Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Let the Schi(t)ff show begin

The bug eyed pencil necked Adam shifty Schi(t)FF show starts today.  It’ll be a good day for Turner Classic Movies.  I do not know what Dopes hope to accomplish with this staged as any Broadway show farce.  The question every Dope needs to made to answer. “Is there a snowball’s chance in hell that the senate is going to vote to convict?” The answer to that question is, “No.”  “So WTF are you doing?”  “Well, we found our man.  Now we need to find a crime to charge him with.  Stalin was brilliant guy.  We’re just following through with his most excellent ideas for how to treat political enemies of the kolective.”     

Schi(t)ff has warned Republicans not bring up Blower Eric Ciaramella’s name.  That translates to me as first question:  “Do you know Eric Ciaramella?”  “No.”  “You’ve never heard of a CIA deep state hack named Eric Ciaramella?”  “No.”  “You’ve never heard of the Eric Ciaramella who is allegedly illegally profiting off of a gofundme page to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars?” “No.”  “You’ve never heard of the Eric Ciaramella who is a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia ‘collusion’ investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election?” “No.”  You’ve never heard of the Eric Ciaramella that colluded with chairman Schi(t)ff to stage this farce?”  And on, and on, and on.

Aside: I’d heard that Facebook was scrubbing any mention of Eric Ciaramella’s name.  So I did something I rarely do.  I posted to facebook, “Eric Ciaramella is the blower.  I heard that facebook was removing all posts with Eric Ciaramella’s name.  I just want to see if that is true and how long it takes for them to remove this post.”  Well, I don’t know how long it took for facebook to remove the post, but remove it they did. 

Our best hope today is that the Dopes act like the insufferable, arrogant, overreaching azzbags we know them to be.  Nothing is worse for the Dope Party than a Dope pols acting like Dope pols.

It’ll be fun to flip over to CNN and PMSNBC to see their meltdown when the pre-staged Dope witnesses make their BS accusations.  “Oh my.  That’s clearly bribery.  PDJT is done.  Not even the most ardent Republican senator has to see this as an impeachable offense.”

And they may be right.  Never underestimate the ability of Rat establishment Republicans to act like rats.  Remember, there’s Peter Derelicto et al.  NC Republican Senator Richard* Burr indicates that a senate trial could last 6-8 weeks. What?!! It should be dismissed right after Schi(t)ff and Eric Ciaramellaa are forced to testify.  That’s about two days in.
*Note:  Why are so many dicks named Richard?

When Republicans demonstrate the uneven procedural points of the impeachment show, all of which fly in the face of centuries of western common law because every one of them screws the defendant, the MSM will rush to the Dopes’ defense.  “This is not a trail!!! This is impeachment!! The rules for trials do not apply!!!”  That may be true, but the American people have a sixth sense for fairness.  So run with that, “It’s totally not fair, but that’s okay because it’s not a real trail.”  That will not fly with fair-minded people. 

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