Thursday, March 14, 2019

PDJT last real man standing for America in Caligula, D.C.

I think a dozen Rat establishment Republicans siding with Chuckles the weeping clown Scummer, Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, anti-American Demo-Dopes and the F-k Mr. and Mrs. America open borders crowd works in PDJT’s favor.

It exposes a dozen weak kneed ReRs for primary challenges. It expose the Caligula, D.C. Dope/ReR cabal as different wings of the same bird that they are. It demonstrates to the American people that PDJT is only one in Caligula, D.C. that gives one hoot in hell about them.   

I don’t much care for the amount of power congress has seeded to executive branch, but seed it they did.  If the azzweasels in congress don’t like what PDJT did they should go about reclaiming their rightful power.  They shouldn’t single PDJT out for actions that they sat by with their collective thumbs up their butts while a half-wit like Barry The Empty Suit ran roughshod over them.

When PDJT vetoes the ReR supported Demo-Dope open borders BS bill, Mr. and Mrs. America will see plain and clear that PDJT is the only thing standing between them the Caligula, D.C. ruling class azzweasels.  At the end of the day that will bode well for PDJT.

He should celebrate the veto with a Rose Garden signing ceremony.  He should pass out pens from the signing to the Republicans who stood up to Chuckles and Nancy.  He should call out the others as weak Dope sympathizers more interested in illegals than they are in the American people.

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