Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Leftists do not want to participate in our institutions, they want to destroy them

The left’s idea isn’t to take advantage of institutions its idea is to destroy the institutions.  Examples:

The Boy Scouts.  The Left has harassed the Bot Scouts into bankruptcy and out of serving young boys. 

The military academies. The left has made LGBTQLKJHBG graduation statistics and the like more important than military readiness, more important than inculcating graduates with a dedication to winning wars and battles for the country. As a result we have the naval vessels surrendering to second world rag heads and “military men” surrendering their arms to narco-terror security forces (i.e. the Mexican Army).  In today’s world, if the academies are not inculcating graduates with military esprit, tradition and strategies to win wars and battles why do we even need them?

Public education.  It’s abysmal.  Mission nearly accomplished.  Bringing in long lines of illegal immigrants riddled with disease, unable to speak English, no resources (save public handouts) and no ambition to assimilate into the culture of the country whose border they stormed ought to finish off this once proud beacon of the American way.

The MSM.  They once tried to, at a minimum, maintain a veneer of fair play.  That veneer cracked during Nixon and has been completely stripped away under PDJT. Once proud flagships of the media are now proud flagships of “FAKE NEWS,” and as we all know “CNN SUCKS.”

History.  Yes F-ing history.  The left is like 12th century jihadists trying to pull down anything from the past that doesn’t correspond to their own BS 21st century sensibilities.  Statues come down.  Kate Smith is demonized.  Doris Day is next.  I recall her in blackface in a movie so she has to go.  CMT is likely to be shut down because the movies they showcase do not demonstrate an appropriate level concern for diversity in the old movies.

The military.  The military persecutes war heroes and allows traitors to walk free.  Wannabe FO/GOs don’t bat an eye or call BS. Standards are lowered so that a totally unqualified Suzy rotten crotch can lead a SEAL Team on raid, a Marine rifle squad in a clearing operation in a built up area or an Army tank company thought she has no hope in hell ever braking track in that outfit.  Military efficiency is second to Pollyanna goals of – “Everyone is equal.”  No. They are not. 

The welfare system as a temporary safety net.  It has become a life-long hammock and vote buying scheme for the Dope Party.  If you oppose that arrangement, you are, of course, a racist.  The long line of illegals will break the system for American in the hammock and in need of temporary help.

I could go on – Inner city collapse, Dope control of any city of size for more than a decade, the entertainment industry, the Catholic Church, social media, banking (Hell yes.  Banking.  Banks are slowly starving loans from conservative orgs like gun shops, the NRA etc.)  

The Left’s idea is not to get inside these orgs and take advantage of what they have traditionally offered.  The left’s idea is to infiltrate these orgs and destroy them from within.  It’s working. 

NOTE:  Not sure leftist is the right term.  There may be a world-wide (I’m serious) globalist open borders conspiracy to destroy the world’s democracies in favor of some world-wide elite EU/UN like cabal running the world.  Again, yes, I’m serious.   God save PDJT.   

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