Thursday, March 21, 2019

The left cannot stand or understand history

Stone cold loser
George Conway, the husband of White House counsel Kellyanne, is exactly what he accuses PDJT of being - a narcissistic unhinged azzbag.  What kind of husband goes about undermining his wife with her boss?  A stone cold loser husband.  George is seeking the spotlight in the only way his limited talents will allow him, creating a very public controversy with his top flight wife. 

Today’s JG rant
In his letter “Gen. Wayne declaration part of sanitized history” of Mar 20, 2019, Jimmy Fincher experiences a severe case of cognitive dissonance.  Fincher whines about the “sanitized version of history” but goes on with a list of grievances of how the white man mistreated the American Indian.  Which is it? Is history being airbrushed or is the truth out there and how was Fincher able to stumble across it?

Fincher claims that Texas tried to rewrite “history books in Texas with terms like ‘indentured servant’ instead of the word ‘slave.’” It must have been a stealthy rewrite.  A Bing search using “Texas schools try to substitute indentured servant for salve” turned up one controversy.  One school book referred to slaves as “workers.”  Guess what happened?  Outrage.  The text and the schools were taken to task.  Is that sanitizing history?*

With regard to the slaughter of men, women and children, Fincher may want to read up on the Big Bottom massacre, scores of others committed by Indians against white settlers and consider that the Indians were pretty efficient at slaughtering each other as well.  Two wrongs don’t make right, but it does go a long to verify Gen. Sherman’s notion that, “War is cruelty.  There is no use trying to reform it.”  Echoing Lieber’s code, “The more vigorously wars are pursued, the better it is for humanity,” Sherman went on to write, “The crueler [the war] is, the sooner it will be over.”**

It’s easy for virtue signaling, self-loathing, dim-wits to sit back with 150+ years of perspective and point to where the strong man stumbled and judge him against modern standards.  If Fincher believed his own hokum, he’d do a 23 and Me DNA search, give all of his ill-gotten gains to the closest Indian nation and return to whatever craphole corner of the world his kind originated from. 
*NOTE:  I can tell you who did conflate indentured servitude with slavery – Virginia’s Democrat Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam, but when you were photographed in blackface standing next to a Klansman, being an ignoramus are probably the least of your worries. What are Democrats to do when the sitting Democrat governor is a dumb as a hoe handle racist and the line of succession includes a serial rapist Lt. Gov. and a racist AG?  Ignore the problem.  By the way, where are all the boycotts of Virginia by the usual virtue signaling leftist? 
**NOTE:  To prove this point, compare PDJT’s turn the generals loose to win the war in Syria with the “hearts and minds” campaign in Vietnam or the endless wars of “nation building” in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Gen. Wayne declaration part of sanitized history
Is it my imagination, or does it just appear that Jason Arp, R-4th, and Paul Ensley, R-1st, seem to be more representative of the county than the city?
The last congressional election showed that a large percentage of the population are not lockstep with every far-right idea that comes from the Ann Coulters and Rush Limbaughs of the world.
The sanitized version of history that I was forced to learn as a kid has been shown to be blatantly biased toward European interlopers. They attempted to rewrite history books in Texas with terms like “indentured servant” instead of the word “slave” to describe the black experience before emancipation.
“The Trail of Tears,” when native Americans were marched hundreds of miles from their homes in the bountiful forest land to homes in the wastelands of the southwest, was something we wanted to benefit the “benevolent” white man.
Get real: Gen. Anthony Wayne enjoyed the slaughter of native American men, women and children and was rewarded for it.
Jimmy Fincher
Fort Wayne

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