Monday, March 25, 2019

Boob Nifong Mueller stays on the low road to the end

The AG’s letter summarizing Boob Nifong Mueller’s report proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the latter is still double D-bag.  “Lex how can you say that?  The AG’s summary letter makes it clear that Mueller doesn’t think PDJT did anything wrong.”  No it doesn’t.

After 22 months and 10s of millions of dollars the horse faced D-bag Mueller could find no collusion and could not prove obstruction but could not “exonerate” PDJT on that charge.  Is that the new standard? I cannot prove the double D-Bag Mueller is deep state, anti-American, Soviet azzbag sympathizer, but I cannot exonerate the double D-bag of that charge either.  Has he stopped beating his wife?

There’s a reason an independent counsel is appointed.  It’s to get the politics out of the investigation. So after 22 months and 10s of millions of dollars Boob Nifong Mueller could not prove obstruction so what does the double D-bag do?  He passes the decision for charges off to the politically appointed AG.  WTF?

Dopes are now hopping all over the AG’s decision that there was no obstruction.  That was a set up by a feckless POS - Nifong Mueller.  Had the coward done his job, he would have just said, “There’s insufficient proof to support any charge of obstruction against PDJT.” Instead he claims there’s not adequate proof but there can be no exoneration – either.  Again, WTF.  So Dopes have grabbed onto Nifong Mueller’s vacillating nonsense line to keep the investigations alive. 

First off it wasn’t the AG’s decision.  AG Barr said that the decision to clear PDJT of obstruction charges was taken after careful consultation with Deputy AG and deep state azzbag Rod the wire Rosenstein. Rosenstein appointed Nifong Mueller and has been overseeing the witch hunt since day one.  So how do the Dopes square that circle? They don’t.  They whine louder.

Now the Dopes are promising further investigations.  They are promising to bring AG Barr and Nifong Mueller before congressional committees to explain the report.  Good. Dopes do not look particularly smart when they conduct these hearings.  They look like desperate weasels.  So bring on the hearings.

Dopes are demanding that “the full report be released.”  They know full well the “full report” will not be released.  So if one line on one page of the 600+ page report is redacted the Dopes will grab onto that one line as proof of a “cover up.”

The Dopes are also hanging their hats on the Southern District of New York to bring down PDJT.  Wiley E. Coyote has a brand new Acme anvil all ready to fall on PDJT’s head.  We already know how that scenario is going to play out.

Now, what’s left?  PDJT can release the e-mails and other documents that prove a deep state conspiracy to destroy him and his presidency. There is a still IG report waiting in the wings.  So a president may still fall, but that president is half wit half black Barry The Empty Suit. 

My guess is that no Dope or Dope leaning deep state azz weasel will ever be charged with anything.  

Watching the glum faces on MesSNBC and CNN was priceless.  

Today’s JG rant
Note to editors:
People and institutions confident in their opinions welcome debate.  Lift the ban.

RE JG’s editorial “Hungary’s insularity comes at a cost” of March 23, 2019

When the JG calls Hungary’s leader “one of Europe’s most virulent anti-immigrationists” what it really means is that Hungary has stood up to the unfettered migration/invasion by Muslims consisting mostly of military aged men.  

I doubt that anyone at the JG displayed any curiosity as to Hungary’s history with Muslims. If someone at the JG took an hour or two to study that history they’d have discovered that Hungary has had frequent encounters with the Muslim world.  Not all were peaceful bumps in history. The Ottoman occupation (1541-1699) is still fresh in the Hungary’s national consciousness.

Yeah, I know.  It’s been 400 years.  When are they going to get over it?  About the same time leftist in this country get over Chris Columbus and stop pulling down historic markers in every city square here in America I suppose.

If anyone at the JG still reads, I’d encourage them to pick up Mark Steyn’s “America Alone” that addresses Europe’s – and to a slightly lesser extent America’s - demographic death spiral. Hungary thinks its culture is worth preserving and so is willing to take steps necessary to preserve it. It is no more complicated than that.  

After reading about history and demographics, someone at the JG might want to pick up a book on economics. Orban is simply applying a well-known economic principal to Hungary’s demographic problem.  If you want less of an activity, tax it.  If you want to encourage an activity, reward it with tax exemptions or subsidies.

At the crux of this is culture.  If a country thinks its culture is unique and worth preserving, it will not allow its culture to be watered down with mass migration of people who could not care less about it and refuse to assimilate to the host country’s way of life. Savvy?    
Hungary's insularity comes at a cost
“We Hungarians have a different way of thinking,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said last month. “Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
In his annual state of the nation address, Orban, an authoritarian who has become one of Europe's most virulent anti-immigrationists, announced a new set of incentives to encourage Hungarian women to have more babies, his answer to the problem of Hungary's falling population. “Most dramatically,” the Washington Post reported, “he said any woman who has four children or more will never have to pay income tax again.”
Orban also wants to increase the nation's child care capacity and reduce mortgage and loan payments for parents. Without such incentives, critics warn, women who have more children may also be likely to leave the workforce.
Hungary indeed has one of Europe's lowest birthrates, 1.45 children per woman – but that is not the only cause of its population crisis. “With large numbers of young Hungarians leaving the country in search of better wages and greater freedoms elsewhere in Europe, the population is steadily declining,” the Post wrote. “Nearly 10 million today, it is projected to be just over 8 million by 2050.”
Bribing potential parents seems like an expensive alternative to freedom and diversity. 

Today’s second JG rant 
Note to editors: People and institutions confident in their opinions welcome debate.  Lift the ban. 
I read Paula Dyer-May’s letter, “Hate-crime protections needed” of March 22, 2018, with interest.  I think she should expand upon her ideas in a book where animals take over a farm and set up an egalitarian society where all animals are equal, except some animals are more equal than others. 
Here’s hate-crime legislation I think we can all get behind.  Anyone who harms me, my family or anyone I care about gets dealt with as harshly as I see fit.  Anyone who harms Dyer-May, her family or anyone she cares about gets a street or park named after them. 
Under such a law we will all be protected equally, “but some groups of people [mine] need extra protection.”  Would such a proposal make sense to anyone?  Then neither should hate-crime legislation.

Hate-crime protections needed
I respectfully disagree with Melissa Peters' disagreement with our governor in her March 15 letter.
I do agree that God will judge criminals and everyone else for what we do. Under the law, we are all protected equally, but some groups of people need extra protection. The reason certain groups of people need extra protection is that they are targeted by some criminals because of who they are. A hate-crime law will give the criminals extra punishment for their crime.
Don't you agree that someone who goes into a church and shoots people because of their religion deserves more punishment than a drug dealer who shoots another drug dealer for selling in the wrong territory?
Paula Dyer-May
Fort Wayne

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