Thursday, April 11, 2019

It sucks to have sh*thole neighbors

Well the sh*tholes south of the border continue to dump their rubbish in our backyard.  “Geez Lex that’s pretty harsh – referring to humans as rubbish.”  It is.  It’s also true.  

These countries are not sending their highly educated and most skilled citizens north to populate America.  They are exporting their low skilled and uneducated citizens who would burden their own dilapidated economies north for the Yankees to deal with and care for.

It’s not that the people who are rubbish.  It’s like a neighbor who dumps his unwanted household items into your backyard.  He’s more likely to throw the rug that the dog took a dump on your yard than he is his i-phone. It’s exactly the same with these corruptocrat BS governments running these sh*thole countries south of the American border who organize caravans populated by their human debris to invade the US. 

The sh*t stained carpet your neighbor dumps on your yard may be useful for putting under your truck to catch that pesky oil leak, the empty paint can may be useful to store stray hardware - nuts, bolts, screws, nails and the like, but you don’t need them or the other two tons of garbage your neighbor wheel barrows into yard every year.

You decide that what you need is a fence.  But your neighbors who don’t the junk wheel barrowed into their own yards protest.  They claim such a fence would be immoral. They go to HOA and get an injunction to prevent you from building the fence claiming that there really is no problem or community crisis with a sh*thle neighbor dumping two tons of junk into your yard every year. Besides, they protest, “A lot of the junk the sh*thle neighbor is dumping into your yard is better than own stuff. Like that exquisite carpet under your truck or classic container you are using to collect your stray hardware.  Those two items are performing functions your own stuff won’t do.”   

Everyone, including the sh*thole neighbor knows that those arguments are total BS.  But the HOA needs the junk to go away, but they won’t authorize the funds to make it happen.  The other neighbors don’t want the junk in their own yards, and hey they won’t have to pay for removing the junk as long as it’s being dumped into your yard - so they vote and advocate for allowing the sh*thole neighbor to continue to dump his junk into your yard.

Okay it’s not a perfect allegory.  But it does make the point.  The mess on the border seems to worsen daily.  PDJT should shut it down.  The Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans bitch about the high cost of such a move.  Have any of these knuckleheads considered the cost of not shutting the border down.  What’s the open border policy costing us in social safety net costs?  What’s it going to cost us when none of the “refugees” show up for their court dates when they come up in three F-ing years?  What’s it going to cost us when Dopes allow non-citizen to vote?  What’s it going to coast us when the American culture melts away and morphs into the exact same culture as the sh*thle countries that the invaders supposedly wanted to escape?

If PDJT won’t shut down the border, he should put the military on the border, shoulder to shoulder if necessary, to stop the invasion.  When the usual suspects bitch about the cost, PDJT should tell them the troops will stay until congress fully funds the wall and passes laws to stop the madness on the border.

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