Friday, May 24, 2019

Today’s JG rants: Socialism defined and No worries, Dopes have Captain Queeg on the case

Re: Vince Lochbihler’s letter, “’Socialist’ programs help keep nation great,” of May 24, 2019

Lochbihler’s letter is proof positive that Public education is quickly devolving into nothing more than ignorant people teaching ignorant people how to be ignorant people.  Try a book Mr. Lochbihler, even if it’s just a dictionary. 

Socialism is not defined by publicly funded projects, like highways, designed to boost national commerce and defense.  It’s not defined by forced contributions of the masses to unsustainable Ponzi schemes like Social Security and Medicare.  It’s not defined by duplicative, bloated, wasteful, onerous and over bearing government agencies that try to regulate every aspect of life and in the process suffocate freedom and enterprise in America.

Socialism is defined by government control of the means of production in key industries like energy, transportation, education, agriculture, health care, etc.  In short it’s the crazy Democrats’ –- as if there’s any other kind these days -- Green New Deal.  That’s socialism.  It has never once, in the history of the world, worked.  It is a sure-fire path to poverty, misery and in the end revolution to throw it off.
'Socialist' programs help keep nation great
I really think our country is great, so I would like to list some things that I love about our country.
I like Social Security. I like Medicare. I like our military and defense. I like our public libraries. I like our public parks. I like our national parks. I like our police and fire departments. I like our Post Office. I like our Department of Education and our public schools. I like Veterans Administration health care. I like the USDA and the Centers for Disease Control.
I like Amtrak. I like our highways and road and state workers who keep them updated. I like disability insurance, although I was lucky never to need it. I like our free lunch programs for those who need it. I like the FDA. I like OSHA and PBS. I like the GI Bill. I like our sewer systems. I like our court systems. I like the Pentagon. I like student loans and grants. I like the Peace Corps. I like the Secret Service. I like the CHIP program. I like our Department of Homeland Security.
I could go on and on talking about these things and more. That is what is so great about America – the way we incorporate these socialist programs into our capitalist country to form the best of both worlds.
Vince Lochbihler
Fort Wayne 

Bonus Rant
Re: Dina Zahm’s letter, “
Evidence is submitted; now Congress must act,” May 23, 2019

The Democrat savior, Robert Mueller, hired a team of 18 angry Democrats to hang a crime on PDJT.  After spending two years and blowing through 40 million dollars, Mueller’s stacked team definitively stated that no American knowingly colluded with Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.*  That conclusion by Mueller left the unhinged anti-Trump, #NEVERTRUMP lunatics who waited with great anticipation fueled by Democrats and their MSM lapdogs with a faith shattering big fat squadoosh.

NOTE:  That statement is not entirely true.  The IG report is likely to show that Hillary Clinton’s campaign surely did collude with the Russians and other foreign governments to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. 

Now that Zahm and crazy Democrats are left with nothing they are forced to resort to acting like the delusional Captain Queeg trying to solve the great missing strawberries caper.

Mueller hires 18 professional investigators for two years and gives them 40 million dollars to prove something, anything that would land PDJT in trouble and comes up with a goose egg. 

Faced with the undeniable truth found on pages 1 and 2 of Mueller’s report –- that Mueller could not establish that PDJT or anyone in his campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 election -- Zahm and other deflated lefties are forced to rely on Ouija Boards and Tarot Cards to allow them to divine some alternative meaning to the Mueller report. 

Zahm implores us not to believe our lyin’ eyes of what can be found on pages 1 and 2 of the report laid bare by 18 professional Trump haters given unlimited resources to “get Trump” and who would have delighted in skewering him.  Instead we’re supposed to substitute Zahm’s extensive and proven investigatory skill and keen legal mind as she, like Queeg, carefully ladles out bowls of sand along with a tortured explanation to prove that a crime of some sort has been committed by PDJT.  Mueller concluded that PDJT didn’t eat the strawberries.  

It’s nuts.  It’s pathetic.  Give it up.  Get help.            

Evidence is submitted; now Congress must act
Despite what our 45th president says, the mission of the Mueller investigation was not a “witch-hunt.” The Mueller investigation was to examine Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, consisting of possible links, or “collusion,“ between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government of Vladmir Putin as well as any allegations of obstruction of justice in this regard.
On Page 158 of the Mueller Report's section on obstruction, the special counsel writes: “The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his request.”
President Donald Trump's truth lies. He exaggerates a truth by adding lies to it. Trump usually mixes truths and untruths to make himself look impressive to others. He can weave truth and lies together, causing confusion even to himself. And, he begins to believe his exaggerations.
The president touts '“no collusion.” Nonetheless, the possibly obstructive actions of Trump involved an effort to thwart an investigation not only into election interference, but also moves to block or deny every single subpoena request. Trump on Twitter lashes out at anyone who disagrees with him. Throughout his presidency, he has held rallies across the country to keep his base fired up. He has few genuine friends, just inherent connections that propelled him to the top, and an overinflated view of his cognitive capacity.
In a dictatorship there's just one leader who has total control over the party and the country. It's now up to Congress to use its authority to act with respect to Trump and his evasive answers. If they don't, we can only imagine the problems that will ensue.
Dina Zahm
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To Dina Zahm. The Dems lost to Trump and will again in 2020. What does that about the people the Dems field to run against Trump? Who is now the most investigated person in the history of the world. Trump will win and the Dems will do what then? Another BS investigation? Brilliant!