Tuesday, April 09, 2019

No more Mr. Nice Guys for PDJT's cabinet

Nielsen firing
She did the best she could.  I think her demeanor had as much to do with her firing as anything.  PDJT wants secretaries that will fight back.  Nielsen wasn’t fiery enough for PDJT. 

If that’s what PDJT wants, I’d bring in former ICE head Tom Holman.  He takes no prisoner.  He looks the part.  He has the background with a firm grasp of all the data and what it means to Mr. and Mrs. America. 

Holman is not going to sit in a house or senate hearing and let that dysfunctional band of know nothing nit wits bad mouth him or his department.  He will level the worthless weasels in plain language.  He won’t call them “disingenuous.”  He’ll call them “damn liars.”

That’s what we need across the board.  Elected officials can’t be allowed to sit behind the dais at a senate or house hearing and lie their worthless azzes off and make all manner of bogus charges against ICE and the Border Patrol without the fear that someone will hit them back.  Holman will hit back…hard.       

Why do we like PDJT?  Because he’s so understated…right? No, we like him because when someone goes after him, he fights back.  He’s no GWB who just hid out in the Oval Office licking his wounds.  PDJT goes after them. He slaps them down. He never gives up.  

He is the only thing standing between us and the Caligula, D.C. ruling class swells who will destroy America as founded. Rat establishment Republicans are worse than their Demo-Dope counterparts in this regard.  All the lying thieves want is a seat of power when the American Republic finally slips under a stormy sea of creeping socialism.   

Today’s JG rant
Wow it’s sad to know that Ft. Wayne leftist loons are so few and far between and so incompetent intellectually that they cannot muster even a single cogent well-grounded thought on climate change or most other topics.  The proof for that statement can be found in the fact that the JG editorial page actually had to bring in a brain-dead leftist ringer from San Marino, California i.e. Jordan Sollitto’s letter, “Best climate route is already at hand” of April 9, 2019 to make the case for something called
The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act” that Ft. Wayne’s own underachieving leftists are apparently incapable of making for themselves. 

Who do we blame for this outrage? We demand that JG letters page return to the usual parade of ill-informed leftist loon drivel that Ft. Wayne’s own #NEVERTRUMP lefties supply.

As far as Sollitto’s letter goes, lefties are going to be disappointed that he announced the left’s true goal of all of this global cooling warming change disruption nonsense. It is nothing more than a not even so elaborate or subtle income redistribution scheme.  Sollitto wrote, “all revenue collected will be returned in equal shares to all households, conferring a disproportionate benefit on the poorest among us (emphasis added).” That is all any of this climate disruption hooey is about.  It’s another Democrat vote buying scheme that transfers your hard earned tax dollars to people who can be relied upon to vote Democrat.  It is no more complicated than that.

So while this page bans straight forward conservative thought, it has to outsource reasonable lefty thought to San Marino, CA.  Ft. Wayne’s lefties should be indignant by this sad development.  To my way of thinking, Sollitto’s letter proves one thing, Ft. Wayne’s lefties are every bit as incapable of making a cogent argument as any lefty imported from CA.           

Best climate route is already at hand
Christer Watson is spot on in his April 2 column, “Mockery won't change climate change realities.” Satire isn't leadership, and it certainly won't reduce greenhouse gases.
The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of which he writes is the only potentially bipartisan measure in play that can truly begin to turn the tide. And the dividend of all revenue collected will be returned in equal shares to all households, conferring a disproportionate benefit on the poorest among us whose carbon footprints are the lightest.
The bill is ready to begin solving the problem. The question is, are we?
Jordan Sollitto
San Marino, California

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

If the world is to turn to a cinder in 12 years what is the risk of building nuke power reactors? Babcock and Wilcox is ready to build them on assembly lines. Some countries get most of their power this way. Carbon Tax Dividend Act? How about unleashing the BS regulation of nuke power and getting serious. Otherwise STFU.