Friday, May 17, 2019

"Merit based" scares the hell out of meritless Dopes

PDJT’s merit based immigration plan has the Dopes tied up in knots.  They call it “condescending,” “racist,” “inhumane” etc. etc anything but what it is – common sense.  The dumbest woman in the world – Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser – has gone so far as to lie her worthless backside off by saying the Dopes never said that there wasn’t a crisis at our southern border.  Fox runs a clip with all the Dopes saying that PDJT is “manufacturing a crisis at the southern border.”  Damn video tape.  Damn tape recorders.  Damn statements inside quotation marks in newspapers.  Who you gonna believe?  Me or lyin’ eyes and ears?

But this is what Dopes do with ease and very little skill – lie their worthless backsides off.  They know full well that the snakes in the majority of MSM will cover their worthless backsides and their bold-faced lies.  How else could a drunk like Teddy I only drowned one girl in the backseat of my car Kennedy show his fat ugly mug after Chappaquiddick?  The news media actually played the fat coward’s action after driving drunk off a bridge as a “tragedy” for the Kennedy family.  YGBSM!  There’s a dead girl and it’s a tragedy for the fat drunk?  Again, YGBSM!

If the Dopes can pull that kind of deception off, saying they never said there wasn’t a crisis at the southern border despite hours of tape to the contrary ought to be walk in the park. PDJT fired a shot right across the Dope’s bow invoking the 2020 election.  PDJT has seized the high ground on the immigration issue.  He’s made it case that Republicans are for Americans the Dopes are for illegals.  We knew this, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat for the braindead.  The Dopes are now left to pander to the far left crazy as a loon open borders at all cost base or moderate to get the center before the election. 

I give PDJT a 50-50 chance of stripping away enough common sense Dopes or Dopes in fear of getting crushed in 2020 to get something done on the border before the election.  For their part, knee jerk reactionary Dopes continue to sue PDJT at the drop of a hat for defending the southern border. 

Advantage PDJT in Nov, 2020.

Affirmative action is dead
Affirmative action is out. College “adversity score” is in.  Change small dog to puppy. Change happy to glad.  Change poor to deprived etc etc.   The real BS in the proposed system is that the student never knows what his “adversity score” is.  So the swells get to assign points to reach the desired outcome.  The end result will be that talented Asian kids will be discriminated against to accommodate far less qualified applicants who can be anything as long as they are not white males.

Today’s JG rant
RE: Tom Hayhurst’s letter “Medicare expansion best for health care,” of May 17. 2019
The “gradual expansion of Medicare” is like slowly turning up the heat on a lobster.  He doesn’t know what’s happening until it’s too late, and he’s cooked.  Government control of the entire national healthcare system is huge step toward a socialist form of government.  Tread carefully America. The heat is being turned up ever so gradually.

Seems to me that if the problem we want to address is 10 million or so “uninsured,” we should focus on policies that address that particular problem rather than turning America’s healthcare system – the envy of the world – on its head…again.

The “uninsured” are not necessarily poor.  Many of the “uninsured” simply choose not to buy health insurance, because they believe are healthy and do not need it or are happy to let suckers who pay for insurance pay for them as well. Once that portion is stripped out, how many uninsured are we talking about?  Wouldn’t it be cheaper and more efficient to address that portion of the population than to wreck the private healthcare system and insurers for a one size fits all government run exorbitantly expensive system with all of the efficiencies of Amtrak and all the compassion of the BMV?    

Medicare expansion best for health care
I read with interest the April 7 piece regarding health care costs written by my medical colleague, Dr. Bill Cast. He suggests specific ways to control hospital costs, including limiting hospital mergers.
Several of his ideas make sense. However, the problem is that attempting to reform our health care system by only tackling hospital mergers and acquisitions is like trimming the toenails of a rogue elephant and hoping that it will behave better.
What we need now is what raises quality and controls costs in every other developed country – a gradual expansion of Medicare to include every U.S. citizen including the millions who currently have no health insurance.
Tom Hayhurst
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Adversity score? Lower the standards and ignore the results as Lex has said in the past. First, screw up college acceptance criteria to the point it cannot be explained. Get sued. Water down the significance of SAT tests. Stir in bias and prejudice with eye of newt. Subtract one point per felony. Divide the total by a number from a random number generator. Etc. Now the SAT test will be compromised.