Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Strike hard while Dopes are in disarray

After Robert E. Lee depleted his invading army’s strength and will with Pickets charge at Gettysburg, it was ripe for a counter attack and pursuit by Union forces as Lee retreated south.  Like the armchair quarterback, it’s easy for me to sit here in my pj’s with a hot cup coffee and point out where Meade’s Army of the Potomac failed.  The Union army was also likely spent after the epic battle.  Still it’s hard to imagine Grant or Sherman letting Lee slip away unmolested.

So it is with the Dopes and the Muller report.  They are like the Kim Darby character in “In True Grit.”  There’s a line in the movie after Mattie Ross mentions siccing her lawyer, J. Nobel Daggett, on Rooster Cogburn, where the Texas Ranger La Bouef says, “She draws him like a gun.” 

That’s exactly what the Dopes, the lemmings in the MSM and the deep state azzwipes have been doing with Boob Nifong Mueller for the last to years.  They’ve drawn him like a gun every time PDJT showed up somewhere saying the investigation was the witch hunt it turned out to be.  The response was always the same, Mueller – Mueller – Mueller!!!!!

The big difference is that J. Noble Daggett turned to be a pretty good lawyer not an incompetent horse faced deep state boob surrounded by partisan BS artists like Nifong Mueller. Now Nifong Mueller has left the leftist mob with a crate of egg on their collective faces.  The only saving grace for the mob so far is Nifong Mueller showing what a coward he is by punting the “obstruction” question to AG Barr.

Where was I? Hmm, something about Gettysburg…oh yeah - the pursuit.  The Dopes are reeling. Now it’s time for PDJT to attack.  PDJT should give a total pardon everyone Nifong Mueller abused during his “investigation,” including lying sh*t Mike Cohen.  Why not?  The point is to pardon everyone Nigong Mueller screwed. Cohen fits the bill.  

Then PDJT should totally close and seal the southern border until Mexico gets its head out of its azz and cooperates in stopping the invasion taking place there.  

Next, hold a series of victory rallies across America.  Nothing infuriates the Dopes and their MSM acolytes like a Trump rally.  

Then he should demand AG Barr vigorously pursue anyone associated with the deep state coup.  

Then just for grins, PDJT should order DOJ to investigate the Jussie Smollett case and clean out the den of corruptocrats running justice in ChiTown.

Anyone of those actions would push the leftist mob over the edge.  Taken together, they would cause a total meltdown on the left.  MesSNBC would be required viewing just watch the hosts weep, commit suicide on air or murder the occasional conservative they let speak on air.

Let the pursuit of the leftist mob begin!  Pardon Gen Flynn!

I’m not all that outraged by latest developments in the Smollett case.  If you think any deep state azzbag is ever going to do time for their attempted coup, just look at this case. We see this over and over again.  Dopes walk. 

What’s most aggravating about Smollett is that the lying sh*t continues to lie and maintain his innocence.  He should be begging for forgiveness and falling all over himself apologizing. Instead the weasel is STILL lying.  Redemption is an American right, but it only come with an honest and contrite apology. 

Smollett would likely have gotten off easy had he gone to trial, so this outcome is probably not all that different from a trial.

Smollett, you are guilty as hell and everyone – even your mother - knows it. My hope is that the Feds roll in on you like they did on Roger Stone and throw your worthless lying azz in jail for very long time. 

Follow up on the "religion of peace"
Read this  

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Donald Trump is a hammer in search of a nail. And there are no shortage of nails. When the other side ignores our laws (border security, FISA warrant requirements etc), how do you fight it? Hire Donald "Rooster" Trump and Bill "J. Noble Daggett" Barr to round up the scum. Take them to Fort Smith where they will tried and hanged. All legal-like.