Friday, March 01, 2019

If we are all doomed, as AOC claims, let's take the day off and have some fun

We’re all doomed.  We are all like Fredo Corleone.  We’re dead.  Unlike Fredo, we even know the time of our demise. We’ll be dead in 12 years because we are destroying the Earth. It has to be true because the brilliant one-time bar tender, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has told us it is true. Seriously, if you can no longer trust your local bar tender, who can you trust?

So if we are all going to be dead within 12 years, don’t worry be happy, right?  Why all of the doom and gloom?  If we are all dead men walking shouldn’t we be ticking off the things on our bucket lists and enjoying what is left of short lives?

“Well, Lex, I think it means if we don’t get the Green New Deal done, we’re all done.”  Okay then we’re all done, because the Green New Deal ain’t happening in 12 years, 112 years or 1,012 years.  It is undoable.  So we’re all dead. So let the party begin.

Nobody, not even the half-wits like AOC believe this BS.  In 2006 well-known scientist and deep thinker AlGore gave the planet 10 years to survive.  In 1988 well known climatologist Ted Danson said the oceans would be dead in 10 years. In 2019 the leader of the Demo-Dope Party, having learned from idiots like AlGore and Danson, upped the doomsday clock ante from 10 years to 12 years to our certain demise.

All of these people - the most brilliant of the most brilliant - have one thing in common, they don’t know sh*t about much of anything.  The Dope party has a pension for putting the dopiest, most ill-informed, most radical people front and center to argue their fearmongering nonsense on the environment.  The Dopes sent out to support this eviroBS are also always the biggest hypocrites unable/unwilling to take their own advice on ow to save the planet.  

Republicans are fortunate that Dopes insist on putting the most vacuous among them – Peloser, AOC, Biden, AlGore, the entire 2020 presidential field et al – front and center to make the case for their enviroBS, the Green New Deal*, infanticide and socialism. It’s a gift that will get PDJT elected to a second term.

*NOTE:  I look at the New Green Deal as much more than leftist enviroBS.  It is that for sure.  But it’s also a socialist play whereby the government nationalizes industries, confiscates earnings, turns education into propaganda arm and picks winners and losers across the board. It’s an anti-American play pure and simple.  It is total foolishness, but it needs to be taken seriously.  We know the left never stops pushing, and they will push this BS over the next 20 years (or at least for the 12 we reportedly have left) and we’ll see it enacted bit by bit thorough the courts if not the legislative branch.  That’s how the left rolls.

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