Monday, August 05, 2019

How to deal with mass shootings? Simple answer, arm yourself.

Thoughts on mass shootings in 2019 in no particular order

UPDATE:  Calls for bringing congress back into session are foolish.  Knee jerk reactions to tragedy will result in bad law.

I don’t need a 100 round magazine.  Can’t imagine why anyone else does.  Too heavy to aim accurately – right?

If no reasonable purpose for them can be identified, do away with them.

Immediate and universal background checks.  Sure, why not?  We can do a credit card scan in minutes.  We should be able to do the same with background checks.  Dopes don’t want to.  They prefer the three day waiting period.

Semi-automatic weapons have been around forever.  Mass shooting of these magnitudes have not.  What’s changed?

Why does the left insist on looking at the tool rather root causes?

Was the VA TECH shooter a white nationalist?  No. I believe he was of Asian descent.

Did the VA Tech shooter use an “assault rifle”?  No.  I believe he used two semi-automatic pistols.

Was the Dallas BLM shooter a white nationalist?  No.  I believe he was black.

Was the guy who shot up the Republican baseball practice a white nationalist?  No.  I believe he was Loony Lefty Lib supporting socialist Bennie Sanders.

Was the guy who fire bombed the ICE Detention Center while carrying an AR-15 a white nationalist?  No.  I believe another Loony Lefty Lib.

Was the Dayton shooter a white nationalist?   No.  I believe he has ties to the Fauxcahontas Campaign.

Was the Texas shooter a white nationalist?  It appears that he was New Green Deal Democrat white nationalist – an odd combination.

Does charging a guy who has 20 capital murder charges pending against him with a hate crime make much sense?

Should we take the “manifesto” of a madman seriously?  No.  I don’t think so.  Why?  The guy is clearly nuts.  Should we begin to take crazy people’s demands seriously?  If so, I demand a Bugatti, now!

Can Democrats set aside their made to order decade’s old talking points and take a more holistic approach to gun safety, including teaching gun safety in schools?

Are red flag laws workable?  No.  With their Russian collusion BS, Democrats have destroyed any confidence Americans once had in their government – including the once great FBI.

Could the price be coming due for kicking God out of the public square while inviting in every form of deviancies?  Maybe.

Is it all PDJT’s fault?  No.  Demo-Dopes could fix the border today.  If they do not, they are hypocrites of the highest order.  

Can the go to position of one political party in the US be to call everyone and anyone who disagrees with them a racist without it becoming a self-fulling prophecy to some loser at some point?  “I was not a racist, but if you insist that I am, then I’ll show you racism.”

Bottom line:  If Jesus came back this afternoon to help us with this problem, here’s what I think He might point out:  How can you desensitize the young to every form of depravity for the last 30 years through your “entertainment”, “games”, music, language, social media, sports, art, to the point of embracing infanticide – everything – while at the same time lampooning everything thing that is good as “old fashion”, out of touch, racist and worthless and not expect that this might happen?

My guess is that these shootings have more to do with social conditions and mental health rather than the availability of guns.

Today’s JG rants

Re: Kevin Krajewski’s letter, “Our suffering prolonged as facts come to light,” of Aug 4, 2019

I’m wondering if Krajewski saw the Mueller hearings or read any stories describing them.  Robert Mueller’s appearance before congress, by all accounts, had the beleaguered and confused ex-FBI Director looking like Homer Simpson trying to explain light speed to a physics professor. It was sad.

Far from speaking “of the basic truths his two-year investigation had found,” when Mueller confessed that he wasn’t familiar with Fusion GPS, he proved it wasn’t “his” investigation and that he had to have been totally clueless throughout the process.

Mueller’s integrity?  Men with integrity don’t put innocent men jail and then keep them there for decades because they might embarrass the FBI – Mueller did.

The only things Democrats “succeeded” at with these hearings was to demonstrate that Mueller was never up to the task and as a result proved that the entire report bearing his name is a fraud.

Our suffering prolonged as facts come to light
The American people witnessed both a significant and tragic turn of events in Washington, D.C., on July 24.
For on that day an honorable man stood before two congressional panels and spoke of the basic truths his two-year investigation had found.
To be certain, the Democratic approach to his testimony was to deal in terms of the facts discovered during the course of the investigation; whereas, in large part, Republican members, tasked with defending the president, dealt in large part with question of process.
Throughout all of it, Robert Mueller displayed the integrity and honor that have stood as hallmarks of the career of a dedicated public servant.
Though reluctantly stepping forth for public testimony, the former FBI director and special counsel faithfully carried out his solemn obligation before members of Congress and ultimately kept faith with the American people.
What is sad and tragic about this matter is that the American people – far removed from the history of Watergate, and jaded and desensitized by subsequent decades of political scandal – are now largely complacent and indifferent to the constitutional and institutional challenges born of the Mueller investigation.
The Democrats in large part succeeded in bringing forth facts surrounding obstruction, and Republicans greatly accomplished the task of defending the indefensible amid public discussion of the facts.
In the wake of this, a nation, in homage to its Constitution and the cherished institutions born and framed from within, shall now continue to suffer.
Kevin Krajewski
Fort Wayne

Re: Curtis J. Ransom’s letter, “Trump's performance making plenty unhappy” of Aug 5, 2019

I won’t infer that Curtis j. Ransom is a delusional liar.  No, that’s way too harsh – even if it happens to be true.  Rather I suspect Ransom is an uninformed ignorant fool. 

First, PDJT NEVER told or even asked anyone to leave America.  PDJT asked a question, rhetorically I believe, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.” 

If one does a search of PDJT’s tweet to “the squad” one is likely as not get to a couple of dozen pages of headlines that read something like, “Trump tells liberal congresswomen to leave…” It is not true.  It is fake news, but since it fits the Loony Lefty Lib agenda Ransom doesn’t bother to read past the headline. 

What makes it a bit harder to believe that Ransom isn’t a delusional liar is his effort to transfer any of PDJT’s economic success to Obama.  It’s a nice try and possibly the only play available to Loony Lefty Libs at this point to explain the Trump economic boom, but it is on the face of it a pathetic play.

Last, and this may be the proof positive that Ransom is in fact a delusional liar, after nearly three years of trying to hang a crime – any crime - on PDJT the deep state silent coupe has failed miserably.  Yet the Loony Lefty Libs continue to insist that it is PSJT who does not respect the constitution. 

When the DOJ IG and US Attorney John Durham’s reports on Russian collusion are released, the truth of who are the lawless ones will be laid bare.  Ransom, no doubt, will stick his head deep into the sand to avoid the truth.

Trump's performance making plenty unhappy
Now Donald Trump is telling people who are unhappy here in America to leave America.
Trump advisers are telling him to focus on the stock market and jobs numbers. Barack Obama had to deal with the financial crisis. The stock market and jobs numbers are an extension of the outstanding performance of Obama to avoid a worldwide financial crisis.
Trump is trying to take full credit for the stock market and jobs numbers, even though he had absolutely nothing to do with avoiding what would have been a total disaster here in America.
Trump has no respect for our Constitution. No respect for our laws. No respect for our courts. No respect for our Congress. No respect for our political system. And clearly no respect for the office he holds. That's sad.
Trump claims there was no collusion. No obstruction of justice. Recently he told different members of his administration that they were not to appear before any of these House investigating committees. I don't know if that is “obstruction of justice,” but it's obstruction of something.
The question is who is supposed to leave the country – the people who are unhappy here or the people who are making them unhappy?
I still am against impeachment. But I must admit that I thought he should have been removed from office when he passed the 10,000-lie mark.
Curtis J. Ransom

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