Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday morning quick hits

The Border
I believe PDJT is winning the argument in site of himself.  Only the brazen over reach of the globalist left is shining a light on the problem on our southern border.  I don’t think PDJT’s administration is doing enough. 

The MSM White House press corps is whining about how long it has been sine Sara Sanders has held a White House “daily” press briefing in the White House press room.  They really don’t give a crapolla about Sanders answering their questions, she does that every single day.  They care about getting their mugs on camera during the 6pm news being the rude clueless losers that most are. 

Sanders should hold the daily briefing at the border for one week out of each month.  That would force the White House press corps to cover the story. Immigration will again be the key issue in 2020.  Get in front of it. Own it.

Medicare for all…the world
It’s a nutty idea.  First, a big group of people have already PAID their entire working lives for the services that Dopes now want to give away to every single American many of whom have contributed very little to the system.  It’s like forgiving college debt.  What do the Dopes propose to do for the responsible people who paid their way?

Next, the Dopes are far more in favor of illegal aliens than they are of the American people.  Slowest of all Joes, Joe JOBS is a three letter word Biden now wants to offer Medicare to illegal aliens and, as is most often the case, when a nuttier idea is discovered the Dope presidential field rushes to support it. 

So for the Dopes, it’s not just “Medicare for all,” which is bad enough.  Now it’s “Medicare for all…the world.”  Just get here and the American people will pay for healthcare, the sex “transition” – whatever. 

Can anyone explain how either – Medicare for all or Medicare for all…the world – is a sustainable program?  Can someone explain how this will not be a further lure for – hmm how to put this – less desirables to continue to storm our borders to get free stuff?

I do not how this tariff thing with the Godless ChiCom bastards is going to work out.  I don’t care.  It’s in our national, nay, the world’s interests to bring the ChiCom behemoth to heel. 

It seems to me the alternative is to let the ChiComs continue to rape and plunder our economy in order to keep low prices at Walmart.  It’s not worth it.  The ChiComs are using their economic growth for purely military purposes.  It’s time to interrupt the cycle.  If that requires some economic sacrifice, so be it.  It has to be done.  PDJT is the ONLY one that will stand between the ChiComs and the world. 

Constitutional crisis
The Dopes better be careful.  After hiding the Constitution from high schoolers for a couple of generations, the mantra for the Dopes now is that we are entering a Constitutional crisis because the Attorney General chooses to follow the law. 

What the Dopes might trigger with their “Constitutional crisis” BS is people actually reading the document and discovering that not only is there no “Constitutional crisis,” the Dopes, their lemming in the MSM and their judicial branch know-nothings have been bastardizing the Constitution for at least 20 years.

The last thing the Dopes want is a well-educated, well-informed electorate.  That is why the Dopes have targeted the American education system for the last 60 years.  The Dopes rely on ignorance, free stuff and a flexible interpretation of the Constitution to push their socialist BS programs.  Once the people figure out that what the Dopes are actually peddling is misery – it’s game over for the Dopes.  Faster please.

Today’s JG rant, PDJT’s ego
Re: Wendy M. Bartel’s letter “Trump’s ego leaves US deeply vulnerable” of May 11, 2019.

PDJT has an ego??? Who the heck knew?  DANG! If only we could have figured all this out before the 2016 election.  That would have changed everything.

If only PDJT had done something obvious like putting his name in 12 foot golden letters on every building he owned we would have had some sense of his grandiose self-image before the election.  If only he’d traveled about in jets and helicopters with his name emblazoned across the fuselages we might have gotten a whiff of his ego.  If only PDJT could have been a NYC real estate mogul whose private life played out daily on the front pages of NYC’s 20 or so tabloids for the last 40 years we could gotten a hint of his personality.  If only PDJT could have hosted a reality TV show where we could see his brashness play out week after week for fifteen seasons this ego thing wouldn’t have come as such an absolute shocker.

News flash!!  Everyone but the most obtuse among us (i.e. Democrats) knew of PDJT’s sizable ego well before the 2016 elections. It did not matter.  The Democrat Party, nay, DWS, Donna Brazile and the DNC insisted on nominating a sick, lazy criminal as the Democrat Party’s standard bearer.  She got her ample backside kicked by a political novice in spite of out spending him 3 to 1.

Now, still stinging from having one “sure thing” blow up in their faces like a Wyle E. Coyote booby trap, an Acme anvil (i.e. the Mueller report) precariously placed over PDJTs head by 13 angry Democrats and left hanging by thread has just flattened the anti-Trumpers like a penny on a railroad track after a locomotive rolled past.  No collusion.  No obstruction.  Read it and weep.  That weeping will remind us of about 9pm on Nov 8, 2016, and it’ll be glorious. 

Trump's ego leaves U.S. deeply vulnerable
In the wake of the release of Mueller Report, it is of note that President Donald Trump discussed the special counsel's findings in a phone call with Vladimir Putin yet admits he did not warn Putin about meddling in the 2020 election. Apparently he saw no reason to bring it up.
Trump's inability to even acknowledge Russia's interference in the 2016 election has left many theorizing that he fears admitting he had (and likely benefited from) Putin's assistance would be tantamount to declaring his presidency illegitimate.
I agree that is part of it, but I believe there is another, keener sting to his pride at play. Admitting what Putin did would require Trump to acknowledge that the leader of Russia considered Trump to be the weaker, more easily manipulated candidate in a race against a woman. When Putin's meddling first made headlines after the election, Trump's surrogates were quick to contend Russian efforts to influence the election had been unsuccessful because Trump had defeated Hillary Clinton. They did not dare suggest Putin had gotten exactly what he wanted – a president he could bring to heel.
As we look to 2020, it has become painfully obvious that Trump's ego will never allow him to take any action which even appears to acknowledge this simple truth, and he is leaving our democracy vulnerable to attack because of it.
Wendy M. Bartle
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

We had a healthcare system with 90 percent of America satisfied even though the feds had tons of rules and regs that hurt patients, docs, and the industry. Obama and Dems destroyed it and began a crazy expensive and non-working Obamacare. It took $900B from Medicare to kick it off. Which was wasted. After 10 years Dems blame Repubs and claim reform is required. How? Medicare for all! Britian began national healthcare in 1948. It sucks. The misery though is spread equally. Call an ambulance in Britain and 4 hours or less in considered on time. Backlog in seeing a doctor has 236,000 people on the over 6 month wait list. Brit Medical NICE committee determines how much to spend on a patient. Which is really based on much you will be paying in taxes if you keep living. Medicare for all is the latest Dem idea to drive a spike through the US healthcare system. Then of course blame others.