Friday, April 19, 2019

Boob Nifong Mueller's cowardice continues to cripple America

It was a good day to be laid low by a chemo infusion.  I could watch the total meltdown of CNN in slow motion. Phase one was wailing and gnashing of teeth of AG Barr making a statement before he released the Mueller report.  For this nothing burger, Barr was characterized as PDJT’s stooge.  Seems to me if that were true Barr would have taken the high road and not released the report at all, which was totally within his purview.  According to the denizens at CNN Barr’s 30 minute prerelease presser was some kind whitewash of the report that was due out within an hour or so of the presser wrapping up.  Hmmm, all that BS they heaped on Barr didn’t stop CNN from imploding over the report in 3,2,1 seconds after the report hit.

It’s funny that Dopes bashed AG Barr for writing up a summary of Nifong Mueller’s report after a couple of days reviewing it, but were quite fine with their own ability to comment and summarize the report live on-air.  

Phase two was the 12 member #NEVERTRUMP panel that tried to digest the report on air while trading turns bashing PDJT and AG Barr.  It was hilarious.   The report said no collusion and offered no opinion on obstruction.  So the CNN panel took on the task of proving those crimes while pouring over the report live on-air.  Boob Nifong Mueller and his 13 angry Dem-Dopes couldn’t make the case in 2 ½ years and 30 million dollars, but the geniuses at CNN were making the case for free within 30 minutes of Nifong Mueller’s report dropping.  It was funny to see these losers grasp at straws and build the case for obstruction that trained prosecutors with an absolute animus toward PDJT could not make after trying desperately to do so.

Dopes actually used Nifong Mueller’s reference to a candidate Trump’s joke at rally where he asked the Russians to find Shrillda the Hutt’s 30,000 deleted e-mails.  CNN actually played the shortest possible clip of candidate’s Trumps remarks to make them look as nefarious as possible.  HEY CNN!   HEY NIFONG MUELLER!  GET A LIFE!  IT WAS A F-ING JOKE!

Phase three was when the good folks at CNN stumbled upon the idea that the only reason PDJT escaped obstruction was because his underlings protected him from himself.  Well now we’re getting somewhere.  At least they are admitting there was no obstruction. 

Phase four was the idiotic idea of bringing on one talking head after another to opine that the report said the exact opposite of what the report said.   The “totality of the report” was an oft heard phrase.  The totality of the report cleared PDJT.  “PDJT’s campaign didn’t report Russian efforts to contact them to the FBI.”  This apparently is proof positive of the major thought crime of "a willingness to collude."  The FBI didn’t report Russian efforts to infiltrate the Trump campaign to Trump…so.

Phase five was just making stuff up out whole cloth.  CNN then spent the night arguing that the report is a clear roadmap to impeachment on collusion – which nearly everyone with a brain agrees is a dead letter – and obstruction.

What was absolutely amazing to me was CNN’s idiocy throughout the day.  They have beat the drum that there would be clear and convincing evidence of collusion between candidate Trump and the Russians for 2 ½ years.   That well is a dry hole.   Pencil Neck Schiff who has claimed, what 100 or more times on-air, that he had proof of collusion.  Why wasn’t Pencil Neck dragged into Nifong Mueller’s BS band of 13 angry Dopes and grilled and made to put up or shut up?  Not one time did anyone indicate that CNN’s reporting on Nifong Mueller’s report was, at a minimum, wishful thinking by die hard Dopes at CNN.

As for Boob Nifong Mueller – he’s a gutless anti-American scumbag.  He’s let this thing go on and on for 2 ½ years then didn’t have the guts to charge or clear PDJT on the obstruction charge.  Coward.   Nifong Mueller has created 2 ½ years of chaos in American government.  His cowardice on the obstruction charge ensures that there will be 2 more years of chaos – nay – if PDJT wins re-election 6 more years of chaos.  For that Nifong Mueller is an anti-American coward.  But worse yet, after 2 ½ years and 30 million bucks Nifong Mueller stabbed Lady Justice squarely in the back when he raised the standard of justice in America to “guilty until you can exonerate yourself.”  What a worthless POS.

PDJT should issue Easter pardons to George Papadopolus and Carter Page – the two low level campaign aides entrapped by Nifong Mueller’s crazed team.

PDJT still has a boat load of e-mails he could dump on Nifong Mueller’s team’s head anytime he wants to.  AG Barr plans to investigate the beginnings of this charade which has the usual suspects running for cover.  That’s why they are crying out for impeachment.  Jimmy the fib Clapper and Johnny the red Brennan seem particularly exposed and as a result are screaming the loudest for immediate impeachment in an effort to save their own worthless butts.

While this Nifong Mueller created BS government paralysis continues the southern border is all but open.  NK is firing off missiles again.   Opioids flow freely into the country.  China, NAFTA, etc. trade deals flounder.  Demo-Dopes will not move on one thing to clean up the mess they helped create while they chase the white whale of impeachment. 

It’s STILL PDJT alone, and he’d the only thing standing between us and the Caligula, D.C. ruling class creeps.   This is all Boob Nifong Mueller’s fault. 

Let's put all of this aside for a few days and have a great and blessed Easter.           

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