Thursday, May 02, 2019

Barr turns out to be a good AG pick

I was not a Bill Barr fan when he was nominated.  The fact that he was a Bushy and supposedly friends with Boob Nifong Mueller gave me pause.  I was for putting the flame throwing, take no prisoners Joe diGenova, who call Jerry Nadler a fat loser to his face, in place as Attorney General. Watching Bill Barr handle the mental midgets on left, I’ve changed my mind.  Barr clearly had 50 IQ points on every Dope senator in the room.

Now Fat Jerry Nadler and his band half-wit Dopes in the House want their staffers to grill Barr if decided to come in to answer questions in House.  This is total BS. By comparison when the British surrendered at Yorktown, they sent a lieutenant colonel to meet with Gen Washington to hammer out the details.  Washington refused to receive such a low ranking officer and instead sent a major to negotiate with Cornwallis’s emissary.

Fat Jerry is a snitty – word of the day apparently - little Dope’s dope. Fat Jerry says Barr is “afraid” to show up.  If Barr had 50 IQ points on the senators, he’s probably got 75-80 IQ points on the weak minded Dopes in the House.  So if Barr is afraid, which he’s not, Nadler is too stupid to ask his own questions.  Barr, like Gen Washington, is absolutely correct to tell Fat Jerry to get bent.  Ask your own questions or I’m not coming.  It’d be cool if Barr took it one step further and sent a low level DOJ staffer or better yet an intern to answer House staffer’s questions.        

Today’s JG rant – leftist azzbag Thom Bauer surfaces again
I love Thom Bauer.  He’s the poster child for the whining sniveling leftists incapable of accepting that their 2016 Democrat candidate, whose foundation took millions from the Russians after she okayed the transfer of 20% America’s uranium resources, whose perjurious husband pocketed $500,000 for a 20 minute speech in Russia after the deal, who lied 100,000,000 times during her campaign, who continues to stand by her serial rapist husband, who was a national security risk for the entire time she was Secretary of State, who obstructed justice by destroying 33,000 emails and the devices that contained them, who colluded with foreign governments, including Russia, to influence the outcome of the 2016 election, who out spent her opponent 3 to 1, etc., etc., etc. and nonetheless still got her ample, sick, lazy butt kicked by a political novice. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

I love it when the fools on the left condemn the nation’s founders as old, white, racists and advocating for pulling down their statues at institutions they founded on one hand while invoking their names when it’s convenient to feign righteous indignation about this conservative or that commonsense constitutionally sound policy on the other hand.  To all leftists: Pick one and go with it.

Whatever “outrage” the founders might find with PDJT it would pale in comparison to the outrage they would have for events that occurred between the 2016 presidential election and today.  They’d be far more outraged by the efforts of one party and the highest levels of government in the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Intell Community to first influence an election and then subvert the will of the American people by overturning the results of that election.

So keep up the angry hate-filled letters.  Then go out into the yard and have a good scream at the sky.  Hillarious.      

Writer can't acknowledge complicity in bad behavior
I recently read the oped (or should I say sermon) Lana Keesling wrote on April 21 (“In this season of renewal ...”).
She writes about two incidents in which people acted badly. I have to wonder what started either one other than “actions have reactions.”
The Founding Fathers would be upset. One can only imagine what outrage and disgust they would have for Donald Trump. This is the man who made fun of a Gold Star family on the campaign trail, has lied more than 10,000 times in his first two years in office and has fueled hate toward the Jewish and Muslim communities. Who has himself joked about grabbing women by their private parts. Who more than 15 women accused of sexual harassment and who paid thousands of dollars to silence women accusing him of having affairs. 
And let's not forget the vice president, who attempted to pass a law to hurt the LGBT community while governor of Indiana.
Not once does Keesling put the blame where it should be. This is a woman who had a discrimination suit filed against her after terminating a black woman who had served the city for a number of years. Who had the mayor's city car ticketed for expired plates then had the nerve to tape a private call and ran out to hold a news conference saying she was discriminated against by the mayor. It was her office that ticketed the front car of a funeral possession while waiting for the procession to start.
So excuse me for saying I think the woman has done little to create a more bipartisan environment. Why couldn't Keesling just once say where the real blame lies or does she simply not believe what she and Trump did in their first two years in office helped create an environment of divisive behavior?
Thom Bauer
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Thom attempts to join Trump, Pence, founding fathers, Jews, Muslims, LGBT, Keesling, a black female, Gold Star Family, etc, with verbal head snaps similar to the latest Cedar Point thrill ride. I guess he ran out of word space to throw in climate, gun control, white privilege,and pro abortion comments. Thom and newspaper editors should publish some original thinking pieces.