Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The incredibly awesome RGB and Andrew Luck

Whatever else you think about the incredible Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she’s tougher than an iron railroad spike.  She’s a 10 year survivor of pancreatic cancer.  She recently underwent surgery for lung cancer and most recently, at the age of 86, took radiation treatments for a relapse of her pancreatic cancer.  She has remained on the bench of the Supreme Court through it all.  For cancer people, she’s an inspiration.

Now take the case of Andrew Luck, the Indianapolis Colts quarterback who is hanging it up at age 29. Luck’s case can be best summed up by the Griffin’s observation that the Colts bought an elite quarterback for 100 million dollars then they spent 50 bucks on an offensive line to protect their investment. 

So how do we explain RBG hanging in there with all of her life threatening problems at age 86 and Luck hanging it up at age 29 due nagging injuries, constant pain and mental anguish?  Well first off, RGB doesn’t have to worry about other justices and interns blind siding her and driving her face into the carpeted hall of the Supreme Court 40-50 times a year.  Sadly that’s was the prospect facing Luck for another season.

Luck’s future was another season of running for his life while trying to carry the Colt offense on his back.  My old high school football coach would sum up Luck’s career like this, “He’s hell when he’s well, but he’s always sick.”  Had he continued, Luck would become the league’s next Tony Romo an elite quarterback prone to injury.

Luck did the Colts a favor by retiring. He gets to keep his money – well deserved in my opinion - but he clears cap money and a spot on the roster by retiring. I cannot believe sunshine Colt fans booed the man.  Nary could a one of them, I’ll wager, last a set of downs in the league. Nor could they tolerate for 10 seconds the constant pain Luck has endured for years.  So to booing Colts fans, go to hell you ungrateful bastards.

My hope is that Luck rehabs over the next year or so and returns to the Colts to throw 50 TD passes, and he stops mid-field to give the fans at Lucas Oil field the finger after every one of them. He’s way too classy to do that, but it’d be gold if he did.            

God bless RGB and Andrew Luck.

Today’s JG rant
One annoying thing about liberals, among many, is that, while they are often the loudest critics on subjects like guns, they know so little about them.  Take Shirley Glade’s letter “Guns rarely stop guns” of Aug 27, 2019.  Glade asks, “why are there minimal reports of anyone in an open-carry gun state managing to take down a mass shooter in action?”

A 2014 FBI study found that 3% of mass shooting since 2000 were stopped by armed citizens.  Other studies put the figure closer to 10%.  Given the corrupt nature of the leftist leadership at FBI, we can be certain be that the 3% figure is artificially low.

So why the low 3-10% figure?  Well first off consider that to qualify as a “mass shootings” 4 or more people need to be killed.  The term does not take into account cases where a potential shooter is deterred or stopped by the presence of an armed citizen before the requisite 4 people are killed to qualify as a mass shooting.

Next, consider where the shootings take place.  Most mass shootings target areas where woke virtue signaling fools publicly announce as “gun free zones.”  Instead of placing a placard in the window of their workplace that declares, “This establishment is protected by armed security,” these boneheads tell every lunatic in the neighborhood that no one in their restaurant, bar, workplace, theater, school etc, is allowed to protect themselves from armed assault.  It makes them an easy target.

Next, carrying weapon concealed or open remains a choice.  In all of my days in Ft. Wayne, I’ve seen an open carry exactly one time. 

One thing is assuredly true, more guns equals less crime.  Statistics Professor John Lott wrote a book on the subject.  FBI crime reports show a steady decline in violent crime since 2007 as the sales of guns – including the dreaded “assault rifle” that no leftist can or wants to define – increases.

Last the AK and AR type rifles have been around for more than 40 years.  According to the FBI, mass shooting began to spike in 2000.  That’s the real question.  What has happened since the year 2000 that has led to the spike in mass shootings?  Hint, it’s not the guns.

Guns rarely stop guns
If, as Eric J. Hinkle (Letters, Aug. 17) argues, “It's OK to let guns stop guns,” why are there minimal reports of anyone in an open-carry gun state managing to take down a mass shooter in action?
Shirley Glade
North Manchester

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