard for existing law, American tradition or the magnitude of the problem that they wish to address.  Step up.  What should a 21st century Second Amendment look like? 

Joe Donnelly nor the JG will take on such a task for several reasons.  One, they lack the intellectual heft to propose anything that will adequately address the myriad aspects of weapons ownership in America, from function and purpose to appearance, collecting and utility. Next, they know that whatever is proposed will be a heavy lift for amending the constitution.  That is purposefully a very high bar.  Last, and most importantly, they do not want it written down anywhere that their true aim is to ban and confiscate firearms from law abiding American citizens.

Prove me wrong.  What does a 21st century “common sense” Second Amendment look like?

How to act on pledge
Through the years, I have read the papers, watched the news reports and grieved like so many other Americans after these terrible gun attacks on innocent citizens. The students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida are so right: “Enough is enough.”
My heart aches that those students, after their terrible losses from the shooting on Valentine's Day, are having to devote their time and energy on gun control in this country with protest gatherings. But good for them; I applaud them.
I really hope and pray that all the politicians and every American listens very closely to what they are trying to convey. Those students are the future of this country. Their friends and family (who are old enough to vote) will be casting votes either for or against you. And, believe me, with their anger and passion to get gun laws changed, you will lose votes if you don't take what they are saying to the White House and get gun violence under control.
Remember the rights of those who aren't bearing arms when the shots are fired.
President Donald Trump could “make America great again” by getting assault rifles off the streets where they don't belong.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

When many people pushed for the age of 21 we were told it would not effect rifles. Just handguns because they are used in most of the shootings. Gun owners knew the next step would be to raise the age on rifle purchases. The camel's nose, then and neck, etc, into the tent. Watch to raise the age to 23 to buy a rifle. Then raise the age to 25 for handguns because they are worse. Eventually only people over 90 years of age could buy a gun. Then no more mass shootings? I don't believe it. When the FBI, cops, teachers do-nothing to protect the people we are left to do it ourselves. And the feds? Hell they could not build a website for healthcare that worked. They paid (eventually) car owners to destroy perfectly good vehicles in "cash for clunkers". Developed the Susan B Anthony dollar that was the same size as quarter. Has 17 Intel agencies because 16 is really just not enough. New gun laws? No thanks.