Friday, November 08, 2019

If you use the public roadways, Chief windbag Lizzy Warren can come take your wealth

Happy 244th to the USMC on Sunday Nov 10th.  OoooRah!!

Big Chief windbag Lizzy Warren holds rally at Century Chevy 

Every time I see Chief windbag Lizzy Warren she reminds of one of those dancing windbags you see at auto dealerships.  Tall, skinny, windbag, flailing about with no discernable purpose – change my mind.

Heap Big Chief Lizzy lies a lot Warren keeps telling successful people that the “have to chip in a little more” – as if we’re high schoolers trying to scratch together enough money to buy a pizza. Heap Big Chief air inflated wind dancer Warren says that taking a $100,000,000,000 from Bill Gates is okay because Gates used public facilities to create and build his empire.  So did I, but Gates somehow ended up a great deal richer than I did.  WTF?

So let’s recap.  He used the roads.  I used the roads.  He’s filthy rich.  Hmm, I got screwed, I guess. I need revenge.  I will vote Warren.  Bwahahahahah.

If using the public highways is justification for the government to come and confiscate your wealth, who’s safe?  When Chief weasel Warren figures out that even if she confiscates every penny from the rich and still does not have enough money to fund her fantasy programs, who do you think she will come after next?  If you agree with Warren that the rich should pay more because they used the publicly funded roads, what’s your defense going to be when the idiot asks you to “chip in a little more”?  Uh well you know I drive a hover craft and never use the public roads – BS.  You’re toast.

Do not fall for this line of sh*t.  Rich people are rich because, unless you got rich being the worthless drug addicted offspring of an idiot Dope politician, they are smarter, savvier, work harder have more talent etc.  Fear not!  The rich are what makes this experiment in capitalism work.  They hire people and pay them a lot of money.  That increases the tax base.  That allows more roads to be built.

So Chief gasbag Warren wants to punish the very people who drive the economy and contribute the most to publicly funded projects she uses to bludgeon the rich.  You are one smart cookie, Homer.

How is PDJT like climate change – to the left it can explain everything

When it’s hot, it’s climate change.  When it’s cold, it’s climate change.  When it rains, it’s climate change.  When it doesn’t rain, it’s climate change.  When hurricanes come, it’s climate change.  When hurricanes subside, it’s climate change – and on, and on, and on.  

All of the above can be blamed on PDJT as well as anything that occurs round the world.  ISI lives, it’s Trump’s fault.  ISIS dies, Trump is destabilizing the Middle East.  Trump funds the Kurds, he’s a war monger.  Trump withdraws troop from Syria, Trump is stabbing our “allies” in the back.  Trump is a racist. Black unemployment is at an all-time low, Trump is still a racists.  Trump is a racist.  Hispanic unemployment is at an all-time low, Trump is still a racist*.  America is in decline.  Under Trump America is energy independent.  America is in decline.  America has all-time stock market highs.  America is in decline.  America military is rebuilt and best by far.  America is still in decline.

*NOTE:  Seems to me PDJT needs some lessons on being a racist.

Well you get the point.

Here we go again
The Dope motto:  Fool me once shame on you.  Fool me 100 times, I’m an idiot.

Since the fake news story that PDJT removed the bust of MLK from the Oval Office, the Dopes are on conspiracy theory 1,000 that will bring down PDJT. Yet, they soldier on.

Here’s two letters that appeared in the local fish wrap this morning.

A disturbing worldview
What bizzaro world does Rep. Jim Banks live in? When a president extorts a foreign government to influence a U.S. election, withholding congressionally approved (taxpayer) funding to provide security assistance in Ukraine's fight against the Russians, and thus attempts to buy an election using taxpayer funds, Congressman Banks refers to this as “nothing.”
Jerry Van Buskirk
Fort Wayne
Let's get to the truth of this national crisis
If someone came to your door and said “Your child has been hit by a car,” what would you do first?
Would you call 911 then run to the scene of the accident to investigate? Or would you spend precious minutes challenging the person who came to your door? Even if you didn't like or trust the person, would you ignore the information they were offering?
There is mounting evidence that the president's actions have endangered our national security and continue to do so. Can we agree on the need to investigate, immediately and thoroughly? If there is evidence that none of this is true, we will all be relieved to learn that.
If our country is truly in danger, the sooner we can acknowledge the truth of the situation, the sooner we can take steps to fix it.
Helen Frost Thompson
Fort Wayne
Ft. Wayne’s army of Wile E. Coyote letter writers are at again.  They have laid on a fresh supply of Acme anvils, rocket roller skates and dynamite.  This time they’ve got him – PDJT - for sure.

Take Jerry Van Buskirk’s letter “A disturbing world view” and Helen Frost Thompson’s letter “Let’s get to the truth of this national crisis” of Nov 8, 2019.  Both actually believe the exact same sources that have mislead on the facts since PDJT’s inauguration on the current Ukraine kafuffle. Read the transcript.

First, and this is very important, if the US isn’t getting a quid pro quo for our expenditures in places like Ukraine, we’re idiots.  Of course we should expect a quid for our quo. 

The thing is that the quid should not redound exclusively to the benefit of a certain politicians.  Their was no quid pro quo in the Ukraine phone call because the Ukraine president didn’t know that military aide - the quo – was being withheld for the supposed quid of the Ukraine investigating Joe Biden.

Here’s the thread the entire Dope case hangs by:  "(Then-Vice President Joe) Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution, so if you can look into it. ... It sounds horrible to me."  That statement is 100% true.  It is on tape.

Now if I happen to now that Biden’s no talent drug addicted son, Hunter, was hired by a Russian oligarch to sit on the board of Barisma for $83,000 a month, my Spidey senses my begin to tingle.  If I knew that the prosecutor Biden got fired was investigating the Russian oligarch, Barisma and Biden’s son I might think, “Withholding a billion dollars to get a prosecutor looking into one’s no talent son’s position on a board he has no background for - hey that’s extortion!”  I’d be right.  

Warning:  We know how this story ends.  The anvils are all going to fall on your own heads.  The rocket skates are going to propel you off a high cliff.  The dynamite is all going to blow up in your own faces.  It’s going to be fun to watch.

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