Thursday, August 01, 2019

Slow Joe Biden hangs on due to fractured Loony Left Libs splitting the LLL vote ten ways

Alert the media.  Notify the White House.  Call the UN.  Lex was wrong about Slow Joe Biden.  It’s the first time Lex has been wrong since the 60s when he thought he was wrong, but it turned out he was right.

Lex opined that Slow Joe’s best day on the campaign trail would be the day he announced, then it’d be all downhill from there for the incompetent boob.  Slow Joe has benefited from a wide field of loony left extremists fracturing the vote much as the 17 Republican “standard candidates” made Trump the nominee. The difference is that PDJT took politically unpopular positions that turned out to be popular positions among mainstream.  Slow Joe has been pushed into taking foolish positions popular among the rabid Dope primary voters - the Green New Deal, free everything, and open borders – that don’t much appeal Joe six pack and Mary white wine spritzer among mainstream voters.

So if at least 2-3 of the Lefty Loon Libs hang on until the end, Slow Joe may limp into the nomination.  It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the first primaries roll around.  Will Lefty Loon Lib turn out in enough numbers to where splitting the LLL vote will be enough to kill off ol’ Slow Joe.  If not will they turn out in the general election.

 That’s enough.  Figure the rest out on your own.  Chemo’s getting the best of me now.

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